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2016-06-14 07:51:12 -04:00
require 'spec_helper'
describe Environment do
2018-04-18 09:52:55 -04:00
let(:project) { create(:project, :stubbed_repository) }
subject(:environment) { create(:environment, project: project) }
2016-06-14 07:51:12 -04:00
it { belong_to(:project) }
it { have_many(:deployments) }
2016-10-17 17:40:44 -04:00
it { delegate_method(:stop_action).to(:last_deployment) }
it { delegate_method(:manual_actions).to(:last_deployment) }
2016-10-17 11:10:26 -04:00
2016-06-14 07:51:12 -04:00
it { validate_presence_of(:name) }
it { validate_uniqueness_of(:name).scoped_to(:project_id) }
it { validate_length_of(:name).is_at_most(255) }
2016-12-07 20:09:18 -05:00
it { validate_uniqueness_of(:slug).scoped_to(:project_id) }
it { validate_length_of(:slug).is_at_most(24) }
2016-12-07 20:09:18 -05:00
it { validate_length_of(:external_url).is_at_most(255) }
2016-07-26 08:19:37 -04:00
describe '.order_by_last_deployed_at' do
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) }
2017-01-29 23:01:31 -05:00
let!(:environment1) { create(:environment, project: project) }
let!(:environment2) { create(:environment, project: project) }
let!(:environment3) { create(:environment, project: project) }
let!(:deployment1) { create(:deployment, environment: environment1) }
let!(:deployment2) { create(:deployment, environment: environment2) }
let!(:deployment3) { create(:deployment, environment: environment1) }
2017-01-29 23:01:31 -05:00
it 'returns the environments in order of having been last deployed' do
expect(project.environments.order_by_last_deployed_at.to_a).to eq([environment3, environment2, environment1])
2017-01-29 23:01:31 -05:00
describe 'state machine' do
it 'invalidates the cache after a change' do
expect(environment).to receive(:expire_etag_cache)
2017-05-30 17:56:26 -04:00
describe '#expire_etag_cache' do
let(:store) { }
it 'changes the cached value' do
old_value = store.get(environment.etag_cache_key)
expect(store.get(environment.etag_cache_key)).not_to eq(old_value)
describe '#folder_name' do
context 'when it is inside a folder' do
subject(:environment) do
create(:environment, name: 'staging/review-1')
it 'returns a top-level folder name' do
expect(environment.folder_name).to eq 'staging'
context 'when the environment if a top-level item itself' do
subject(:environment) do
create(:environment, name: 'production')
it 'returns an environment name' do
expect(environment.folder_name).to eq 'production'
2016-07-26 08:19:37 -04:00
describe '#nullify_external_url' do
it 'replaces a blank url with nil' do
env = build(:environment, external_url: "")
expect( be true
expect(env.external_url).to be_nil
2016-07-26 08:19:37 -04:00
2016-08-03 07:37:39 -04:00
describe '#includes_commit?' do
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) }
2016-08-03 07:37:39 -04:00
context 'without a last deployment' do
it "returns false" do
expect(environment.includes_commit?('HEAD')).to be false
context 'with a last deployment' do
let!(:deployment) do
create(:deployment, environment: environment, sha: project.commit('master').id)
context 'in the same branch' do
it 'returns true' do
expect(environment.includes_commit?(RepoHelpers.sample_commit)).to be true
context 'not in the same branch' do
before do
deployment.update(sha: project.commit('feature').id)
it 'returns false' do
expect(environment.includes_commit?(RepoHelpers.sample_commit)).to be false
2016-08-03 07:37:39 -04:00
describe '#update_merge_request_metrics?' do
2017-02-22 12:44:44 -05:00
'production' => true,
'production/eu' => true,
'production/' => true,
'productioneu' => false,
'Production' => false,
'Production/eu' => false,
'test-production' => false
}.each do |name, expected_value|
it "returns #{expected_value} for #{name}" do
env = create(:environment, name: name)
expect(env.update_merge_request_metrics?).to eq(expected_value)
2016-10-10 14:38:48 -04:00
describe '#first_deployment_for' do
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) }
2016-10-04 10:03:13 -04:00
let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, environment: environment, ref: }
let!(:deployment1) { create(:deployment, environment: environment, ref: }
let(:head_commit) { project.commit }
let(:commit) { project.commit.parent }
2017-06-28 11:33:48 -04:00
it 'returns deployment id for the environment' do
expect(environment.first_deployment_for( eq deployment1
2017-06-28 11:33:48 -04:00
2016-10-04 10:03:13 -04:00
2017-06-28 11:33:48 -04:00
it 'return nil when no deployment is found' do
expect(environment.first_deployment_for( eq nil
2016-10-04 10:03:13 -04:00
2017-06-28 11:33:48 -04:00
it 'returns a UTF-8 ref' do
expect(environment.first_deployment_for( be_utf8
2017-06-28 11:33:48 -04:00
2016-10-04 10:03:13 -04:00
describe '#environment_type' do
subject { environment.environment_type }
it 'sets a environment type if name has multiple segments' do
environment.update!(name: 'production/') eq('production')
it 'nullifies a type if it\'s a simple name' do
environment.update!(name: 'production') be_nil
2016-10-17 11:10:26 -04:00
2017-02-07 07:30:33 -05:00
describe '#stop_action?' do
subject { environment.stop_action? }
2016-10-17 11:10:26 -04:00
context 'when no other actions' do
it { be_falsey }
context 'when matching action is defined' do
let(:build) { create(:ci_build) }
let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, environment: environment, deployable: build, on_stop: 'close_app') }
let!(:close_action) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: build.pipeline, name: 'close_app') }
2016-10-17 11:10:26 -04:00
context 'when environment is available' do
before do
it { be_truthy }
context 'when environment is stopped' do
before do
it { be_falsey }
2016-10-18 06:02:50 -04:00
2017-02-06 10:50:03 -05:00
describe '#stop_with_action!' do
2018-04-18 09:52:55 -04:00
let(:user) { create(:user) }
2016-10-18 06:02:50 -04:00
2017-02-06 10:50:03 -05:00
subject { environment.stop_with_action!(user) }
2016-10-18 06:02:50 -04:00
before do
2016-11-10 07:59:26 -05:00
expect(environment).to receive(:available?).and_call_original
2016-10-18 06:02:50 -04:00
context 'when no other actions' do
2016-11-10 07:59:26 -05:00
context 'environment is available' do
before do
environment.update(state: :available)
it do
expect(environment).to be_stopped
context 'environment is already stopped' do
before do
environment.update(state: :stopped)
it do
expect(environment).to be_stopped
2016-10-18 06:02:50 -04:00
context 'when matching action is defined' do
let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) }
let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) }
let!(:deployment) do
create(:deployment, environment: environment,
deployable: build,
on_stop: 'close_app')
2016-10-18 06:02:50 -04:00
context 'when user is not allowed to stop environment' do
let!(:close_action) do
create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'close_app')
2016-10-18 06:02:50 -04:00
it 'raises an exception' do
expect { subject }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Access::AccessDeniedError)
2016-10-18 06:02:50 -04:00
context 'when user is allowed to stop environment' do
before do
create(:protected_branch, :developers_can_merge,
name: 'master', project: project)
context 'when action did not yet finish' do
let!(:close_action) do
create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'close_app')
it 'returns the same action' do
expect(subject).to eq(close_action)
expect(subject.user).to eq(user)
2016-10-18 06:02:50 -04:00
context 'if action did finish' do
let!(:close_action) do
create(:ci_build, :manual, :success,
pipeline: pipeline, name: 'close_app')
it 'returns a new action of the same type' do
expect(subject).to be_persisted
expect( eq(
expect(subject.user).to eq(user)
2016-10-18 06:02:50 -04:00
describe 'recently_updated_on_branch?' do
subject { environment.recently_updated_on_branch?('feature') }
context 'when last deployment to environment is the most recent one' do
before do
create(:deployment, environment: environment, ref: 'feature')
it { be true }
context 'when last deployment to environment is not the most recent' do
before do
create(:deployment, environment: environment, ref: 'feature')
create(:deployment, environment: environment, ref: 'master')
it { be false }
describe '#actions_for' do
