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Mark J. Titorenko 8212dfcf14 Do nothing when the same block is included again.
If the same block is included multiple times, we no longer raise an exception
or overwrite the included block instance variable.

Fixes #14802.

[Mark J. Titorenko + Vlad Bokov]
2018-11-29 18:37:06 +00:00

296 lines
8.7 KiB

* If the same block is `included` multiple times for a Concern, an exception is no longer raised.
*Mark J. Titorenko*, *Vlad Bokov*
* Fix bug where `#to_options` for `ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess`
would not act as alias for `#symbolize_keys`.
*Nick Weiland*
* Improve the logic that detects non-autoloaded constants.
*Jan Habermann*, *Xavier Noria*
* Deprecate `ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode#pack_graphemes(array)` and `ActiveSuppport::Multibyte::Unicode#unpack_graphemes(string)`
in favor of `array.flatten.pack("U*")` and `string.scan(/\X/).map(&:codepoints)`, respectively.
*Francesco Rodríguez*
* Deprecate `ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars.consumes?` in favor of `String#is_utf8?`.
*Francesco Rodríguez*
* Fix duration being rounded to a full second.
time = DateTime.parse("2018-1-1")
time += 0.51.seconds
Will now correctly add 0.51 second and not 1 full second.
*Edouard Chin*
* Deprecate `ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode#normalize` and `ActiveSuppport::Multibyte::Chars#normalize`
in favor of `String#unicode_normalize`
*Francesco Rodríguez*
* Deprecate `ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode#downcase/upcase/swapcase` in favor of
*Francesco Rodríguez*
* Add `ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter`.
*Yoshiyuki Kinjo*
* Rename `Module#parent`, `Module#parents`, and `Module#parent_name` to
`module_parent`, `module_parents`, and `module_parent_name`.
*Gannon McGibbon*
* Deprecate the use of `LoggerSilence` in favor of `ActiveSupport::LoggerSilence`
*Edouard Chin*
* Deprecate using negative limits in `String#first` and `String#last`.
*Gannon McGibbon*, *Eric Turner*
* Fix bug where `#without` for `ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess` would fail
with symbol arguments
*Abraham Chan*
* Treat `#delete_prefix`, `#delete_suffix` and `#unicode_normalize` results as non-`html_safe`.
Ensure safety of arguments for `#insert`, `#[]=` and `#replace` calls on `html_safe` Strings.
*Janosch Müller*
* Changed `ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new` to return a new logger instance instead
of mutating the one received as parameter.
*Thierry Joyal*
* Define `unfreeze_time` as an alias of `travel_back` in `ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers`.
The alias is provided for symmetry with `freeze_time`.
*Ryan Davidson*
* Add support for tracing constant autoloads. Just throw
ActiveSupport::Dependencies.logger = Rails.logger
ActiveSupport::Dependencies.verbose = true
in an initializer.
*Xavier Noria*
* Maintain `html_safe?` on html_safe strings when sliced.
string = "<div>test</div>".html_safe
string[-1..1].html_safe? # => true
*Elom Gomez*, *Yumin Wong*
* Add `Array#extract!`.
The method removes and returns the elements for which the block returns a true value.
If no block is given, an Enumerator is returned instead.
numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
odd_numbers = numbers.extract! { |number| number.odd? } # => [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
numbers # => [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
* Support not to cache `nil` for `ActiveSupport::Cache#fetch`.
cache.fetch('bar', skip_nil: true) { nil }
cache.exist?('bar') # => false
*Martin Hong*
* Add "event object" support to the notification system.
Before this change, end users were forced to create hand made artisanal
event objects on their own, like this:
ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('wait') do |*args|
@event = ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new(*args)
ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument('wait') do
sleep 1
@event.duration # => 1000.138
After this change, if the block passed to `subscribe` only takes one
