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# frozen_string_literal: true
require "active_support/core_ext/array/conversions"
require "active_support/core_ext/module/delegation"
require "active_support/core_ext/object/acts_like"
require "active_support/core_ext/string/filters"
module ActiveSupport
# Provides accurate date and time measurements using Date#advance and
2010-07-23 16:22:17 -04:00
# Time#advance, respectively. It mainly supports the methods on Numeric.
2012-09-17 01:22:18 -04:00
# 1.month.ago # equivalent to Time.now.advance(months: -1)
class Duration
class Scalar < Numeric #:nodoc:
attr_reader :value
delegate :to_i, :to_f, :to_s, to: :value
def initialize(value)
@value = value
def coerce(other)
[Scalar.new(other), self]
def -@
def <=>(other)
if Scalar === other || Duration === other
value <=> other.value
elsif Numeric === other
value <=> other
def +(other)
if Duration === other
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
seconds = value + other.parts.fetch(:seconds, 0)
new_parts = other.parts.merge(seconds: seconds)
new_value = value + other.value
Duration.new(new_value, new_parts)
calculate(:+, other)
def -(other)
if Duration === other
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
seconds = value - other.parts.fetch(:seconds, 0)
new_parts = other.parts.transform_values(&:-@)
new_parts = new_parts.merge(seconds: seconds)
new_value = value - other.value
Duration.new(new_value, new_parts)
calculate(:-, other)
def *(other)
if Duration === other
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
new_parts = other.parts.transform_values { |other_value| value * other_value }
new_value = value * other.value
Duration.new(new_value, new_parts)
calculate(:*, other)
def /(other)
if Duration === other
value / other.value
calculate(:/, other)
def %(other)
if Duration === other
Duration.build(value % other.value)
calculate(:%, other)
def calculate(op, other)
if Scalar === other
Scalar.new(value.public_send(op, other.value))
elsif Numeric === other
Scalar.new(value.public_send(op, other))
def raise_type_error(other)
raise TypeError, "no implicit conversion of #{other.class} into #{self.class}"
SECONDS_PER_MONTH = 2629746 # 1/12 of a gregorian year
SECONDS_PER_YEAR = 31556952 # length of a gregorian year (365.2425 days)
seconds: 1,
PARTS = [:years, :months, :weeks, :days, :hours, :minutes, :seconds].freeze
attr_accessor :value, :parts
autoload :ISO8601Parser, "active_support/duration/iso8601_parser"
autoload :ISO8601Serializer, "active_support/duration/iso8601_serializer"
class << self
# Creates a new Duration from string formatted according to ISO 8601 Duration.
# See {ISO 8601}[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations] for more information.
# This method allows negative parts to be present in pattern.
# If invalid string is provided, it will raise +ActiveSupport::Duration::ISO8601Parser::ParsingError+.
def parse(iso8601duration)
parts = ISO8601Parser.new(iso8601duration).parse!
new(calculate_total_seconds(parts), parts)
def ===(other) #:nodoc:
rescue ::NoMethodError
def seconds(value) #:nodoc:
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
new(value, seconds: value)
def minutes(value) #:nodoc:
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
new(value * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE, minutes: value)
def hours(value) #:nodoc:
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
new(value * SECONDS_PER_HOUR, hours: value)
def days(value) #:nodoc:
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
new(value * SECONDS_PER_DAY, days: value)
def weeks(value) #:nodoc:
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
new(value * SECONDS_PER_WEEK, weeks: value)
def months(value) #:nodoc:
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
new(value * SECONDS_PER_MONTH, months: value)
def years(value) #:nodoc:
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
new(value * SECONDS_PER_YEAR, years: value)
# Creates a new Duration from a seconds value that is converted
# to the individual parts:
# ActiveSupport::Duration.build(31556952).parts # => {:years=>1}
# ActiveSupport::Duration.build(2716146).parts # => {:months=>1, :days=>1}
def build(value)
unless value.is_a?(::Numeric)
raise TypeError, "can't build an #{self.name} from a #{value.class.name}"
parts = {}
remainder = value.round(9)
PARTS.each do |part|
unless part == :seconds
part_in_seconds = PARTS_IN_SECONDS[part]
parts[part] = remainder.div(part_in_seconds)
remainder %= part_in_seconds
end unless value == 0
parts[:seconds] = remainder
new(value, parts)
def calculate_total_seconds(parts)
parts.inject(0) do |total, (part, value)|
total + value * PARTS_IN_SECONDS[part]
def initialize(value, parts) #:nodoc:
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
@value, @parts = value, parts
@parts.reject! { |k, v| v.zero? } unless value == 0
def coerce(other) #:nodoc:
case other
when Scalar
[other, self]
when Duration
[Scalar.new(other.value), self]
[Scalar.new(other), self]
