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Thanks for your interest in PaperTrail!

Ask usage questions on Stack Overflow:

Please do not use github issues to ask usage questions.

On github, we appreciate bug reports, feature suggestions, and pull requests.

Reporting Bugs

Please use our bug report template.

Reporting Security Vulnerabilities

Please email,

We will respond as soon as we can. Thank you for responsibly disclosing security vulnerabilities.


Install gems with bundle exec appraisal install.

Testing is a little awkward because the test suite:

  1. Supports multiple versions of rails
  2. Contains a "dummy" rails app with three databases (test, foo, and bar)
  3. Supports three different RDBMS': sqlite, mysql, and postgres

Test sqlite, AR 4

DB=sqlite bundle exec appraisal ar-4.2 rake

# Run a single test
DB=sqlite bundle exec appraisal ar-4.2 rspec spec/paper_trail_spec.rb

Test sqlite, AR 5

DB=sqlite bundle exec appraisal ar-5.2 rake

Test mysql, AR 5

DB=mysql bundle exec appraisal ar-5.2 rake

Test postgres, AR 5

createuser --superuser postgres
DB=postgres bundle exec appraisal ar-5.2 rake

Adding new schema

Edit spec/dummy_app/db/migrate/20110208155312_set_up_test_tables.rb. Migration will be performed by spec_helper.rb, so you can just run rake as shown above. Also, spec/dummy_app/db/schema.rb is deliberately .gitignored, we don't use it.


Generate the Table of Contents

yarn global add markdown-toc
markdown-toc -i --maxdepth 3 --bullets='-'


  1. Set the version in lib/paper_trail/version_number.rb
  2. In the changelog,
  • Replace "Unreleased" with the date in iso-8601 format
  • Add a new "Unreleased" section
  1. In the readme, update references to version number, including
  • documentation links table
  • compatability table (major versions only)
  1. Commit
  2. git push origin 5-stable # or whatever branch
  3. Wait for CI to pass
  4. gem build paper_trail.gemspec
  5. gem push paper_trail-5.0.0.gem
  6. git tag -a -m "v5.0.0" "v5.0.0" # or whatever number
  7. git push --tags origin