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docs Badges Documentation and examples for badges, our small count and labelling component. components

Small and adaptive tag for adding context to just about any content.


  • Will be replaced with the ToC, excluding the "Contents" header {:toc}


Badges scale to match the size of the immediate parent element by using relative font sizing and em units.

{% example html %}

Example heading New

Example heading New

Example heading New

Example heading New

Example heading New
Example heading New
{% endexample %}

Contextual variations

Add any of the below mentioned modifier classes to change the appearance of a badge.

{% example html %} Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger {% endexample %}

{% capture callout-include %}{% include %}{% endcapture %} {{ callout-include | markdownify }}

Pill badges

Use the .badge-pill modifier class to make badges more rounded (with a larger border-radius and additional horizontal padding). Useful if you miss the badges from v3.

{% example html %} Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger {% endexample %}