# Compares one Duration with another or a Numeric to this Duration.
# Numeric values are treated as seconds.
def <=>(other)
if Duration === other
value <=> other.value
elsif Numeric === other
value <=> other
# Adds another Duration or a Numeric to this Duration. Numeric values
# are treated as seconds.
def +(other)
if Duration === other
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
parts = @parts.merge(other.parts) do |_key, value, other_value|
value + other_value
Duration.new(value + other.value, parts)
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
seconds = @parts.fetch(:seconds, 0) + other
Duration.new(value + other, @parts.merge(seconds: seconds))
# Subtracts another Duration or a Numeric from this Duration. Numeric
# values are treated as seconds.
def -(other)
self + (-other)
# Multiplies this Duration by a Numeric and returns a new Duration.
def *(other)
if Scalar === other || Duration === other
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
Duration.new(value * other.value, parts.transform_values { |number| number * other.value })
elsif Numeric === other
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
Duration.new(value * other, parts.transform_values { |number| number * other })
2017-03-03 08:50:48 -05:00
# Divides this Duration by a Numeric and returns a new Duration.
def /(other)
if Scalar === other
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
Duration.new(value / other.value, parts.transform_values { |number| number / other.value })
elsif Duration === other
value / other.value
elsif Numeric === other
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
Duration.new(value / other, parts.transform_values { |number| number / other })
# Returns the modulo of this Duration by another Duration or Numeric.
# Numeric values are treated as seconds.
def %(other)
if Duration === other || Scalar === other
Duration.build(value % other.value)
elsif Numeric === other
Duration.build(value % other)
def -@ #:nodoc:
Improve `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance about 25% ~ 50% `ActiveSupport::Duration` expects `parts` as a Hash in the internal, but sometimes that is passed as nested array. (e.g. `parts.map { |type, number| [type, number * other] }`) By avoiding the extra array allocation, it makes `ActiveSupport::Duration` performance faster about 25% ~ 50%. ```ruby Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("4.seconds + 2.seconds") { 4.seconds + 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds - 2.seconds") { 4.seconds - 2.seconds } x.report("4.seconds * 2") { 4.seconds * 2 } x.report("4.seconds / 2") { 4.seconds / 2 } end ``` Before (e36d4a03): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 27.515k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 20.783k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 40.286k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 41.717k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 299.133k (±13.4%) i/s - 1.486M in 5.053953s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 222.476k (± 9.8%) i/s - 1.122M in 5.088532s 4.seconds * 2 479.650k (±10.5%) i/s - 2.377M in 5.008644s 4.seconds / 2 473.768k (±11.3%) i/s - 2.378M in 5.082413s ``` After (this change): ``` Warming up -------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 35.856k i/100ms 4.seconds - 2.seconds 28.657k i/100ms 4.seconds * 2 51.744k i/100ms 4.seconds / 2 51.417k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- 4.seconds + 2.seconds 445.972k (±21.6%) i/s - 2.080M in 5.018570s 4.seconds - 2.seconds 317.972k (±18.2%) i/s - 1.519M in 5.006564s 4.seconds * 2 608.695k (±12.8%) i/s - 3.001M in 5.014321s 4.seconds / 2 611.488k (±12.0%) i/s - 3.034M in 5.035211s ```
2019-12-20 03:06:03 -05:00
Duration.new(-value, parts.transform_values(&:-@))
def +@ #:nodoc:
def is_a?(klass) #:nodoc:
Duration == klass || value.is_a?(klass)
alias :kind_of? :is_a?
