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stage group info
Growth Product Intelligence To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see

Snowplow schemas

This page provides Snowplow schema reference for GitLab events.


We are including the gitlab_standard schema with every event. See Standardize Snowplow Schema for details.

The StandardContext class represents this schema in the application.

Field Name Required Type Description
project_id {dotted-circle} integer
namespace_id {dotted-circle} integer
user_id {dotted-circle} integer User database record ID attribute. This file undergoes a pseudonymization process at the collector level.
environment {check-circle} string (max 32 chars) Name of the source environment, such as production or staging
source {check-circle} string (max 32 chars) Name of the source application, such as gitlab-rails or gitlab-javascript
plan {dotted-circle} string (max 32 chars) Name of the plan for the namespace, such as free, premium, or ultimate. Automatically picked from the namespace.
google_analytics_id {dotted-circle} string (max 32 chars) Google Analytics ID, present when set from our marketing sites.
extra {dotted-circle} JSON Any additional data associated with the event, in the form of key-value pairs

Default Schema

Frontend events include a web-specific schema provided by Snowplow. All URLs are pseudonymized. The entity identifier replaces personally identifiable information (PII). PII includes usernames, group, and project names.

Field Name Required Type Description
app_id {check-circle} string Unique identifier for website / application
base_currency {dotted-circle} string Reporting currency
br_colordepth {dotted-circle} integer Browser color depth
br_cookies {dotted-circle} boolean Does the browser permit cookies?
br_family {dotted-circle} string Browser family
br_features_director {dotted-circle} boolean Director plugin installed?
br_features_flash {dotted-circle} boolean Flash plugin installed?
br_features_gears {dotted-circle} boolean Google gears installed?
br_features_java {dotted-circle} boolean Java plugin installed?
br_features_pdf {dotted-circle} boolean Adobe PDF plugin installed?
br_features_quicktime {dotted-circle} boolean Quicktime plugin installed?
br_features_realplayer {dotted-circle} boolean RealPlayer plugin installed?
br_features_silverlight {dotted-circle} boolean Silverlight plugin installed?
br_features_windowsmedia {dotted-circle} boolean Windows media plugin installed?
br_lang {dotted-circle} string Language the browser is set to
br_name {dotted-circle} string Browser name
br_renderengine {dotted-circle} string Browser rendering engine
br_type {dotted-circle} string Browser type
br_version {dotted-circle} string Browser version
br_viewheight {dotted-circle} string Browser viewport height
br_viewwidth {dotted-circle} string Browser viewport width
collector_tstamp {dotted-circle} timestamp Time stamp for the event recorded by the collector
contexts {dotted-circle}
derived_contexts {dotted-circle} Contexts derived in the Enrich process
derived_tstamp {dotted-circle} timestamp Timestamp making allowance for inaccurate device clock
doc_charset {dotted-circle} string Web page's character encoding
doc_height {dotted-circle} string Web page height
doc_width {dotted-circle} string Web page width
domain_sessionid {dotted-circle} string Unique identifier (UUID) for this visit of this user_id to this domain
domain_sessionidx {dotted-circle} integer Index of number of visits that this user_id has made to this domain (The first visit is 1)
domain_userid {dotted-circle} string Unique identifier for a user, based on a first party cookie (so domain specific)
dvce_created_tstamp {dotted-circle} timestamp Timestamp when event occurred, as recorded by client device
dvce_ismobile {dotted-circle} boolean Indicates whether device is mobile
dvce_screenheight {dotted-circle} string Screen / monitor resolution
dvce_screenwidth {dotted-circle} string Screen / monitor resolution
dvce_sent_tstamp {dotted-circle} timestamp Timestamp when event was sent by client device to collector
dvce_type {dotted-circle} string Type of device
etl_tags {dotted-circle} string JSON of tags for this ETL run
etl_tstamp {dotted-circle} timestamp Timestamp event began ETL
event {dotted-circle} string Event type
event_fingerprint {dotted-circle} string Hash client-set event fields
event_format {dotted-circle} string Format for event
event_id {dotted-circle} string Event UUID
event_name {dotted-circle} string Event name
event_vendor {dotted-circle} string The company who developed the event model
event_version {dotted-circle} string Version of event schema
geo_city {dotted-circle} string City of IP origin
geo_country {dotted-circle} string Country of IP origin
geo_latitude {dotted-circle} string An approximate latitude
geo_longitude {dotted-circle} string An approximate longitude
geo_region {dotted-circle} string Region of IP origin
geo_region_name {dotted-circle} string Region of IP origin
geo_timezone {dotted-circle} string Time zone of IP origin
geo_zipcode {dotted-circle} string Zip (postal) code of IP origin
