1,010 B
Added only_integer option to validate_numericality_of:
should validate_numericality_of(:attribute).only_integer
Added a query_the_database matcher:
it { should query_the_database(4.times).when_calling(:complicated_method) }
it { should query_the_database(4.times).or_less.when_calling(:complicated_method) }
it { should_not query_the_database.when_calling(:complicated_method) }
Database columns are now correctly checked for primality. E.G., this works now:
it { should have_db_column(:id).with_options(:primary => true) }
The flash matcher can check specific flash keys using [], like so:
it { should set_the_flash[:alert].to("Password doesn't match") }
The have_sent_email matcher can check reply_to:
it { should have_sent_email.reply_to([user, other]) }
Added validates_confirmation_of matcher:
it { should validate_confirmation_of(:password) }
Added serialize matcher:
it { should serialize(:details).as(Hash).as_instance_of(Hash) }