def instance_of?(klass) # :nodoc:
Duration == klass || value.instance_of?(klass)
2012-09-17 01:22:18 -04:00
# Returns +true+ if +other+ is also a Duration instance with the
# same +value+, or if <tt>other == value</tt>.
def ==(other)
if Duration === other
other.value == value
other == value
# Returns the amount of seconds a duration covers as a string.
# For more information check to_i method.
# 1.day.to_s # => "86400"
def to_s
# Returns the number of seconds that this Duration represents.
# 1.minute.to_i # => 60
# 1.hour.to_i # => 3600
# 1.day.to_i # => 86400
# Note that this conversion makes some assumptions about the
# duration of some periods, e.g. months are always 1/12 of year
# and years are 365.2425 days:
# # equivalent to (1.year / 12).to_i
# 1.month.to_i # => 2629746
# # equivalent to 365.2425.days.to_i
# 1.year.to_i # => 31556952
# In such cases, Ruby's core
2019-10-02 05:54:57 -04:00
# Date[https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/date/rdoc/Date.html] and
# Time[https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/time/rdoc/Time.html] should be used for precision
# date and time arithmetic.
def to_i
alias :to_seconds :to_i
# Returns the amount of minutes a duration covers as a float
# 1.day.to_minutes # => 1440.0
def to_minutes
to_seconds / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE.to_f
# Returns the amount of hours a duration covers as a float
# 1.day.to_hours # => 24.0
def to_hours
to_seconds / SECONDS_PER_HOUR.to_f
# Returns the amount of days a duration covers as a float
# 12.hours.to_days # => 0.5
def to_days
to_seconds / SECONDS_PER_DAY.to_f
# Returns the amount of weeks a duration covers as a float
# 2.months.to_weeks # => 8.696
def to_weeks
to_seconds / SECONDS_PER_WEEK.to_f
# Returns the amount of months a duration covers as a float
# 9.weeks.to_months # => 2.07
def to_months
to_seconds / SECONDS_PER_MONTH.to_f
# Returns the amount of years a duration covers as a float
# 30.days.to_years # => 0.082
def to_years
to_seconds / SECONDS_PER_YEAR.to_f
# Returns +true+ if +other+ is also a Duration instance, which has the
# same parts as this one.
def eql?(other)
Duration === other && other.value.eql?(value)
2014-10-03 05:53:54 -04:00
def hash
# Calculates a new Time or Date that is as far in the future
# as this Duration represents.
def since(time = ::Time.current)
sum(1, time)
alias :from_now :since
alias :after :since
# Calculates a new Time or Date that is as far in the past
# as this Duration represents.
def ago(time = ::Time.current)
sum(-1, time)
alias :until :ago
alias :before :ago
def inspect #:nodoc:
return "#{value} seconds" if parts.empty?
2017-12-13 03:16:46 -05:00
sort_by { |unit, _ | PARTS.index(unit) }.
map { |unit, val| "#{val} #{val == 1 ? unit.to_s.chop : unit.to_s}" }.
to_sentence(locale: ::I18n.default_locale)
2010-12-29 17:20:14 -05:00
def as_json(options = nil) #:nodoc:
def init_with(coder) #:nodoc:
initialize(coder["value"], coder["parts"])
def encode_with(coder) #:nodoc:
coder.map = { "value" => @value, "parts" => @parts }
# Build ISO 8601 Duration string for this duration.
# The +precision+ parameter can be used to limit seconds' precision of duration.
def iso8601(precision: nil)
ISO8601Serializer.new(self, precision: precision).serialize
def sum(sign, time = ::Time.current)
unless time.acts_like?(:time) || time.acts_like?(:date)
raise ::ArgumentError, "expected a time or date, got #{time.inspect}"
if parts.empty?
time.since(sign * value)
parts.inject(time) do |t, (type, number)|
if type == :seconds
t.since(sign * number)
elsif type == :minutes
t.since(sign * number * 60)
elsif type == :hours
t.since(sign * number * 3600)
t.advance(type => sign * number)
def respond_to_missing?(method, _)
2016-12-23 21:33:04 -05:00
def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
value.public_send(method, *args, &block)
def raise_type_error(other)
raise TypeError, "no implicit conversion of #{other.class} into #{self.class}"