let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, environment: environment) }
let(:pipeline) { deployment.deployable.pipeline }
2017-03-10 05:20:08 -05:00
let!(:review_action) { create(:ci_build, :manual, name: 'review-apps', pipeline: pipeline, environment: 'review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME' )}
let!(:production_action) { create(:ci_build, :manual, name: 'production', pipeline: pipeline, environment: 'production' )}
it 'returns a list of actions with matching environment' do
expect(environment.actions_for('review/master')).to contain_exactly(review_action)
2016-12-07 20:09:18 -05:00
describe '#has_terminals?' do
subject { environment.has_terminals? }
context 'when the enviroment is available' do
context 'with a deployment service' do
shared_examples 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes' do
context 'and a deployment' do
let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, environment: environment) }
it { be_truthy }
context 'but no deployments' do
it { be_falsy }
context 'when user configured kubernetes from Integration > Kubernetes' do
let(:project) { create(:kubernetes_project) }
it_behaves_like 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes'
context 'when user configured kubernetes from CI/CD > Clusters' do
let!(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :project, :provided_by_gcp) }
let(:project) { cluster.project }
it_behaves_like 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes'
context 'without a deployment service' do
it { be_falsy }
context 'when the environment is unavailable' do
let(:project) { create(:kubernetes_project) }
before do
it { be_falsy }
describe '#deployment_platform' do
context 'when there is a deployment platform for environment' do
let!(:cluster) do
create(:cluster, :provided_by_gcp,
environment_scope: '*', projects: [project])
it 'finds a deployment platform' do
expect(environment.deployment_platform).to eq cluster.platform
context 'when there is no deployment platform for environment' do
it 'returns nil' do
expect(environment.deployment_platform).to be_nil
it 'checks deployment platforms associated with a project' do
expect(project).to receive(:deployment_platform)
describe '#terminals' do
subject { environment.terminals }
context 'when the environment has terminals' do
before do
allow(environment).to receive(:has_terminals?).and_return(true)
shared_examples 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes' do
it 'returns the terminals from the deployment service' do
.to receive(:terminals).with(environment)
.and_return(:fake_terminals) eq(:fake_terminals)
context 'when user configured kubernetes from Integration > Kubernetes' do
let(:project) { create(:kubernetes_project) }
it_behaves_like 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes'
context 'when user configured kubernetes from CI/CD > Clusters' do
let!(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :project, :provided_by_gcp) }
let(:project) { cluster.project }
it_behaves_like 'same behavior between KubernetesService and Platform::Kubernetes'
context 'when the environment does not have terminals' do
before do
allow(environment).to receive(:has_terminals?).and_return(false)
it { be_nil }
describe '#has_metrics?' do
subject { environment.has_metrics? }
context 'when the enviroment is available' do
context 'with a deployment service' do
let(:project) { create(:prometheus_project) }
context 'and a deployment' do
let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, environment: environment) }
it { be_truthy }
context 'but no deployments' do
it { be_falsy }
context 'without a monitoring service' do
it { be_falsy }
context 'when the environment is unavailable' do
let(:project) { create(:prometheus_project) }
before do
it { be_falsy }
describe '#metrics' do
let(:project) { create(:prometheus_project) }
subject { environment.metrics }
context 'when the environment has metrics' do
before do
allow(environment).to receive(:has_metrics?).and_return(true)
it 'returns the metrics from the deployment service' do
Squashed commit of the following: commit 22e1cb8f4b98f71d21026f69aa3e68d79946d6ae Merge: 766a42a9639 e966c6aea25 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 21:30:46 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml # Conflicts: # app/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller.rb # app/controllers/projects/prometheus_controller.rb # app/models/project_services/prometheus_service.rb # lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/query_additional_metrics.rb # spec/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller_spec.rb # spec/models/project_services/prometheus_service_spec.rb commit 766a42a96393f502d439c1f0beb0b6cfb2c228d4 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 17:58:45 2018 +0100 Move prometheus adapter to app/models/concerns commit ca84eed49811cf3064a2e5ea611af1c947c590d7 Merge: 66702099586 cb504cedc2a Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 15:36:03 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/backport_custom_metrics_ce_components' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml + fix failing tests # Conflicts: # app/controllers/projects/prometheus_controller.rb # app/models/project_services/prometheus_service.rb # lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/query_additional_metrics.rb # spec/models/project_services/prometheus_service_spec.rb commit cb504cedc2a6e353ffb56833334681e3da09fc14 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 14:46:15 2018 +0100 Fix prometheus_service found by find_or_initialize_service commit 928b84c72c2c4c46e1785b9a943c1822a137de16 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 23:15:11 2018 +0100 additional metrics and backported tests commit 41291383b4b6976af94eaf9e1a7b2e2a172310e7 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 21:57:45 2018 +0100 Introduce Metrics controller and retire prometheus controller commit 6e7492e4c7ffa9d8621f09198071bc14be875976 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 21:46:37 2018 +0100 Backport PrometheusClient::Error and all->common_metrics rename commit 66702099586c864a7f78970a0ee0dd9f3c2beeef Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 20:23:03 2018 +0100 fix failing tests commit ce921ea723cde61b2441ba98c9aca97606c719c8 Author: Mike Greiling <> Date: Wed Feb 21 23:47:30 2018 -0600 add labels to cluster metrics commit 993830c6892e4fbf53d3f72da00002d642c7e9b2 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:20:49 2018 +0100 Fix formatting probelms and few small tests commit 66ee65d8e3f747c90d986bc3056178422156bc8e Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:08:03 2018 +0100 stop using in deployment tests commit 62c91978d15f0369988521363dae24bd7510d68d Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:06:33 2018 +0100 fix prometheus_controller and adapter tests commit 977b1d34c1d03c7233582e8328f85caf634895ed Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 00:19:39 2018 +0100 finish up active? -> can_query? rename commit e614f7daee58a9758d83ba3efe1649c8b80bc1e2 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 23:51:33 2018 +0100 deployment prometheus adapter tests fix commit ebd726c114a6026fef0adf3eba6ee1972530148a Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 21:40:40 2018 +0100 Move environment dependant tests to environment commit 6d31311cd3729c29233283dded70e03a4a9a3c97 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 20:40:24 2018 +0100 update monitoring service and move adding dpeloyment_time to deployment model commit 60b6bf391ab36846dce122bc6b0c5196a186267c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 20:15:46 2018 +0100 adjust deployment spec and prometheus specs commit 6681662cf1c028aff2ff94aa0501732cb7119ba1 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:30:20 2018 +0100 Revert changes to reactive caching commit e282f86c45a056889f57d3f7fd23a81c88efff6a Merge: 5751c73df59 6844a2df873 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:08:17 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml commit 5751c73df59d0a03840a1b4b71b0637670f971a6 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:07:43 2018 +0100 rename active? to can_query? and cleanup environment prometheus router commit 3f3c6e1d33dcd9315979daf26a95f2aab83a7de9 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 