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  • Add more detailed description to job generator.

    Gannon McGibbon

  • perform.active_job notification payloads now include :db_runtime, which is the total time (in ms) taken by database queries while performing a job. This value can be used to better understand how a job's time is spent.

    Jonathan Hefner

  • Update ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::QueAdapter te remove deprecation warning

    Remove a deprecation warning introduced in que 1.2 to prepare for changes in que 2.0 necessary for Ruby 3 compatibility.

    Damir Zekic and Adis Hasovic

  • Add missing bigdecimal require in ActiveJob::Arguments

    Could cause uninitialized constant ActiveJob::Arguments::BigDecimal (NameError) when loading Active Job in isolation.

    Jean Boussier

  • Allow testing discard_on/retry_on ActiveJob::DeserializationError

    Previously in perform_enqueued_jobs, deserialize_arguments_if_needed was called before calling perform_now. When a record no longer exists and is serialized using GlobalID this led to raising an ActiveJob::DeserializationError before reaching perform_now call. This behavior makes difficult testing the job discard_on/retry_on logic.

    Now deserialize_arguments_if_needed call is postponed to when perform_now is called.


    class UpdateUserJob < ActiveJob::Base
      discard_on ActiveJob::DeserializationError
      def perform(user)
        # ...
    # In the test
    assert_nothing_raised do
      perform_enqueued_jobs only: UpdateUserJob

    Jacopo Beschi

Please check 7-0-stable for previous changes.