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Dmitry Vorotilin d063199ba9 Bump version
2013-09-05 19:12:41 +04:00

12 KiB

Next release


Bug fixes


Bug fixes

  • Kill thread first off and then close IO [Issue #385]



  • Can set cookies for given domain
  • Can get open window names with window_handles [Issue #178]
  • Added ability to read and append headers (Dmitry Vorotilin) [Issue #187]
  • Added ability to set headers only for the first request (Dmitry Vorotilin) [Issue #337]
  • Depend on Cliver for command-line dependency detection.
  • Added ability to scroll with driver.scroll_to left, top (Jim Lim)
  • Added ability to capture an element with driver.render selector: '#id' (Jim Lim)
  • Added ability to render base64-encoded image with driver.render_base64 (Jim Lim) [Issue #189]

Bug fixes

  • Fix clicks inside within_frame not taking into account padding on the frame [Issue #377]
  • Fix within_window finding window after close/open (Ryan Schlesinger) [Issue #312]
  • Fix "wrong exec option symbol: pgroup" error on windows (Andrew Meyer) [Issue #314]
  • Fixed closing of open pipes after use (driver.quit now performs pipe.close) [Issue #310]
  • Fix NoMethodError when using has_css with a count on svg elements
  • Fix URI::InvalidURIError raised when setting a cookie after loading a page with a space in the url or when using Capybara::Session#current_path [Issue #349]
  • Fix leak of phantomjs processes by adding a GC finalizer to the Capybara::Poltergeist::Client object that creates them [Issue #348]



  • Add support for PhantomJS 1.7's cookiesEnabled API (Micah Frost)

Bug fixes

  • Fix logging of mouse event co-ordinates
  • Invalid selectors throw a useful error message
  • Tie us to the 0.4 version of faye-websocket since the 0.5 version contains breaking changes.



  • Support for Windows hosted Poltergeist (Aaron Tull).
  • Capybara 2.1 support

Bug fixes

  • Reverted the "native" implementation for filling in form fields, which was introduced in 1.0. This implementation caused various bugs and in general doesn't seem to be worth the trouble at the moment. It can be reconsidered in the future when PhantomJS has upgraded its WebKit version. [Issue #176, #223]
  • Run phantomjs in a new process group so ^C doesn't trigger a DeadClient error [Issue #252]


Bug fixes

  • Tie to faye-websocket 0.4 as 0.5 introduces incompatibilities.



  • Changed Capybara dependency to ~> 2.0.1 because Poltergeist 1.1 is not compatible with Capybara 2.1.



  • Add support for custom phantomjs loggers via :phantomjs_logger option. (Gabe Bell)
  • Add page.driver.click(x, y) to click precise coordinates. (Micah Geisel)
  • Add Capybara 2.0 support. Capybara 1.1 and Ruby 1.8 are no longer supported. (Mauro Asprea) [Issue #163]
  • Add node.base.double_click to double click the node. (Andy Shen)
  • The :debug option now causes the PhantomJS portion of Poltergeist to output some additional debug info, which may be useful in figuring out timeout errors.
  • Add the ability to extend the phantomjs environment via browser options. e.g. Capybara::Poltergeist::Driver.new( app, :extensions => ['file.js', 'another.js']) (Jon Rowe)

Bug fixes

  • Fix timing issue when using within_frame that could cause errors. [Issue #183, #211] (@errm, @motemen)
  • Fix bug with within_frame not properly switching the context back after the block has executed. [Issue #242]
  • Fix calculation of click position when clicking within a frame. [Issue #222, #225]
  • Fix error raising when calling expires if not set on cookie. [Issue #203] (@arnvald)
  • Fix the :js_errors option. Previously errors were not being reported, but would still cause commands to fail. [Issue #229]
  • Fix incorrect time zone handling when setting cookie expiry time [Issue #228]
  • Send SIGKILL to PhantomJS if it doesn't exit within 2 seconds [Issue #196]
  • Provide a more informative message for the ObsoleteNode error. [Issue #192]
  • Fix ObsoleteNode error when using attach_file with the jQuery File Upload plugin. [Issue #115]
  • Ensure that a String is passed over-the-wire to PhantomJS for file input paths, allowing attach_file to be called with arbitry objects such as a Pathname. (@mjtko) [Issue #215]
  • Cookies can now be set before the first request. [Issue #193]


Bug fixes

  • Tied to faye-websocket 0.4, as 0.5 introduces incompatibilities.


Bug fixes

  • Clearing the value before setting a new value by sending a backspace. This fixes the issue that you can't set an empty value. [Issue #184]


Bug fixes

  • Don't use a fixed port number by default; find an available port. The port can still be configured to a fixed value using the :port option. The reverts the default behaviour to how it was before the 1.0 release. [Issue #174]



  • Click co-ordinates are shown in the debug log. You can use this in combination with page.driver.render to work out where clicks are actually happening if you are having trouble.
  • Added :port configuration option and made the default port 44678 rather than a random available port.
  • Support for Capybara's page.response_headers API to retrieve the headers of the last page load.
  • Support for cookie manipulation. [Issue #12]
  • Frame switching support now uses native PhantomJS APIs. (This might make it work better, but in general it's a badly tested area both in Capybara and Poltergeist.)
  • Support for the Capybara window switching API (page.within_window).

