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Contributing to shoulda-matchers

We love contributions from the community! Here's a quick guide to making a pull request.

  1. If you haven't contributed before, please read and understand the Code of Conduct.

  2. Ensure that you have a working Ruby environment.

  3. Fork the repo on GitHub, then clone it to your machine.

  4. Now that you've cloned the repo, navigate to it and install dependencies by running:

    bundle install
  5. All tests should be passing, but it's a good idea to run them anyway before starting any work:

    bundle exec rake
  6. If you're adding functionality or fixing a bug, you'll want to add a failing test for the issue first.

  7. Now you can implement the feature or bugfix.

  8. Since we only accept pull requests with passing tests, it's a good idea to run the tests again. Since you're probably working on a single file, you can run the tests for that file with the following command:

    appraisal 4.2 rspec <path of test file to run>

    You can also run unit tests by running zeus start in one shell, and then running the following in another:

    zeus rspec <path of test file to run>

    And to run the entire test suite again:

    bundle exec rake
  9. Finally, push to your fork and submit a pull request.

At this point you're waiting on us. We try to respond to issues and pull requests within a few business days. We may suggest some changes to make to your code to fit with our code style or the project style, or discuss alternate ways of addressing the issue in question. When we're happy with everything, we'll bring your changes into master. Now you're a contributor!

Addendum: Setting up your environment

Installing dependencies (Linux only)


Run this command to install necessary dependencies:

sudo apt-get install -y ruby-dev libpq-dev libsqlite3-dev nodejs


Run this command to install necessary dependencies:

sudo yum install -y ruby-devel postgresql-devel sqlite-devel zlib-devel

Then, install one of the JavaScript runtimes supported by execjs. For instance, to install node.js:

sudo su
curl -sL | bash -
yum install -y nodejs

Installing Ruby (all platforms)

shoulda-matchers is only compatible with Ruby 2.x. A .ruby-version is included in the repo, so if you're using one of the Ruby version manager tools, then you should be using (or have been prompted to install) the latest version of Ruby. If not, you'll want to do that.