21:51:43 2018 +0100 Fix tests, and only use prometheus service if its active commit 6345838bac584c213b665d334252ccab202cb271 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 16:24:27 2018 +0100 Fix typo commit 7a585d32afe8da050b5615b1d036a550e06479f5 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:29:40 2018 +0100 Cluster id is not required commit e6af62afb11fa380f6aff1c31a81bcc9bab3b1eb Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:15:46 2018 +0100 Result transformation support commit f3b1bd7c67894f44efe33591ddb70093bd620c03 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:07:07 2018 +0100 Fix rubocop warning and exten cluster query timeframe commit be77947cea64261a4d3dead33c3c57f413a9880c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 14:42:47 2018 +0100 Fix additional metrics test commit eb3922e16221abe16f59fae1c38122f227643343 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 14:34:44 2018 +0100 rename prometheus adapter methods commit 045476cd08b21593818b274ae8a44d19b705523f Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 13:19:36 2018 +0100 Make prometheus adapter a module commit f2daf050d8c689f72c4c61207930bc53c331f12e Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 12:00:44 2018 +0100 refactoring wip commit 52e4ef5587794e811dc10a0f2dca522342a865da Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Sun Feb 18 20:25:55 2018 +0100 cleanup prometheus adapter concept commit 3887365faab9dfcd9c00bcfc501d09ac62431a03 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Sun Feb 18 19:22:11 2018 +0100 Refactor out deployment id, Rename PrometheusQuerier to PrometheusAdapter commit aa2fc2df57bd72c9a5e94f66d1f1e23990be6c3f Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 16 23:59:54 2018 +0100 Refactor prometheus client commit e43c1ca9d9874d6cf1569f40fa1aca158d9d5d91 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 20:24:45 2018 +0100 Use initial version of cluster_metrics.yml commit 867821ce0b2609ebf8994220aa8e3a94d66a01e0 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 05:24:14 2018 +0100 Fix querying cluster metrics commit 1601e002a064cbb10ffe110a19433c5662858f1d Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 04:49:03 2018 +0100 Queues for unicersal querier commit 5db198fdc925c0223be24939b76da1d544dd569c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 03:35:17 2018 +0100 refactor reactive caching and prometheus querying commit b0fc00e8c9d21e961ef44b0129103e2a62928b52 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 00:12:03 2018 +0100 Add generic query additional metrics commit ffe76e6a9ba196bccff22c4880e0384959ad5e48 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 13 15:40:15 2018 +0100 Cluster Metric yml initial + Remove cluster query + remove cluster_metrics.yml + Prometheus adapter tests
2018-02-23 15:33:33 -05:00
.to receive(:query).with(:environment, environment)
.and_return(:fake_metrics) eq(:fake_metrics)
context 'when the environment does not have metrics' do
before do
allow(environment).to receive(:has_metrics?).and_return(false)
it { be_nil }
2017-06-05 12:38:09 -04:00
describe '#has_metrics?' do
subject { environment.has_metrics? }
context 'when the enviroment is available' do
context 'with a deployment service' do
let(:project) { create(:prometheus_project) }
context 'and a deployment' do
let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, environment: environment) }
it { be_truthy }
context 'but no deployments' do
it { be_falsy }
context 'without a monitoring service' do
it { be_falsy }
context 'when the environment is unavailable' do
let(:project) { create(:prometheus_project) }
before do
it { be_falsy }
describe '#additional_metrics' do
let(:project) { create(:prometheus_project) }
subject { environment.additional_metrics }
context 'when the environment has additional metrics' do
before do
Squashed commit of the following: commit 22e1cb8f4b98f71d21026f69aa3e68d79946d6ae Merge: 766a42a9639 e966c6aea25 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 21:30:46 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml # Conflicts: # app/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller.rb # app/controllers/projects/prometheus_controller.rb # app/models/project_services/prometheus_service.rb # lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/query_additional_metrics.rb # spec/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller_spec.rb # spec/models/project_services/prometheus_service_spec.rb commit 766a42a96393f502d439c1f0beb0b6cfb2c228d4 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 17:58:45 2018 +0100 Move prometheus adapter to app/models/concerns commit ca84eed49811cf3064a2e5ea611af1c947c590d7 Merge: 66702099586 cb504cedc2a Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 15:36:03 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/backport_custom_metrics_ce_components' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml + fix failing tests # Conflicts: # app/controllers/projects/prometheus_controller.rb # app/models/project_services/prometheus_service.rb # lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/query_additional_metrics.rb # spec/models/project_services/prometheus_service_spec.rb commit cb504cedc2a6e353ffb56833334681e3da09fc14 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 14:46:15 2018 +0100 Fix prometheus_service found by find_or_initialize_service commit 928b84c72c2c4c46e1785b9a943c1822a137de16 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 23:15:11 2018 +0100 additional metrics and backported tests commit 41291383b4b6976af94eaf9e1a7b2e2a172310e7 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 21:57:45 2018 +0100 Introduce Metrics controller and retire prometheus controller commit 6e7492e4c7ffa9d8621f09198071bc14be875976 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 21:46:37 2018 +0100 Backport PrometheusClient::Error and all->common_metrics rename commit 66702099586c864a7f78970a0ee0dd9f3c2beeef Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 20:23:03 2018 +0100 fix failing tests commit ce921ea723cde61b2441ba98c9aca97606c719c8 Author: Mike Greiling <> Date: Wed Feb 21 23:47:30 2018 -0600 add labels to cluster metrics commit 993830c6892e4fbf53d3f72da00002d642c7e9b2 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:20:49 2018 +0100 Fix formatting probelms and few small tests commit 66ee65d8e3f747c90d986bc3056178422156bc8e Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:08:03 2018 +0100 stop using in deployment tests commit 62c91978d15f0369988521363dae24bd7510d68d Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:06:33 2018 +0100 fix prometheus_controller and adapter tests commit 977b1d34c1d03c7233582e8328f85caf634895ed Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 00:19:39 2018 +0100 finish up active? -> can_query? rename commit e614f7daee58a9758d83ba3efe1649c8b80bc1e2 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 23:51:33 2018 +0100 deployment prometheus adapter tests fix commit ebd726c114a6026fef0adf3eba6ee1972530148a Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 21:40:40 2018 +0100 Move environment dependant tests to environment commit 6d31311cd3729c29233283dded70e03a4a9a3c97 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 20:40:24 2018 +0100 update monitoring service and move adding dpeloyment_time to deployment model commit 60b6bf391ab36846dce122bc6b0c5196a186267c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 20:15:46 2018 +0100 adjust deployment spec and prometheus specs commit 6681662cf1c028aff2ff94aa0501732cb7119ba1 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:30:20 2018 +0100 Revert changes to reactive caching commit e282f86c45a056889f57d3f7fd23a81c88efff6a Merge: 5751c73df59 6844a2df873 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:08:17 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml commit 5751c73df59d0a03840a1b4b71b0637670f971a6 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:07:43 2018 +0100 rename active? to can_query? and cleanup environment prometheus router commit 3f3c6e1d33dcd9315979daf26a95f2aab83a7de9 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 21:51:43 2018 +0100 Fix tests, and only use prometheus service if its active commit 6345838bac584c213b665d334252ccab202cb271 