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Snowplow schemas

This page provides Snowplow schema reference for GitLab events.


We are including the gitlab_standard schema for structured events and page views.

The StandardContext class represents this schema in the application. Some properties are automatically populated for frontend events, and can be provided manually for backend events.

Field Name Required Default value Type Description
project_id {dotted-circle} Current project ID * integer
namespace_id {dotted-circle} Current group/namespace ID * integer
user_id {dotted-circle} Current user ID * integer User database record ID attribute. This value undergoes a pseudonymization process at the collector level.
context_generated_at {dotted-circle} Current timestamp string (date time format) Timestamp indicating when context was generated.
environment {check-circle} Current environment string (max 32 chars) Name of the source environment, such as production or staging
source {check-circle} Event source string (max 32 chars) Name of the source application, such as gitlab-rails or gitlab-javascript
plan {dotted-circle} Current namespace plan * string (max 32 chars) Name of the plan for the namespace, such as free, premium, or ultimate. Automatically picked from the namespace.
google_analytics_id {dotted-circle} GA ID value * string (max 32 chars) Google Analytics ID, present when set from our marketing sites.
extra {dotted-circle} JSON Any additional data associated with the event, in the form of key-value pairs

* Default value present for frontend events only

Default Schema

Frontend events include a web-specific schema provided by Snowplow. All URLs are pseudonymized. The entity identifier replaces personally identifiable information (PII). PII includes usernames, group, and project names. Page titles are hardcoded as GitLab for the same reason.

Field Name Required Type Description
app_id {check-circle} string Unique identifier for website / application
base_currency {dotted-circle} string Reporting currency
br_colordepth {dotted-circle} integer Browser color depth
br_cookies {dotted-circle} boolean Does the browser permit cookies?
br_family {dotted-circle} string Browser family
br_features_director {dotted-circle} boolean Director plugin installed?
br_features_flash {dotted-circle} boolean Flash plugin installed?
br_features_gears {dotted-circle} boolean Google gears installed?
br_features_java {dotted-circle} boolean Java plugin installed?
br_features_pdf {dotted-circle} boolean Adobe PDF plugin installed?
br_features_quicktime {dotted-circle} boolean Quicktime plugin installed?
br_features_realplayer {dotted-circle} boolean RealPlayer plugin installed?
br_features_silverlight {dotted-circle} boolean Silverlight plugin installed?
br_features_windowsmedia {dotted-circle} boolean Windows media plugin installed?
br_lang {dotted-circle} string Language the browser is set to
br_name {dotted-circle} string Browser name
br_renderengine {dotted-circle} string Browser rendering engine
br_type {dotted-circle} string Browser type
br_version {dotted-circle} string Browser version
br_viewheight {dotted-circle} string Browser viewport height
br_viewwidth {dotted-circle} string Browser viewport width
collector_tstamp {dotted-circle} timestamp Time stamp for the event recorded by the collector
contexts {dotted-circle}
derived_contexts {dotted-circle} Contexts derived in the Enrich process
derived_tstamp {dotted-circle} timestamp Timestamp making allowance for inaccurate device clock
doc_charset {dotted-circle} string Web page's character encoding
doc_height {dotted-circle} string Web page height
doc_width {dotted-circle} string Web page width
domain_sessionid {dotted-circle} string Unique identifier (UUID) for this visit of this user_id to this domain
domain_sessionidx {dotted-circle} integer Index of number of visits that this user_id has made to this domain (The first visit is 1)
domain_userid {dotted-circle} string Unique identifier for a user, based on a first party cookie (so domain specific)
dvce_created_tstamp {dotted-circle} timestamp Timestamp when event occurred, as recorded by client device
dvce_ismobile {dotted-circle} boolean Indicates whether device is mobile
dvce_screenheight {dotted-circle} string Screen / monitor resolution
dvce_screenwidth {dotted-circle} string Screen / monitor resolution
dvce_sent_tstamp {dotted-circle} timestamp Timestamp when event was sent by client device to collector
dvce_type {dotted-circle} string Type of device
etl_tags {dotted-circle} string JSON of tags for this ETL run
etl_tstamp {dotted-circle} timestamp Timestamp event began ETL
event {dotted-circle} string Event type
event_fingerprint {dotted-circle} string Hash client-set event fields
event_format {dotted-circle} string Format for event
event_id {dotted-circle} string Event UUID
event_name {dotted-circle} string Event name
event_vendor {dotted-circle} string The company who developed the event model
event_version {dotted-circle} string Version of event schema
geo_city {dotted-circle} string City of IP origin
geo_country {dotted-circle} string Country of IP origin
geo_latitude {dotted-circle} string An approximate latitude
geo_longitude {dotted-circle} string An approximate longitude
geo_region {dotted-circle} string Region of IP origin
geo_region_name {dotted-circle} string Region of IP origin
geo_timezone {dotted-circle} string Time zone of IP origin
geo_zipcode {dotted-circle} string Zip (postal) code of IP origin
ip_domain {dotted-circle} string Second level domain name associated with the visitor's IP address
ip_isp {dotted-circle} string Visitor's ISP
ip_netspeed {dotted-circle} string Visitor's connection type
ip_organization {dotted-circle} string Organization associated with the visitor's IP address defaults to ISP name if none is found
mkt_campaign {dotted-circle} string The campaign ID
mkt_clickid {dotted-circle} string The click ID
mkt_content {dotted-circle} string The content or ID of the ad.
mkt_medium {dotted-circle} string Type of traffic source
mkt_network {dotted-circle} string The ad network to which the click ID belongs
mkt_source {dotted-circle} string The company / website where the traffic came from
mkt_term {dotted-circle} string Keywords associated with the referrer
name_tracker {dotted-circle} string The tracker namespace
network_userid {dotted-circle} string Unique identifier for a user, based on a cookie from the collector (so set at a network level and shouldn't be set by a tracker)
os_family {dotted-circle} string Operating system family
os_manufacturer {dotted-circle} string Manufacturers of operating system
os_name {dotted-circle} string Name of operating system
os_timezone {dotted-circle} string Client operating system time zone
page_referrer {dotted-circle} string Referrer URL
page_title {dotted-circle} string To not expose personal identifying information, the page title is hardcoded as GitLab
page_url {dotted-circle} string Page URL
page_urlfragment {dotted-circle} string Fragment aka anchor
page_urlhost {dotted-circle} string Host aka domain
page_urlpath {dotted-circle} string Path to page
page_urlport {dotted-circle} integer Port if specified, 80 if not
page_urlquery {dotted-circle} string Query string
page_urlscheme {dotted-circle} string Scheme (protocol name)
platform {dotted-circle} string The platform the app runs on
pp_xoffset_max {dotted-circle} integer Maximum page x offset seen in the last ping period
pp_xoffset_min {dotted-circle} integer Minimum page x offset seen in the last ping period
pp_yoffset_max {dotted-circle} integer Maximum page y offset seen in the last ping period
pp_yoffset_min {dotted-circle} integer Minimum page y offset seen in the last ping period
refr_domain_userid {dotted-circle} string The Snowplow domain_userid of the referring website
refr_dvce_tstamp {dotted-circle} timestamp The time of attaching the domain_userid to the inbound link
refr_medium {dotted-circle} string Type of referer
refr_source {dotted-circle} string Name of referer if recognised
refr_term {dotted-circle} string Keywords if source is a search engine
refr_urlfragment {dotted-circle} string Referer URL fragment
refr_urlhost {dotted-circle} string Referer host
refr_urlpath {dotted-circle} string Referer page path
refr_urlport {dotted-circle} integer Referer port
refr_urlquery {dotted-circle} string Referer URL query string
refr_urlscheme {dotted-circle} string Referer scheme
se_action {dotted-circle} string The action / event itself
se_category {dotted-circle} string The category of event
se_label {dotted-circle} string A label often used to refer to the 'object' the action is performed on
se_property {dotted-circle} string A property associated with either the action or the object
se_value {dotted-circle} decimal A value associated with the user action
ti_category {dotted-circle} string Item category
ti_currency {dotted-circle} string Currency
ti_name {dotted-circle} string Item name
ti_orderid {dotted-circle} string Order ID
ti_price {dotted-circle} decimal Item price
ti_price_base {dotted-circle} decimal Item price in base currency
ti_quantity {dotted-circle} integer Item quantity
ti_sku {dotted-circle} string Item SKU
tr_affiliation {dotted-circle} string Transaction affiliation (such as channel)
tr_city {dotted-circle} string Delivery address: city
tr_country {dotted-circle} string Delivery address: country
tr_currency {dotted-circle} string Transaction Currency
tr_orderid {dotted-circle} string Order ID
tr_shipping {dotted-circle} decimal Delivery cost charged
tr_shipping_base {dotted-circle} decimal Shipping cost in base currency
tr_state {dotted-circle} string Delivery address: state
tr_tax {dotted-circle} decimal Transaction tax value (such as amount of VAT included)
tr_tax_base {dotted-circle} decimal Tax applied in base currency
tr_total {dotted-circle} decimal Transaction total value
tr_total_base {dotted-circle} decimal Total amount of transaction in base currency
true_tstamp {dotted-circle} timestamp User-set exact timestamp
txn_id {dotted-circle} string Transaction ID
unstruct_event {dotted-circle} JSON The properties of the event
uploaded_at {dotted-circle}
user_fingerprint {dotted-circle} integer User identifier based on (hopefully unique) browser features
user_id {dotted-circle} string Unique identifier for user, set by the business using setUserId
user_ipaddress {dotted-circle} string IP address
useragent {dotted-circle} string User agent (expressed as a browser string)
v_collector {dotted-circle} string Collector version
v_etl {dotted-circle} string ETL version
v_tracker {dotted-circle} string Identifier for Snowplow tracker