Bug fixes

  • Prevent TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'rect.top') error when clicking an element with display: none. The click will fail, but an obsolete node error will be raised, meaning that Capybara's retry mechanisms will kick in. [Issue #130]
  • Mouse over the element we will click, before clicking it. This enables :hover effects etc to trigger before the click happens, which can affect the click in some cases. [Issue #120]
  • Don't blow up when evaluate_script is called with a cyclic structure.
  • Fix the text method for title elements, so it doesn't return an empty string.
  • Fixed problem with cookies not being clearer between tests on PhantomJS 1.7
  • Fixed Javascript errors during page load causes TimeoutErrors. [Issue #124]
  • Ensure the User-Agent header can be set successfully. (Klaus Hartl) [Issue #127]
  • Use el.innerText for Node#text. This ensures that e.g. <br> is returned as a space. It also simplifies the method. [Issue #139]
  • Fix status code support when a response redirects to another URL. This was previously tested to ensure it would return the status code of the redirected URL, but the test was falsely broken and the implementation was also broken.
  • Fixed visiting URLs where only a hash change occurs (no HTTP request). [Issue #79]
  • Setting page.driver.headers now applies the headers to all requests, not just calls to visit. (So XHR, asset requests, etc will all receive the headers.) [Issue #149]



  • Added an option :js_errors, allowing poltergeist to continue running after JS errors. (John Griffin & Tom Stuart) [Issue #62] [Issue #69]
  • Added an option :window_size, allowing users to specify dimensions to which the browser window will be resized. (Tom Stuart) [Issue #53]
  • Capybara 1.0 is no longer supported. Capybara ~> 1.1 is required.
  • Added ability to set arbitrary http request headers
  • Inspect network traffic on the page via page.driver.network_traffic (Doug McInnes) [Issue #77]
  • Added an option :phantomjs_options, allowing users to specify additional command-line options passed to phantomjs executable. (wynst) [Issue #97]
  • Scroll element into viewport if needed on click (Gabriel Sobrinho) [Issue #83]
  • Added status code support. (Dmitriy Nesteryuk and Jon Leighton) [Issue #37]

Bug fixes

  • Fix issue with ClickFailed exception happening with a negative co-ordinate (which should be impossible). (Jon Leighton, Gabriel Sobrinho, Tom Stuart) [Issue #60]
  • Fix issue with undefined method map for "[]":String, which happened when dealing with pages that include JS rewriting Array.prototype.toJSON. (Tom Stuart) [Issue #63]



  • Updated to PhantomJS 1.5.0, giving us proper support for reporting Javascript exception backtraces.



  • Detect if clicking an element will fail. If the click will actually hit another element (because that element is in front of the one we want to click), the user will now see an exception explaining what happened and which element would actually be targeted by the click. This should aid debugging. [Issue #25]
  • Click elements at their middle position rather than the top-left. This is presumed to be more likely to succeed because the top-left may be obscured by overlapping elements, negative margins, etc. [Issue #26]
  • Add experimental support for using the remote WebKit web inspector. This will only work with PhantomJS 1.5, which is not yet released, so it won't be officially supported by Poltergeist until 1.5 is released. [Issue #31]
  • Add page.driver.quit method. If you spawn additional Capybara sessions, you might want to use this to reap the child phantomjs process. [Issue #24]
  • Errors produced by Javascript on the page will now generate an exception within Ruby. [Issue #27]
  • JRuby support. [Issue #20]

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug where we could end up interacting with an obsolete element. [Issue #30]
  • Raise an suitable error if PhantomJS returns a non-zero exit status. Previously a version error would be raised, indicating that the PhantomJS version was too old when in fact it did not start at all. [Issue #23]
  • Ensure the :timeout option is actually used. [Issue #36]
  • Nodes need to know which page they are associated with. Before this, if Javascript caused a new page to load, existing node references would be wrong, but wouldn't raise an ObsoleteNode error. [Issue #39]
  • In some circumstances, we could end up missing an inline element when attempting to click it. This is due to the use of getBoundingClientRect(). We're now using getClientRects() to address this.


  • Element click position is now calculated using the native getBoundingClientRect() method, which will be faster and less buggy.
  • Handle window.confirm(). Always returns true, which is the same as capybara-webkit. [Issue #10]
  • Handle window.prompt(). Returns the default value, if present, or null.
  • Fix bug with page Javascript page loading causing problems. [Issue #19]


  • There was a bad bug to do with clicking elements in a page where the page is smaller than the window. The incorrect position would be calculated, and so the click would happen in the wrong place. This is fixed. [Issue #8]

  • Poltergeist didn't work in conjunction with the Thin web server, because that server uses Event Machine, and Poltergeist was assuming that it was the only thing in the process using EventMachine.

    To solve this, EventMachine usage has been completely removed, which has the welcome side-effect of being more efficient because we no longer have the overhead of running a mostly-idle event loop.

    [Issue #6]

  • Added the :timeout option to configure the timeout when talking to PhantomJS.


  • First version considered 'ready', hopefully fewer problems.


  • First version, various problems.