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 16:24:27 2018 +0100 Fix typo commit 7a585d32afe8da050b5615b1d036a550e06479f5 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:29:40 2018 +0100 Cluster id is not required commit e6af62afb11fa380f6aff1c31a81bcc9bab3b1eb Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:15:46 2018 +0100 Result transformation support commit f3b1bd7c67894f44efe33591ddb70093bd620c03 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:07:07 2018 +0100 Fix rubocop warning and exten cluster query timeframe commit be77947cea64261a4d3dead33c3c57f413a9880c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 14:42:47 2018 +0100 Fix additional metrics test commit eb3922e16221abe16f59fae1c38122f227643343 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 14:34:44 2018 +0100 rename prometheus adapter methods commit 045476cd08b21593818b274ae8a44d19b705523f Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 13:19:36 2018 +0100 Make prometheus adapter a module commit f2daf050d8c689f72c4c61207930bc53c331f12e Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 12:00:44 2018 +0100 refactoring wip commit 52e4ef5587794e811dc10a0f2dca522342a865da Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Sun Feb 18 20:25:55 2018 +0100 cleanup prometheus adapter concept commit 3887365faab9dfcd9c00bcfc501d09ac62431a03 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Sun Feb 18 19:22:11 2018 +0100 Refactor out deployment id, Rename PrometheusQuerier to PrometheusAdapter commit aa2fc2df57bd72c9a5e94f66d1f1e23990be6c3f Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 16 23:59:54 2018 +0100 Refactor prometheus client commit e43c1ca9d9874d6cf1569f40fa1aca158d9d5d91 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 20:24:45 2018 +0100 Use initial version of cluster_metrics.yml commit 867821ce0b2609ebf8994220aa8e3a94d66a01e0 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 05:24:14 2018 +0100 Fix querying cluster metrics commit 1601e002a064cbb10ffe110a19433c5662858f1d Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 04:49:03 2018 +0100 Queues for unicersal querier commit 5db198fdc925c0223be24939b76da1d544dd569c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 03:35:17 2018 +0100 refactor reactive caching and prometheus querying commit b0fc00e8c9d21e961ef44b0129103e2a62928b52 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 00:12:03 2018 +0100 Add generic query additional metrics commit ffe76e6a9ba196bccff22c4880e0384959ad5e48 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 13 15:40:15 2018 +0100 Cluster Metric yml initial + Remove cluster query + remove cluster_metrics.yml + Prometheus adapter tests
2018-02-23 15:33:33 -05:00
allow(environment).to receive(:has_metrics?).and_return(true)
2017-06-05 12:38:09 -04:00
it 'returns the additional metrics from the deployment service' do
Squashed commit of the following: commit 22e1cb8f4b98f71d21026f69aa3e68d79946d6ae Merge: 766a42a9639 e966c6aea25 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 21:30:46 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml # Conflicts: # app/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller.rb # app/controllers/projects/prometheus_controller.rb # app/models/project_services/prometheus_service.rb # lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/query_additional_metrics.rb # spec/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller_spec.rb # spec/models/project_services/prometheus_service_spec.rb commit 766a42a96393f502d439c1f0beb0b6cfb2c228d4 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 17:58:45 2018 +0100 Move prometheus adapter to app/models/concerns commit ca84eed49811cf3064a2e5ea611af1c947c590d7 Merge: 66702099586 cb504cedc2a Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 15:36:03 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/backport_custom_metrics_ce_components' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml + fix failing tests # Conflicts: # app/controllers/projects/prometheus_controller.rb # app/models/project_services/prometheus_service.rb # lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/query_additional_metrics.rb # spec/models/project_services/prometheus_service_spec.rb commit cb504cedc2a6e353ffb56833334681e3da09fc14 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 14:46:15 2018 +0100 Fix prometheus_service found by find_or_initialize_service commit 928b84c72c2c4c46e1785b9a943c1822a137de16 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 23:15:11 2018 +0100 additional metrics and backported tests commit 41291383b4b6976af94eaf9e1a7b2e2a172310e7 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 21:57:45 2018 +0100 Introduce Metrics controller and retire prometheus controller commit 6e7492e4c7ffa9d8621f09198071bc14be875976 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 21:46:37 2018 +0100 Backport PrometheusClient::Error and all->common_metrics rename commit 66702099586c864a7f78970a0ee0dd9f3c2beeef Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 20:23:03 2018 +0100 fix failing tests commit ce921ea723cde61b2441ba98c9aca97606c719c8 Author: Mike Greiling <> Date: Wed Feb 21 23:47:30 2018 -0600 add labels to cluster metrics commit 993830c6892e4fbf53d3f72da00002d642c7e9b2 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:20:49 2018 +0100 Fix formatting probelms and few small tests commit 66ee65d8e3f747c90d986bc3056178422156bc8e Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:08:03 2018 +0100 stop using in deployment tests commit 62c91978d15f0369988521363dae24bd7510d68d Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:06:33 2018 +0100 fix prometheus_controller and adapter tests commit 977b1d34c1d03c7233582e8328f85caf634895ed Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 00:19:39 2018 +0100 finish up active? -> can_query? rename commit e614f7daee58a9758d83ba3efe1649c8b80bc1e2 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 23:51:33 2018 +0100 deployment prometheus adapter tests fix commit ebd726c114a6026fef0adf3eba6ee1972530148a Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 21:40:40 2018 +0100 Move environment dependant tests to environment commit 6d31311cd3729c29233283dded70e03a4a9a3c97 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 20:40:24 2018 +0100 update monitoring service and move adding dpeloyment_time to deployment model commit 60b6bf391ab36846dce122bc6b0c5196a186267c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 20:15:46 2018 +0100 adjust deployment spec and prometheus specs commit 6681662cf1c028aff2ff94aa0501732cb7119ba1 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:30:20 2018 +0100 Revert changes to reactive caching commit e282f86c45a056889f57d3f7fd23a81c88efff6a Merge: 5751c73df59 6844a2df873 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:08:17 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml commit 5751c73df59d0a03840a1b4b71b0637670f971a6 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:07:43 2018 +0100 rename active? to can_query? and cleanup environment prometheus router commit 3f3c6e1d33dcd9315979daf26a95f2aab83a7de9 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 21:51:43 2018 +0100 Fix tests, and only use prometheus service if its active commit 6345838bac584c213b665d334252ccab202cb271 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 16:24:27 2018 +0100 Fix typo commit 7a585d32afe8da050b5615b1d036a550e06479f5 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:29:40 2018 +0100 Cluster id is not required commit e6af62afb11fa380f6aff1c31a81bcc9bab3b1eb Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:15:46 2018 +0100 Result transformation support commit f3b1bd7c67894f44efe33591ddb70093bd620c03 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:07:07 2018 +0100 Fix rubocop warning and exten cluster query timeframe commit be77947cea64261a4d3dead33c3c57f413a9880c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 14:42:47 2018 +0100 Fix additional metrics test commit eb3922e16221abe16f59fae1c38122f227643343 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 14:34:44 2018 +0100 rename prometheus adapter methods commit 045476cd08b21593818b274ae8a44d19b705523f Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 13:19:36 2018 +0100 Make prometheus adapter a module commit