ip_domain {dotted-circle} string Second level domain name associated with the visitor's IP address
ip_isp {dotted-circle} string Visitor's ISP
ip_netspeed {dotted-circle} string Visitor's connection type
ip_organization {dotted-circle} string Organization associated with the visitor's IP address defaults to ISP name if none is found
mkt_campaign {dotted-circle} string The campaign ID
mkt_clickid {dotted-circle} string The click ID
mkt_content {dotted-circle} string The content or ID of the ad.
mkt_medium {dotted-circle} string Type of traffic source
mkt_network {dotted-circle} string The ad network to which the click ID belongs
mkt_source {dotted-circle} string The company / website where the traffic came from
mkt_term {dotted-circle} string Keywords associated with the referrer
name_tracker {dotted-circle} string The tracker namespace
network_userid {dotted-circle} string Unique identifier for a user, based on a cookie from the collector (so set at a network level and shouldn't be set by a tracker)
os_family {dotted-circle} string Operating system family
os_manufacturer {dotted-circle} string Manufacturers of operating system
os_name {dotted-circle} string Name of operating system
os_timezone {dotted-circle} string Client operating system time zone
page_referrer {dotted-circle} string Referrer URL
page_title {dotted-circle} string Page title
page_url {dotted-circle} string Page URL
page_urlfragment {dotted-circle} string Fragment aka anchor
page_urlhost {dotted-circle} string Host aka domain
page_urlpath {dotted-circle} string Path to page
page_urlport {dotted-circle} integer Port if specified, 80 if not
page_urlquery {dotted-circle} string Query string
page_urlscheme {dotted-circle} string Scheme (protocol name)
platform {dotted-circle} string The platform the app runs on
pp_xoffset_max {dotted-circle} integer Maximum page x offset seen in the last ping period
pp_xoffset_min {dotted-circle} integer Minimum page x offset seen in the last ping period
pp_yoffset_max {dotted-circle} integer Maximum page y offset seen in the last ping period
pp_yoffset_min {dotted-circle} integer Minimum page y offset seen in the last ping period
refr_domain_userid {dotted-circle} string The Snowplow domain_userid of the referring website
refr_dvce_tstamp {dotted-circle} timestamp The time of attaching the domain_userid to the inbound link
refr_medium {dotted-circle} string Type of referer
refr_source {dotted-circle} string Name of referer if recognised
refr_term {dotted-circle} string Keywords if source is a search engine
refr_urlfragment {dotted-circle} string Referer URL fragment
refr_urlhost {dotted-circle} string Referer host
refr_urlpath {dotted-circle} string Referer page path
refr_urlport {dotted-circle} integer Referer port
refr_urlquery {dotted-circle} string Referer URL query string
refr_urlscheme {dotted-circle} string Referer scheme
se_action {dotted-circle} string The action / event itself
se_category {dotted-circle} string The category of event
se_label {dotted-circle} string A label often used to refer to the 'object' the action is performed on
se_property {dotted-circle} string A property associated with either the action or the object
se_value {dotted-circle} decimal A value associated with the user action
ti_category {dotted-circle} string Item category
ti_currency {dotted-circle} string Currency
ti_name {dotted-circle} string Item name
ti_orderid {dotted-circle} string Order ID
ti_price {dotted-circle} decimal Item price
ti_price_base {dotted-circle} decimal Item price in base currency
ti_quantity {dotted-circle} integer Item quantity
ti_sku {dotted-circle} string Item SKU
tr_affiliation {dotted-circle} string Transaction affiliation (such as channel)
tr_city {dotted-circle} string Delivery address: city
tr_country {dotted-circle} string Delivery address: country
tr_currency {dotted-circle} string Transaction Currency
tr_orderid {dotted-circle} string Order ID
tr_shipping {dotted-circle} decimal Delivery cost charged
tr_shipping_base {dotted-circle} decimal Shipping cost in base currency
tr_state {dotted-circle} string Delivery address: state
tr_tax {dotted-circle} decimal Transaction tax value (such as amount of VAT included)
tr_tax_base {dotted-circle} decimal Tax applied in base currency
tr_total {dotted-circle} decimal Transaction total value
tr_total_base {dotted-circle} decimal Total amount of transaction in base currency
true_tstamp {dotted-circle} timestamp User-set exact timestamp
txn_id {dotted-circle} string Transaction ID
unstruct_event {dotted-circle} JSON The properties of the event
uploaded_at {dotted-circle}
user_fingerprint {dotted-circle} integer User identifier based on (hopefully unique) browser features
user_id {dotted-circle} string Unique identifier for user, set by the business using setUserId
user_ipaddress {dotted-circle} string IP address
useragent {dotted-circle} string User agent (expressed as a browser string)
v_collector {dotted-circle} string Collector version
v_etl {dotted-circle} string ETL version
v_tracker {dotted-circle} string Identifier for Snowplow tracker