parameter, the framework will yield an event object to the block. Now
end users are no longer required to make their own:
ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('wait') do |event|
@event = event
ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument('wait') do
sleep 1
p @event.allocations # => 7
p @event.cpu_time # => 0.256
p @event.idle_time # => 1003.2399
Now you can enjoy event objects without making them yourself. Neat!
*Aaron "t.lo" Patterson*
* Add cpu_time, idle_time, and allocations to Event.
*Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *Aaron Patterson*
* RedisCacheStore: support key expiry in increment/decrement.
Pass `:expires_in` to `#increment` and `#decrement` to set a Redis EXPIRE on the key.
If the key is already set to expire, RedisCacheStore won't extend its expiry.
Rails.cache.increment("some_key", 1, expires_in: 2.minutes)
*Jason Lee*
* Allow `Range#===` and `Range#cover?` on Range.
`Range#cover?` can now accept a range argument like `Range#include?` and
`Range#===`. `Range#===` works correctly on Ruby 2.6. `Range#include?` is moved
into a new file, with these two methods.
*Requiring active_support/core_ext/range/include_range is now deprecated.*
*Use `require "active_support/core_ext/range/compare_range"` instead.*
* Add `index_with` to Enumerable.
Allows creating a hash from an enumerable with the value from a passed block
or a default argument.
%i( title body ).index_with { |attr| post.public_send(attr) }
# => { title: "hey", body: "what's up?" }
%i( title body ).index_with(nil)
# => { title: nil, body: nil }
Closely linked with `index_by`, which creates a hash where the keys are extracted from a block.
*Kasper Timm Hansen*
* Fix bug where `ActiveSupport::Timezone.all` would fail when tzinfo data for
any timezone defined in `ActiveSupport::TimeZone::MAPPING` is missing.
*Dominik Sander*
* Redis cache store: `delete_matched` no longer blocks the Redis server.
(Switches from evaled Lua to a batched SCAN + DEL loop.)
*Gleb Mazovetskiy*
* Fix bug where `ActiveSupport::Cache` will massively inflate the storage
size when compression is enabled (which is true by default). This patch
does not attempt to repair existing data: please manually flush the cache
to clear out the problematic entries.
*Godfrey Chan*
* Fix bug where `URI.unescape` would fail with mixed Unicode/escaped character input:
URI.unescape("\xe3\x83\x90") # => "バ"
URI.unescape("%E3%83%90") # => "バ"
URI.unescape("\xe3\x83\x90%E3%83%90") # => Encoding::CompatibilityError
*Ashe Connor*, *Aaron Patterson*
* Add `before?` and `after?` methods to `Date`, `DateTime`,
`Time`, and `TimeWithZone`.
*Nick Holden*
* `ActiveSupport::Inflector#ordinal` and `ActiveSupport::Inflector#ordinalize` now support
translations through I18n.
# locale/fr.rb
fr: {
number: {
nth: {
ordinals: lambda do |_key, number:, **_options|
if number.to_i.abs == 1
ordinalized: lambda do |_key, number:, **_options|
*Christian Blais*
* Add `:private` option to ActiveSupport's `Module#delegate`
in order to delegate methods as private:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :profile
delegate :date_of_birth, to: :profile, private: true
def age
Date.today.year - date_of_birth.year
# User.new.age # => 29
# User.new.date_of_birth
# => NoMethodError: private method `date_of_birth' called for #<User:0x00000008221340>
*Tomas Valent*
* `String#truncate_bytes` to truncate a string to a maximum bytesize without
breaking multibyte characters or grapheme clusters like 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦.
*Jeremy Daer*
* `String#strip_heredoc` preserves frozenness.
"foo".freeze.strip_heredoc.frozen? # => true
Fixes that frozen string literals would inadvertently become unfrozen:
# frozen_string_literal: true
foo = <<-MSG.strip_heredoc
la la la
foo.frozen? # => false !??
*Jeremy Daer*
* Rails 6 requires Ruby 2.4.1 or newer.
*Jeremy Daer*
* Adds parallel testing to Rails.
Parallelize your test suite with forked processes or threads.
*Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *Aaron Patterson*
Please check [5-2-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/5-2-stable/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.