f2daf050d8c689f72c4c61207930bc53c331f12e Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 12:00:44 2018 +0100 refactoring wip commit 52e4ef5587794e811dc10a0f2dca522342a865da Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Sun Feb 18 20:25:55 2018 +0100 cleanup prometheus adapter concept commit 3887365faab9dfcd9c00bcfc501d09ac62431a03 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Sun Feb 18 19:22:11 2018 +0100 Refactor out deployment id, Rename PrometheusQuerier to PrometheusAdapter commit aa2fc2df57bd72c9a5e94f66d1f1e23990be6c3f Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 16 23:59:54 2018 +0100 Refactor prometheus client commit e43c1ca9d9874d6cf1569f40fa1aca158d9d5d91 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 20:24:45 2018 +0100 Use initial version of cluster_metrics.yml commit 867821ce0b2609ebf8994220aa8e3a94d66a01e0 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 05:24:14 2018 +0100 Fix querying cluster metrics commit 1601e002a064cbb10ffe110a19433c5662858f1d Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 04:49:03 2018 +0100 Queues for unicersal querier commit 5db198fdc925c0223be24939b76da1d544dd569c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 03:35:17 2018 +0100 refactor reactive caching and prometheus querying commit b0fc00e8c9d21e961ef44b0129103e2a62928b52 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 00:12:03 2018 +0100 Add generic query additional metrics commit ffe76e6a9ba196bccff22c4880e0384959ad5e48 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 13 15:40:15 2018 +0100 Cluster Metric yml initial + Remove cluster query + remove cluster_metrics.yml + Prometheus adapter tests
2018-02-23 15:33:33 -05:00
expect(environment.prometheus_adapter).to receive(:query)
.with(:additional_metrics_environment, environment)
2017-06-05 12:38:09 -04:00
.and_return(:fake_metrics) eq(:fake_metrics)
context 'when the environment does not have metrics' do
before do
Squashed commit of the following: commit 22e1cb8f4b98f71d21026f69aa3e68d79946d6ae Merge: 766a42a9639 e966c6aea25 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 21:30:46 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml # Conflicts: # app/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller.rb # app/controllers/projects/prometheus_controller.rb # app/models/project_services/prometheus_service.rb # lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/query_additional_metrics.rb # spec/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller_spec.rb # spec/models/project_services/prometheus_service_spec.rb commit 766a42a96393f502d439c1f0beb0b6cfb2c228d4 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 17:58:45 2018 +0100 Move prometheus adapter to app/models/concerns commit ca84eed49811cf3064a2e5ea611af1c947c590d7 Merge: 66702099586 cb504cedc2a Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 15:36:03 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/backport_custom_metrics_ce_components' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml + fix failing tests # Conflicts: # app/controllers/projects/prometheus_controller.rb # app/models/project_services/prometheus_service.rb # lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/query_additional_metrics.rb # spec/models/project_services/prometheus_service_spec.rb commit cb504cedc2a6e353ffb56833334681e3da09fc14 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 14:46:15 2018 +0100 Fix prometheus_service found by find_or_initialize_service commit 928b84c72c2c4c46e1785b9a943c1822a137de16 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 23:15:11 2018 +0100 additional metrics and backported tests commit 41291383b4b6976af94eaf9e1a7b2e2a172310e7 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 21:57:45 2018 +0100 Introduce Metrics controller and retire prometheus controller commit 6e7492e4c7ffa9d8621f09198071bc14be875976 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 21:46:37 2018 +0100 Backport PrometheusClient::Error and all->common_metrics rename commit 66702099586c864a7f78970a0ee0dd9f3c2beeef Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 20:23:03 2018 +0100 fix failing tests commit ce921ea723cde61b2441ba98c9aca97606c719c8 Author: Mike Greiling <> Date: Wed Feb 21 23:47:30 2018 -0600 add labels to cluster metrics commit 993830c6892e4fbf53d3f72da00002d642c7e9b2 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:20:49 2018 +0100 Fix formatting probelms and few small tests commit 66ee65d8e3f747c90d986bc3056178422156bc8e Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:08:03 2018 +0100 stop using in deployment tests commit 62c91978d15f0369988521363dae24bd7510d68d Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:06:33 2018 +0100 fix prometheus_controller and adapter tests commit 977b1d34c1d03c7233582e8328f85caf634895ed Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 00:19:39 2018 +0100 finish up active? -> can_query? rename commit e614f7daee58a9758d83ba3efe1649c8b80bc1e2 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 23:51:33 2018 +0100 deployment prometheus adapter tests fix commit ebd726c114a6026fef0adf3eba6ee1972530148a Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 21:40:40 2018 +0100 Move environment dependant tests to environment commit 6d31311cd3729c29233283dded70e03a4a9a3c97 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 20:40:24 2018 +0100 update monitoring service and move adding dpeloyment_time to deployment model commit 60b6bf391ab36846dce122bc6b0c5196a186267c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 20:15:46 2018 +0100 adjust deployment spec and prometheus specs commit 6681662cf1c028aff2ff94aa0501732cb7119ba1 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:30:20 2018 +0100 Revert changes to reactive caching commit e282f86c45a056889f57d3f7fd23a81c88efff6a Merge: 5751c73df59 6844a2df873 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:08:17 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml commit 5751c73df59d0a03840a1b4b71b0637670f971a6 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:07:43 2018 +0100 rename active? to can_query? and cleanup environment prometheus router commit 3f3c6e1d33dcd9315979daf26a95f2aab83a7de9 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 21:51:43 2018 +0100 Fix tests, and only use prometheus service if its active commit 6345838bac584c213b665d334252ccab202cb271 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 16:24:27 2018 +0100 Fix typo commit 7a585d32afe8da050b5615b1d036a550e06479f5 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:29:40 2018 +0100 Cluster id is not required commit e6af62afb11fa380f6aff1c31a81bcc9bab3b1eb Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:15:46 2018 +0100 Result transformation support commit f3b1bd7c67894f44efe33591ddb70093bd620c03 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:07:07 2018 +0100 Fix rubocop warning and exten cluster query timeframe commit be77947cea64261a4d3dead33c3c57f413a9880c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 14:42:47 2018 +0100 Fix additional metrics test commit eb3922e16221abe16f59fae1c38122f227643343 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 14:34:44 2018 +0100 rename prometheus adapter methods commit 045476cd08b21593818b274ae8a44d19b705523f Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 13:19:36 2018 +0100 Make prometheus adapter a module commit f2daf050d8c689f72c4c61207930bc53c331f12e Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 12:00:44 2018 +0100 refactoring wip commit 52e4ef5587794e811dc10a0f2dca522342a865da Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Sun Feb 18 20:25:55 2018 +0100 cleanup prometheus adapter concept commit 3887365faab9dfcd9c00bcfc501d09ac62431a03 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Sun Feb 18 19:22:11 2018 +0100 Refactor out deployment id, Rename PrometheusQuerier to PrometheusAdapter commit aa2fc2df57bd72c9a5e94f66d1f1e23990be6c3f Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 16 23:59:54 2018 +0100 Refactor prometheus client commit e43c1ca9d9874d6cf1569f40fa1aca158d9d5d91 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 20:24:45 2018 +0100 Use initial version of cluster_metrics.yml commit 867821ce0b2609ebf8994220aa8e3a94d66a01e0 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 05:24:14 2018 +0100 Fix querying cluster metrics commit 1601e002a064cbb10ffe110a19433c5662858f1d Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 04:49:03 2018 +0100 Queues for unicersal querier commit 5db198fdc925c0223be24939b76da1d544dd569c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 03:35:17 2018 +0100 refactor reactive caching and prometheus querying commit b0fc00e8c9d21e961ef44b0129103e2a62928b52 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 00:12:03 2018 +0100 Add generic query additional metrics commit ffe76e6a9ba196bccff22c4880e0384959ad5e48 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 13 15:40:15 2018 +0100 Cluster Metric yml initial + Remove cluster query + remove cluster_metrics.yml + Prometheus adapter tests
