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M-x counsel-M-x Prompt for Emacs programs
SPC . counsel-find-file Find a file
SPC f r counsel-recentf Find a recent file
SPC d d dired Dired file manager
SPC h r r doom/reload Reload Doom Emacs
SPC f u doom/sudo-find-file Find file and open as root
SPC f U doom/sudo-this-file Open current file as root
SPC e t +eshell/toggle Toggle the eshell
SPC v t +vterm/toggle Toggle the vterm terminal emulator


(SPC b i) ibuffer (SPC b p) previous-buffer (SPC b n) next-buffer
(SPC b k) kill-buffer (SPC b s) save-buffer (SPC b u) sudo-save-buffer
(SPC w s) evil-window-split (SPC w v) evil-window-vsplit (SPC w w) evil-window-next
(SPC w c) evil-window-delete (SPC w l) evil-window-left (SPC w h) evil-window-right


(SPC h d h) doom/help (SPC h d f) doom/help-faq (SPC h i) info
(SPC h f) describe-function (SPC h v) describe-variable (SPC h b b) describe-bindings

⦿ DOOM EMACS CONFIGS (Press 1-5 to immediately open a file)

1 config.org This is the main user configuration file for Doom Emacs.
2 init.el Allows you to turn on/off the standard Doom modules.
3 packages.el Easily install extra packages by adding them to this file.
4 eshell/aliases Aliases file for the eshell.
5 eshell/profile Profile for the eshell.

NOTE: 'SPC f p' doom/find-file-in-private-config)

;; Local Variables: ;; eval: (start-mode) ;; End: