
78 KiB

stage group info
Growth Telemetry To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see

Event Dictionary

An event dictionary is a single source of truth that outlines what events and properties you track, why you're tracking them, and where they are tracked. This is a living document that is updated any time a new event is planned or implemented.

Usage Ping

Statistic Section Stage Tier Edition Description
recording_ce_finished_at CE+EE When the core features were computed
recording_ee_finished_at EE When the EE-specific features were computed
Name licensee
Email licensee
Company licensee
assignee_lists counts
boards counts
ci_builds counts verify Unique builds in project
ci_internal_pipelines counts verify Total pipelines in GitLab repositories
ci_external_pipelines counts verify Total pipelines in external repositories
ci_pipeline_config_auto_devops counts verify Total pipelines from an Auto DevOps template
ci_pipeline_config_repository counts verify Total Pipelines from templates in repository
ci_runners counts verify Total configured Runners in project
ci_triggers counts verify Total configured Triggers in project
ci_pipeline_schedules counts verify Pipeline schedules in GitLab
auto_devops_enabled counts configure Projects with Auto DevOps template enabled
auto_devops_disabled counts configure Projects with Auto DevOps template disabled
deploy_keys counts
deployments counts release Total deployments
deployments counts_monthly release Total deployments last 28 days
dast_jobs counts
successful_deployments counts release Total successful deployments
successful_deployments counts_monthly release Total successful deployments last 28 days
failed_deployments counts release Total failed deployments
failed_deployments counts_monthly release Total failed deployments last 28 days
environments counts release Total available and stopped environments
clusters counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters both enabled and disabled
clusters_enabled counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters currently enabled
project_clusters_enabled counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters attached to projects
group_clusters_enabled counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters attached to groups
instance_clusters_enabled counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters attached to the instance
clusters_disabled counts configure Total GitLab Managed disabled clusters
project_clusters_disabled counts configure Total GitLab Managed disabled clusters previously attached to projects
group_clusters_disabled counts configure Total GitLab Managed disabled clusters previously attached to groups
instance_clusters_disabled counts configure Total GitLab Managed disabled clusters previously attached to the instance
clusters_platforms_eks counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters provisioned with GitLab on AWS EKS
clusters_platforms_gke counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters provisioned with GitLab on GCE GKE
clusters_platforms_user counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters that are user provisioned
clusters_applications_helm counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters with Helm enabled
clusters_applications_ingress counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters with Ingress enabled
clusters_applications_cert_managers counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters with Cert Manager enabled
clusters_applications_crossplane counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters with Crossplane enabled
clusters_applications_prometheus counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters with Prometheus enabled
clusters_applications_runner counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters with Runner enabled
clusters_applications_knative counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters with Knative enabled
clusters_applications_elastic_stack counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters with Elastic Stack enabled
clusters_applications_cilium counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters with Cilium enabled
clusters_management_project counts configure Total GitLab Managed clusters with defined cluster management project
in_review_folder counts
grafana_integrated_projects counts
groups counts
issues counts
issues_created_from_gitlab_error_tracking_ui counts monitor
issues_with_associated_zoom_link counts monitor
issues_using_zoom_quick_actions counts monitor
issues_with_embedded_grafana_charts_approx counts monitor
issues_with_health_status counts
keys counts
label_lists counts
lfs_objects counts
milestone_lists counts
milestones counts
pages_domains counts release Total GitLab Pages domains
pool_repositories counts
projects counts
projects_imported_from_github counts
projects_with_repositories_enabled counts
projects_with_error_tracking_enabled counts monitor
protected_branches counts
releases counts release Unique release tags
remote_mirrors counts
requirements_created counts
snippets counts 'create' CE+EE
snippets counts_monthly 'create' CE+EE
personal_snippets counts 'create' CE+EE
personal_snippets counts_monthly 'create' CE+EE
project_snippets counts 'create' CE+EE
project_snippets counts_monthly 'create' CE+EE
suggestions counts
todos counts
uploads counts
web_hooks counts
projects_alerts_active counts
projects_asana_active counts
projects_assembla_active counts
projects_bamboo_active counts
projects_bugzilla_active counts
projects_buildkite_active counts
projects_campfire_active counts
projects_custom_issue_tracker_active counts
projects_discord_active counts
projects_drone_ci_active counts
projects_emails_on_push_active counts
projects_external_wiki_active counts
projects_flowdock_active counts
projects_github_active counts
projects_hangouts_chat_active counts
projects_hipchat_active counts
projects_irker_active counts
projects_jenkins_active counts
projects_jira_active counts
projects_mattermost_active counts
projects_mattermost_slash_commands_active counts
projects_microsoft_teams_active counts
projects_packagist_active counts
projects_pipelines_email_active counts
projects_pivotaltracker_active counts
projects_prometheus_active counts
projects_pushover_active counts
projects_redmine_active counts
projects_slack_active counts
projects_slack_slash_commands_active counts
projects_teamcity_active counts
projects_unify_circuit_active counts
projects_webex_teams_active counts
projects_youtrack_active counts
projects_jira_server_active counts
projects_jira_cloud_active counts
projects_jira_dvcs_cloud_active counts
projects_jira_dvcs_server_active counts
projects_jira_issuelist_active counts create EE Total Jira Issue feature enabled
labels counts
merge_requests counts
merge_requests_users counts
notes counts
wiki_pages_create counts
wiki_pages_update counts
wiki_pages_delete counts
web_ide_commits counts
web_ide_views counts
web_ide_merge_requests counts
web_ide_previews counts
snippet_comment counts
commit_comment counts
merge_request_comment counts
snippet_create counts
snippet_update counts
navbar_searches counts
cycle_analytics_views counts
productivity_analytics_views counts
source_code_pushes counts
merge_request_create counts
design_management_designs_create counts
design_management_designs_update counts
design_management_designs_delete counts
licenses_list_views counts
user_preferences_group_overview_details counts
user_preferences_group_overview_security_dashboard counts
ingress_modsecurity_logging counts
ingress_modsecurity_blocking counts
ingress_modsecurity_disabled counts
ingress_modsecurity_not_installed counts
dependency_list_usages_total counts
epics counts
feature_flags counts
geo_nodes counts geo Number of sites in a Geo deployment
geo_event_log_max_id counts geo Number of replication events on a Geo primary
incident_issues counts monitor Issues created by the alert bot
alert_bot_incident_issues counts monitor Issues created by the alert bot
incident_labeled_issues counts monitor Issues with the incident label
issues_created_gitlab_alerts counts monitor Issues created from alerts by non-alert bot users
issues_created_manually_from_alerts counts monitor Issues created from alerts by non-alert bot users
issues_created_from_alerts counts monitor Issues created from Prometheus and alert management alerts
ldap_group_links counts
ldap_keys counts
ldap_users counts
pod_logs_usages_total counts
projects_enforcing_code_owner_approval counts
projects_mirrored_with_pipelines_enabled counts release Projects with repository mirroring enabled
projects_reporting_ci_cd_back_to_github counts verify Projects with a GitHub service pipeline enabled
projects_with_packages counts package Projects with package registry configured
projects_with_prometheus_alerts counts monitor Projects with Prometheus alerting enabled
projects_with_tracing_enabled counts monitor Projects with tracing enabled
projects_with_alerts_service_enabled counts monitor Projects with alerting service enabled
template_repositories counts
container_scanning_jobs counts
dependency_scanning_jobs counts
license_management_jobs counts
sast_jobs counts
status_page_projects counts monitor Projects with status page enabled
status_page_issues counts monitor Issues published to a Status Page
status_page_incident_publishes counts monitor Cumulative count of usages of publish operation
status_page_incident_unpublishes counts monitor Cumulative count of usages of unpublish operation
epics_deepest_relationship_level counts
operations_dashboard_default_dashboard counts monitor Active users with enabled operations dashboard
operations_dashboard_users_with_projects_added counts monitor Active users with projects on operations dashboard
prometheus_enabled Whether the bundled Prometheus is enabled
average avg_cycle_analytics - code
sd avg_cycle_analytics - code
missing avg_cycle_analytics - code
average avg_cycle_analytics - test
sd avg_cycle_analytics - test
missing avg_cycle_analytics - test
average avg_cycle_analytics - review
sd avg_cycle_analytics - review
missing avg_cycle_analytics - review
average avg_cycle_analytics - staging
sd avg_cycle_analytics - staging
missing avg_cycle_analytics - staging
average avg_cycle_analytics - production
sd avg_cycle_analytics - production
missing avg_cycle_analytics - production
total avg_cycle_analytics
g_analytics_contribution analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to /groups/:group/-/contribution_analytics
g_analytics_insights analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to /groups/:group/-/insights
g_analytics_issues analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to /groups/:group/-/issues_analytics
g_analytics_productivity analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to /groups/:group/-/analytics/productivity_analytics
g_analytics_valuestream analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to /groups/:group/-/analytics/value_stream_analytics
p_analytics_pipelines analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to /:group/:project/pipelines/charts
p_analytics_code_reviews analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to /:group/:project/-/analytics/code_reviews
p_analytics_valuestream analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to /:group/:project/-/value_stream_analytics
p_analytics_insights analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to /:group/:project/insights
p_analytics_issues analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to /:group/:project/-/analytics/issues_analytics
p_analytics_repo analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to /:group/:project/-/graphs/master/charts
i_analytics_cohorts analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to /-/instance_statistics/cohorts
i_analytics_dev_ops_score analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to /-/instance_statistics/dev_ops_score
analytics_unique_visits_for_any_target analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to any of the pages listed above per week
analytics_unique_visits_for_any_target_monthly analytics_unique_visits manage Visits to any of the pages listed above per 28 days
clusters_applications_cert_managers usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Unique clusters with certificate managers enabled
clusters_applications_helm usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Unique clusters with Helm enabled
clusters_applications_ingress usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Unique clusters with Ingress enabled
clusters_applications_knative usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Unique clusters with Knative enabled
clusters_management_project usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Unique clusters with project management enabled
clusters_disabled usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Total non-"GitLab Managed clusters"
clusters_enabled usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Total GitLab Managed clusters
clusters_platforms_gke usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Unique clusters with Google Cloud installed
clusters_platforms_eks usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Unique clusters with AWS installed
clusters_platforms_user usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Unique clusters that are user provided
instance_clusters_disabled usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Unique clusters disabled on instance
instance_clusters_enabled usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Unique clusters enabled on instance
group_clusters_disabled usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Unique clusters disabled on group
group_clusters_enabled usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Unique clusters enabled on group
project_clusters_disabled usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Unique clusters disabled on project
project_clusters_enabled usage_activity_by_stage configure CE+EE Unique clusters enabled on project
projects_slack_notifications_active usage_activity_by_stage configure EE Unique projects with Slack service enabled
projects_slack_slash_active usage_activity_by_stage configure EE Unique projects with Slack '/' commands enabled
projects_with_prometheus_alerts usage_activity_by_stage configure EE Projects with Prometheus enabled and no alerts
deploy_keys usage_activity_by_stage create CE+EE
keys usage_activity_by_stage create CE+EE
merge_requests usage_activity_by_stage create CE+EE
projects_with_disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request usage_activity_by_stage create CE+EE
projects_without_disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request usage_activity_by_stage create CE+EE
remote_mirrors usage_activity_by_stage create CE+EE
snippets usage_activity_by_stage create CE+EE
merge_requests_users usage_activity_by_stage_monthly create CE+EE Unique count of users who used a merge request
action_monthly_active_users_project_repo usage_activity_by_stage_monthly create CE+EE Unique count of users who pushed to a project repo
action_monthly_active_users_design_management usage_activity_by_stage_monthly create CE+EE Unique count of users who interacted with the design system management
action_monthly_active_users_wiki_repo usage_activity_by_stage_monthly create CE+EE Unique count of users who created or updated a wiki repo
projects_enforcing_code_owner_approval usage_activity_by_stage create EE
merge_requests_with_optional_codeowners usage_activity_by_stage create EE
merge_requests_with_required_codeowners usage_activity_by_stage create EE
projects_imported_from_github usage_activity_by_stage create EE
projects_with_repositories_enabled usage_activity_by_stage create EE
protected_branches usage_activity_by_stage create EE
suggestions usage_activity_by_stage create EE
approval_project_rules usage_activity_by_stage create EE Number of project approval rules
approval_project_rules_with_target_branch usage_activity_by_stage create EE Number of project approval rules with not default target branch
merge_requests_with_added_rules usage_activity_by_stage create EE Merge Requests with added rules
clusters usage_activity_by_stage monitor CE+EE
clusters_applications_prometheus usage_activity_by_stage monitor CE+EE
operations_dashboard_default_dashboard usage_activity_by_stage monitor CE+EE
operations_dashboard_users_with_projects_added usage_activity_by_stage monitor EE