2018-02-23 15:33:33 -05:00
allow(environment).to receive(:has_metrics?).and_return(false)
2017-06-05 12:38:09 -04:00
it { be_nil }
2016-12-07 20:09:18 -05:00
describe '#slug' do
it "is automatically generated" do
expect(environment.slug).not_to be_nil
it "is not regenerated if name changes" do
original_slug = environment.slug
expect(environment.slug).to eq(original_slug)
it "regenerates the slug if nil" do
environment = build(:environment, slug: nil)
new_slug = environment.slug
expect(new_slug).not_to be_nil
expect(environment.slug).to eq(new_slug)
2016-12-07 20:09:18 -05:00
describe '#generate_slug' do
2017-02-21 18:32:18 -05:00
SUFFIX = "-[a-z0-9]{6}".freeze
2016-12-07 20:09:18 -05:00
"staging-12345678901234567" => "staging-123456789" + SUFFIX,
"9-staging-123456789012345" => "env-9-staging-123" + SUFFIX,
"staging-1234567890123456" => "staging-1234567890123456",
"production" => "production",
"PRODUCTION" => "production" + SUFFIX,
"review/1-foo" => "review-1-foo" + SUFFIX,
"1-foo" => "env-1-foo" + SUFFIX,
"1/foo" => "env-1-foo" + SUFFIX,
"foo-" => "foo" + SUFFIX,
"foo--bar" => "foo-bar" + SUFFIX,
"foo**bar" => "foo-bar" + SUFFIX,
"*-foo" => "env-foo" + SUFFIX,
"staging-12345678-" => "staging-12345678" + SUFFIX,
"staging-12345678-01234567" => "staging-12345678" + SUFFIX
2016-12-07 20:09:18 -05:00
}.each do |name, matcher|
it "returns a slug matching #{matcher}, given #{name}" do
slug = name).generate_slug
2016-12-07 20:09:18 -05:00
expect(slug).to match(/\A#{matcher}\z/)
2017-01-29 23:01:31 -05:00
describe '#ref_path' do
subject(:environment) do
create(:environment, name: 'staging / review-1')
it 'returns a path that uses the slug and does not have spaces' do
expect(environment.ref_path).to start_with('refs/environments/staging-review-1-')
it "doesn't change when the slug is nil initially" do
environment.slug = nil
expect(environment.ref_path).to eq(environment.ref_path)
2017-01-29 23:01:31 -05:00
describe '#external_url_for' do
let(:source_path) { 'source/file.html' }
let(:sha) { }
before do
environment.external_url = ''
context 'when the public path is not known' do
before do
allow(project).to receive(:public_path_for_source_path).with(source_path, sha).and_return(nil)
it 'returns nil' do
expect(environment.external_url_for(source_path, sha)).to be_nil
context 'when the public path is known' do
before do
allow(project).to receive(:public_path_for_source_path).with(source_path, sha).and_return('file.html')
it 'returns the full external URL' do
expect(environment.external_url_for(source_path, sha)).to eq('')
Squashed commit of the following: commit 22e1cb8f4b98f71d21026f69aa3e68d79946d6ae Merge: 766a42a9639 e966c6aea25 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 21:30:46 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml # Conflicts: # app/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller.rb # app/controllers/projects/prometheus_controller.rb # app/models/project_services/prometheus_service.rb # lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/query_additional_metrics.rb # spec/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller_spec.rb # spec/models/project_services/prometheus_service_spec.rb commit 766a42a96393f502d439c1f0beb0b6cfb2c228d4 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 17:58:45 2018 +0100 Move prometheus adapter to app/models/concerns commit ca84eed49811cf3064a2e5ea611af1c947c590d7 Merge: 66702099586 cb504cedc2a Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 15:36:03 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/backport_custom_metrics_ce_components' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml + fix failing tests # Conflicts: # app/controllers/projects/prometheus_controller.rb # app/models/project_services/prometheus_service.rb # lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/query_additional_metrics.rb # spec/models/project_services/prometheus_service_spec.rb commit cb504cedc2a6e353ffb56833334681e3da09fc14 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 14:46:15 2018 +0100 Fix prometheus_service found by find_or_initialize_service commit 928b84c72c2c4c46e1785b9a943c1822a137de16 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 23:15:11 2018 +0100 additional metrics and backported tests commit 41291383b4b6976af94eaf9e1a7b2e2a172310e7 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 21:57:45 2018 +0100 Introduce Metrics controller and retire prometheus controller commit 6e7492e4c7ffa9d8621f09198071bc14be875976 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 21:46:37 2018 +0100 Backport PrometheusClient::Error and all->common_metrics rename commit 66702099586c864a7f78970a0ee0dd9f3c2beeef Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 20:23:03 2018 +0100 fix failing tests commit ce921ea723cde61b2441ba98c9aca97606c719c8 Author: Mike Greiling <> Date: Wed Feb 21 23:47:30 2018 -0600 add labels to cluster metrics commit 993830c6892e4fbf53d3f72da00002d642c7e9b2 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:20:49 2018 +0100 Fix formatting probelms and few small tests commit 66ee65d8e3f747c90d986bc3056178422156bc8e Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:08:03 2018 +0100 stop using in deployment tests commit 62c91978d15f0369988521363dae24bd7510d68d Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:06:33 2018 +0100 fix prometheus_controller and adapter tests commit 977b1d34c1d03c7233582e8328f85caf634895ed Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 00:19:39 2018 +0100 finish up active? -> can_query? rename commit e614f7daee58a9758d83ba3efe1649c8b80bc1e2 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 23:51:33 2018 +0100 deployment prometheus adapter tests fix commit ebd726c114a6026fef0adf3eba6ee1972530148a Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 21:40:40 2018 +0100 Move environment dependant tests to environment commit 6d31311cd3729c29233283dded70e03a4a9a3c97 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 20:40:24 2018 +0100 update monitoring service and move adding dpeloyment_time to deployment model commit 60b6bf391ab36846dce122bc6b0c5196a186267c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 20:15:46 2018 +0100 adjust deployment spec and prometheus specs commit 6681662cf1c028aff2ff94aa0501732cb7119ba1 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:30:20 2018 +0100 Revert changes to reactive caching commit e282f86c45a056889f57d3f7fd23a81c88efff6a Merge: 5751c73df59 6844a2df873 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:08:17 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml commit 5751c73df59d0a03840a1b4b71b0637670f971a6 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:07:43 2018 +0100 rename active? to can_query? and cleanup environment prometheus router commit 3f3c6e1d33dcd9315979daf26a95f2aab83a7de9 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 21:51:43 2018 +0100 Fix tests, and only use prometheus service if its active commit 6345838bac584c213b665d334252ccab202cb271 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 16:24:27 2018 +0100 Fix typo commit 7a585d32afe8da050b5615b1d036a550e06479f5 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:29:40 2018 +0100 Cluster id is not required commit e6af62afb11fa380f6aff1c31a81bcc9bab3b1eb Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:15:46 2018 +0100 Result transformation support commit f3b1bd7c67894f44efe33591ddb70093bd620c03 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:07:07 2018 +0100 Fix rubocop warning and exten cluster query timeframe commit be77947cea64261a4d3dead33c3c57f413a9880c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 14:42:47 2018 +0100 Fix additional metrics test commit eb3922e16221abe16f59fae1c38122f227643343 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 14:34:44 2018 +0100 rename prometheus adapter methods commit 045476cd08b21593818b274ae8a44d19b705523f Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 13:19:36 2018 +0100 Make prometheus adapter a module commit f2daf050d8c689f72c4c61207930bc53c331f12e Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 12:00:44 2018 +0100 refactoring wip commit 52e4ef5587794e811dc10a0f2dca522342a865da Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Sun Feb 18 20:25:55 2018 +0100 cleanup prometheus adapter concept commit 3887365faab9dfcd9c00bcfc501d09ac62431a03 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Sun Feb 18 19:22:11 2018 +0100 Refactor out deployment id, Rename PrometheusQuerier to PrometheusAdapter commit aa2fc2df57bd72c9a5e94f66d1f1e23990be6c3f Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 16 23:59:54 2018 +0100 Refactor prometheus client commit e43c1ca9d9874d6cf1569f40fa1aca158d9d5d91 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 20:24:45 2018 +0100 Use initial version of cluster_metrics.yml commit 867821ce0b2609ebf8994220aa8e3a94d66a01e0 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 05:24:14 2018 +0100 Fix querying cluster metrics commit 1601e002a064cbb10ffe110a19433c5662858f1d Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 04:49:03 2018 +0100 Queues for unicersal querier commit 5db198fdc925c0223be24939b76da1d544dd569c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 03:35:17 2018 +0100 refactor reactive caching and prometheus querying commit b0fc00e8c9d21e961ef44b0129103e2a62928b52 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 00:12:03 2018 +0100 Add generic query additional metrics commit ffe76e6a9ba196bccff22c4880e0384959ad5e48 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 13 15:40:15 2018 +0100 Cluster Metric yml initial + Remove cluster query + remove cluster_metrics.yml + Prometheus adapter tests
2018-02-23 15:33:33 -05:00
describe '#prometheus_adapter' do
it 'calls prometheus adapter service' do
expect_any_instance_of(Prometheus::AdapterService).to receive(:prometheus_adapter)
Squashed commit of the following: commit 22e1cb8f4b98f71d21026f69aa3e68d79946d6ae Merge: 766a42a9639 e966c6aea25 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 21:30:46 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml # Conflicts: # app/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller.rb # app/controllers/projects/prometheus_controller.rb # app/models/project_services/prometheus_service.rb # lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/query_additional_metrics.rb # spec/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller_spec.rb # spec/models/project_services/prometheus_service_spec.rb commit 766a42a96393f502d439c1f0beb0b6cfb2c228d4 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 17:58:45 2018 +0100 Move prometheus adapter to app/models/concerns commit ca84eed49811cf3064a2e5ea611af1c947c590d7 Merge: 66702099586 cb504cedc2a Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 15:36:03 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/backport_custom_metrics_ce_components' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml + fix failing tests # Conflicts: # app/controllers/projects/prometheus_controller.rb # app/models/project_services/prometheus_service.rb # lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/query_additional_metrics.rb # spec/models/project_services/prometheus_service_spec.rb commit cb504cedc2a6e353ffb56833334681e3da09fc14 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 14:46:15 2018 +0100 Fix prometheus_service found by find_or_initialize_service commit 928b84c72c2c4c46e1785b9a943c1822a137de16 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 23:15:11 2018 +0100 additional metrics and backported tests commit 41291383b4b6976af94eaf9e1a7b2e2a172310e7 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 21:57:45 2018 +0100 Introduce Metrics controller and retire prometheus controller commit 6e7492e4c7ffa9d8621f09198071bc14be875976 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 21:46:37 2018 +0100 Backport PrometheusClient::Error and all->common_metrics rename commit 66702099586c864a7f78970a0ee0dd9f3c2beeef Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 20:23:03 2018 +0100 fix failing tests commit ce921ea723cde61b2441ba98c9aca97606c719c8 Author: Mike Greiling <> Date: Wed Feb 21 23:47:30 2018 -0600 add labels to cluster metrics commit 993830c6892e4fbf53d3f72da00002d642c7e9b2 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:20:49 2018 +0100 Fix formatting probelms and few small tests commit 66ee65d8e3f747c90d986bc3056178422156bc8e Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:08:03 2018 +0100 stop using in deployment tests commit 62c91978d15f0369988521363dae24bd7510d68d Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:06:33 2018 +0100 fix prometheus_controller and adapter tests commit 977b1d34c1d03c7233582e8328f85caf634895ed Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 00:19:39 2018 +0100 finish up active? -> can_query? rename commit e614f7daee58a9758d83ba3efe1649c8b80bc1e2 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 23:51:33 2018 +0100 deployment prometheus adapter tests fix commit ebd726c114a6026fef0adf3eba6ee1972530148a Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 21:40:40 2018 +0100 Move environment dependant tests to environment commit 6d31311cd3729c29233283dded70e03a4a9a3c97 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 20:40:24 2018 +0100 update monitoring service and move adding dpeloyment_time to deployment model commit 60b6bf391ab36846dce122bc6b0c5196a186267c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 20:15:46 2018 +0100 adjust deployment spec and prometheus specs commit 6681662cf1c028aff2ff94aa0501732cb7119ba1 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:30:20 2018 +0100 Revert changes to reactive caching commit e282f86c45a056889f57d3f7fd23a81c88efff6a Merge: 5751c73df59 6844a2df873 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:08:17 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml commit 5751c73df59d0a03840a1b4b71b0637670f971a6 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:07:43 2018 +0100 rename active? to can_query? and cleanup environment prometheus router commit 3f3c6e1d33dcd9315979daf26a95f2aab83a7de9 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 21:51:43 2018 +0100 Fix tests, and only use prometheus service if its active commit 6345838bac584c213b665d334252ccab202cb271 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 16:24:27 2018 +0100 Fix typo commit 7a585d32afe8da050b5615b1d036a550e06479f5 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:29:40 2018 +0100 Cluster id is not required commit e6af62afb11fa380f6aff1c31a81bcc9bab3b1eb Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:15:46 2018 +0100 Result transformation support commit f3b1bd7c67894f44efe33591ddb70093bd620c03 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:07:07 2018 +0100 Fix rubocop warning and exten cluster query timeframe commit be77947cea64261a4d3dead33c3c57f413a9880c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 14:42:47 2018 +0100 Fix additional metrics test commit eb3922e16221abe16f59fae1c38122f227643343 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 14:34:44 2018 +0100 rename prometheus adapter methods commit 045476cd08b21593818b274ae8a44d19b705523f Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 13:19:36 2018 +0100 Make prometheus adapter a module commit f2daf050d8c689f72c4c61207930bc53c331f12e Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 12:00:44 2018 +0100 refactoring wip commit 52e4ef5587794e811dc10a0f2dca522342a865da Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Sun Feb 18 20:25:55 2018 +0100 cleanup prometheus adapter concept commit 3887365faab9dfcd9c00bcfc501d09ac62431a03 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Sun Feb 18 19:22:11 2018 +0100 Refactor out deployment id, Rename PrometheusQuerier to PrometheusAdapter commit aa2fc2df57bd72c9a5e94f66d1f1e23990be6c3f Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 16 23:59:54 2018 +0100 Refactor prometheus client commit e43c1ca9d9874d6cf1569f40fa1aca158d9d5d91 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 20:24:45 2018 +0100 Use initial version of cluster_metrics.yml commit 867821ce0b2609ebf8994220aa8e3a94d66a01e0 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 05:24:14 2018 +0100 Fix querying cluster metrics commit 1601e002a064cbb10ffe110a19433c5662858f1d Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 04:49:03 2018 +0100 Queues for unicersal querier commit 5db198fdc925c0223be24939b76da1d544dd569c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 03:35:17 2018 +0100 refactor reactive caching and prometheus querying commit b0fc00e8c9d21e961ef44b0129103e2a62928b52 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 00:12:03 2018 +0100 Add generic query additional metrics commit ffe76e6a9ba196bccff22c4880e0384959ad5e48 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 13 15:40:15 2018 +0100 Cluster Metric yml initial + Remove cluster query + remove cluster_metrics.yml + Prometheus adapter tests