projects_prometheus_active usage_activity_by_stage monitor EE
projects_with_error_tracking_enabled usage_activity_by_stage monitor EE
projects_with_tracing_enabled usage_activity_by_stage monitor EE
events usage_activity_by_stage manage CE+EE
groups usage_activity_by_stage manage CE+EE
users_created_at usage_activity_by_stage manage CE+EE
omniauth_providers usage_activity_by_stage manage CE+EE
ldap_keys usage_activity_by_stage manage EE
ldap_users usage_activity_by_stage manage EE
value_stream_management_customized_group_stages usage_activity_by_stage manage EE
projects_with_compliance_framework usage_activity_by_stage manage EE
ldap_servers usage_activity_by_stage manage EE
ldap_group_sync_enabled usage_activity_by_stage manage EE
ldap_admin_sync_enabled usage_activity_by_stage manage EE
group_saml_enabled usage_activity_by_stage manage EE
issues usage_activity_by_stage plan CE+EE
notes usage_activity_by_stage plan CE+EE
projects usage_activity_by_stage plan CE+EE
todos usage_activity_by_stage plan CE+EE
assignee_lists usage_activity_by_stage plan EE
epics usage_activity_by_stage plan EE
label_lists usage_activity_by_stage plan EE
milestone_lists usage_activity_by_stage plan EE
projects_jira_active usage_activity_by_stage plan EE
projects_jira_dvcs_server_active usage_activity_by_stage plan EE
projects_jira_dvcs_server_active usage_activity_by_stage plan EE
service_desk_enabled_projects usage_activity_by_stage plan CE+EE
service_desk_issues usage_activity_by_stage plan CE+EE
deployments usage_activity_by_stage release CE+EE Total deployments
failed_deployments usage_activity_by_stage release CE+EE Total failed deployments
projects_mirrored_with_pipelines_enabled usage_activity_by_stage release EE Projects with repository mirroring enabled
releases usage_activity_by_stage release CE+EE Unique release tags in project
successful_deployments usage_activity_by_stage release CE+EE Total successful deployments
user_preferences_group_overview_security_dashboard usage_activity_by_stage secure
sast_pipeline usage_activity_by_stage_monthly secure EE Number of pipelines running sast jobs
dependency_scanning_pipeline usage_activity_by_stage_monthly secure EE Number of pipelines running dependency jobs
container_scanning_pipeline usage_activity_by_stage_monthly secure EE Number of pipelines running container scanning jobs
dast_pipeline usage_activity_by_stage_monthly secure EE Number of pipelines running dast jobs
secret_detection_pipeline usage_activity_by_stage_monthly secure EE Number of pipelines running secret detection jobs
coverage_fuzzing_pipeline usage_activity_by_stage_monthly secure EE Number of pipelines running coverage jobs
ci_builds usage_activity_by_stage verify CE+EE Unique builds in project
ci_external_pipelines usage_activity_by_stage verify CE+EE Total pipelines in external repositories
ci_internal_pipelines usage_activity_by_stage verify CE+EE Total pipelines in GitLab repositories
ci_pipeline_config_auto_devops usage_activity_by_stage verify CE+EE Total pipelines from an Auto DevOps template
ci_pipeline_config_repository usage_activity_by_stage verify CE+EE Pipelines from templates in repository
ci_pipeline_schedules usage_activity_by_stage verify CE+EE Pipeline schedules in GitLab
ci_pipelines usage_activity_by_stage verify CE+EE Total pipelines
ci_triggers usage_activity_by_stage verify CE+EE Triggers enabled
clusters_applications_runner usage_activity_by_stage verify CE+EE Unique clusters with Runner enabled
projects_reporting_ci_cd_back_to_github usage_activity_by_stage verify EE Unique projects with a GitHub pipeline enabled
merge_requests_users usage_activity_by_stage_monthly create Unique count of users who used a merge request
duration_s topology enablement Time it took to collect topology data
application_requests_per_hour topology enablement Number of requests to the web application per hour
failures topology enablement Contains information about failed queries
nodes topology enablement The list of server nodes on which GitLab components are running
node_memory_total_bytes topology > nodes enablement The total available memory of this node
node_cpus topology > nodes enablement The number of CPU cores of this node
node_uname_info topology > nodes enablement The basic hardware architecture and OS release information on this node
node_services topology > nodes enablement The list of GitLab services running on this node
name topology > nodes > node_services enablement The name of the GitLab service running on this node
process_count topology > nodes > node_services enablement The number of processes running for this service
process_memory_rss topology > nodes > node_services enablement The average Resident Set Size of a service process
process_memory_uss topology > nodes > node_services enablement The average Unique Set Size of a service process
process_memory_pss topology > nodes > node_services enablement The average Proportional Set Size of a service process
server topology > nodes > node_services enablement The type of web server used (Unicorn or Puma)
network_policy_forwards counts defend EE Cumulative count of forwarded packets by Container Network
network_policy_drops counts defend EE Cumulative count of dropped packets by Container Network
vendor container_registry_server package CE+EE The Container Registry vendor (GitLab or third-party)
version container_registry_server package CE+EE The Container Registry version (only when vendor is GitLab)