2018-02-23 15:33:33 -05:00
Squashed commit of the following: commit 22e1cb8f4b98f71d21026f69aa3e68d79946d6ae Merge: 766a42a9639 e966c6aea25 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 21:30:46 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml # Conflicts: # app/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller.rb # app/controllers/projects/prometheus_controller.rb # app/models/project_services/prometheus_service.rb # lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/query_additional_metrics.rb # spec/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller_spec.rb # spec/models/project_services/prometheus_service_spec.rb commit 766a42a96393f502d439c1f0beb0b6cfb2c228d4 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 17:58:45 2018 +0100 Move prometheus adapter to app/models/concerns commit ca84eed49811cf3064a2e5ea611af1c947c590d7 Merge: 66702099586 cb504cedc2a Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 15:36:03 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/backport_custom_metrics_ce_components' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml + fix failing tests # Conflicts: # app/controllers/projects/prometheus_controller.rb # app/models/project_services/prometheus_service.rb # lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/query_additional_metrics.rb # spec/models/project_services/prometheus_service_spec.rb commit cb504cedc2a6e353ffb56833334681e3da09fc14 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 23 14:46:15 2018 +0100 Fix prometheus_service found by find_or_initialize_service commit 928b84c72c2c4c46e1785b9a943c1822a137de16 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 23:15:11 2018 +0100 additional metrics and backported tests commit 41291383b4b6976af94eaf9e1a7b2e2a172310e7 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 21:57:45 2018 +0100 Introduce Metrics controller and retire prometheus controller commit 6e7492e4c7ffa9d8621f09198071bc14be875976 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 21:46:37 2018 +0100 Backport PrometheusClient::Error and all->common_metrics rename commit 66702099586c864a7f78970a0ee0dd9f3c2beeef Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 20:23:03 2018 +0100 fix failing tests commit ce921ea723cde61b2441ba98c9aca97606c719c8 Author: Mike Greiling <> Date: Wed Feb 21 23:47:30 2018 -0600 add labels to cluster metrics commit 993830c6892e4fbf53d3f72da00002d642c7e9b2 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:20:49 2018 +0100 Fix formatting probelms and few small tests commit 66ee65d8e3f747c90d986bc3056178422156bc8e Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:08:03 2018 +0100 stop using in deployment tests commit 62c91978d15f0369988521363dae24bd7510d68d Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 01:06:33 2018 +0100 fix prometheus_controller and adapter tests commit 977b1d34c1d03c7233582e8328f85caf634895ed Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 22 00:19:39 2018 +0100 finish up active? -> can_query? rename commit e614f7daee58a9758d83ba3efe1649c8b80bc1e2 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 23:51:33 2018 +0100 deployment prometheus adapter tests fix commit ebd726c114a6026fef0adf3eba6ee1972530148a Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 21:40:40 2018 +0100 Move environment dependant tests to environment commit 6d31311cd3729c29233283dded70e03a4a9a3c97 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 20:40:24 2018 +0100 update monitoring service and move adding dpeloyment_time to deployment model commit 60b6bf391ab36846dce122bc6b0c5196a186267c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Wed Feb 21 20:15:46 2018 +0100 adjust deployment spec and prometheus specs commit 6681662cf1c028aff2ff94aa0501732cb7119ba1 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:30:20 2018 +0100 Revert changes to reactive caching commit e282f86c45a056889f57d3f7fd23a81c88efff6a Merge: 5751c73df59 6844a2df873 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:08:17 2018 +0100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 38783-add-cluster-metrics.yml commit 5751c73df59d0a03840a1b4b71b0637670f971a6 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 22:07:43 2018 +0100 rename active? to can_query? and cleanup environment prometheus router commit 3f3c6e1d33dcd9315979daf26a95f2aab83a7de9 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 21:51:43 2018 +0100 Fix tests, and only use prometheus service if its active commit 6345838bac584c213b665d334252ccab202cb271 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 16:24:27 2018 +0100 Fix typo commit 7a585d32afe8da050b5615b1d036a550e06479f5 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:29:40 2018 +0100 Cluster id is not required commit e6af62afb11fa380f6aff1c31a81bcc9bab3b1eb Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:15:46 2018 +0100 Result transformation support commit f3b1bd7c67894f44efe33591ddb70093bd620c03 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 15:07:07 2018 +0100 Fix rubocop warning and exten cluster query timeframe commit be77947cea64261a4d3dead33c3c57f413a9880c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 14:42:47 2018 +0100 Fix additional metrics test commit eb3922e16221abe16f59fae1c38122f227643343 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 14:34:44 2018 +0100 rename prometheus adapter methods commit 045476cd08b21593818b274ae8a44d19b705523f Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 13:19:36 2018 +0100 Make prometheus adapter a module commit f2daf050d8c689f72c4c61207930bc53c331f12e Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 20 12:00:44 2018 +0100 refactoring wip commit 52e4ef5587794e811dc10a0f2dca522342a865da Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Sun Feb 18 20:25:55 2018 +0100 cleanup prometheus adapter concept commit 3887365faab9dfcd9c00bcfc501d09ac62431a03 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Sun Feb 18 19:22:11 2018 +0100 Refactor out deployment id, Rename PrometheusQuerier to PrometheusAdapter commit aa2fc2df57bd72c9a5e94f66d1f1e23990be6c3f Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Fri Feb 16 23:59:54 2018 +0100 Refactor prometheus client commit e43c1ca9d9874d6cf1569f40fa1aca158d9d5d91 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 20:24:45 2018 +0100 Use initial version of cluster_metrics.yml commit 867821ce0b2609ebf8994220aa8e3a94d66a01e0 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 05:24:14 2018 +0100 Fix querying cluster metrics commit 1601e002a064cbb10ffe110a19433c5662858f1d Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 04:49:03 2018 +0100 Queues for unicersal querier commit 5db198fdc925c0223be24939b76da1d544dd569c Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 03:35:17 2018 +0100 refactor reactive caching and prometheus querying commit b0fc00e8c9d21e961ef44b0129103e2a62928b52 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Thu Feb 15 00:12:03 2018 +0100 Add generic query additional metrics commit ffe76e6a9ba196bccff22c4880e0384959ad5e48 Author: Pawel Chojnacki <> Date: Tue Feb 13 15:40:15 2018 +0100 Cluster Metric yml initial + Remove cluster query + remove cluster_metrics.yml + Prometheus adapter tests
2018-02-23 15:33:33 -05:00
2016-06-14 07:51:12 -04:00