gitlab-org--gitlab-foss/.gitlab/issue_templates/Geo Replicate a new blob ty...

729 lines
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This template is based on a model named `CoolWidget`.
To adapt this template, find and replace the following tokens:
- `CoolWidget`
- `Cool Widget`
- `cool_widget`
- `coolWidget`
If your Model's pluralized form is non-standard, i.e. it doesn't just end in `s`, find and replace the following tokens *first*:
- `CoolWidgets`
- `Cool Widgets`
- `cool_widgets`
- `coolWidgets`
## Replicate Cool Widgets
This issue is for implementing Geo replication and verification of Cool Widgets.
For more background, see [Geo self-service framework](
In order to implement and test this feature, you need to first [set up Geo locally](
There are three main sections below. It is a good idea to structure your merge requests this way as well:
1. Modify database schemas to prepare to add Geo support for Cool Widgets
1. Implement Geo support of Cool Widgets behind a feature flag
1. Release Geo support of Cool Widgets
It is also a good idea to first open a proof-of-concept merge request. It can be helpful for working out kinks and getting initial support and feedback from the Geo team. As an example, see the [Proof of Concept to replicate Pipeline Artifacts](
### Modify database schemas to prepare to add Geo support for Cool Widgets
You might do this section in its own merge request, but it is not required.
#### Add the registry table to track replication and verification state
Geo secondary sites have a [Geo tracking database]( independent of the main database. It is used to track the replication and verification state of all replicables. Every Model has a corresponding "registry" table in the Geo tracking database.
- [ ] Create the migration file in `ee/db/geo/migrate`:
bin/rails generate geo_migration CreateCoolWidgetRegistry
- [ ] Replace the contents of the migration file with the following. Note that we cannot add a foreign key constraint on `cool_widget_id` because the `cool_widgets` table is in a different database. The application code must handle logic such as propagating deletions.
# frozen_string_literal: true
class CreateCoolWidgetRegistry < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
def up
unless table_exists?(:cool_widget_registry)
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
create_table :cool_widget_registry, id: :bigserial, force: :cascade do |t|
t.bigint :cool_widget_id, null: false
t.datetime_with_timezone :created_at, null: false
t.datetime_with_timezone :last_synced_at
t.datetime_with_timezone :retry_at
t.datetime_with_timezone :verified_at
t.datetime_with_timezone :verification_started_at
t.datetime_with_timezone :verification_retry_at
t.integer :state, default: 0, null: false, limit: 2
t.integer :verification_state, default: 0, null: false, limit: 2
t.integer :retry_count, default: 0, limit: 2, null: false
t.integer :verification_retry_count, default: 0, limit: 2, null: false
t.boolean :checksum_mismatch, default: false, null: false
t.binary :verification_checksum
t.binary :verification_checksum_mismatched
t.string :verification_failure, limit: 255 # rubocop:disable Migration/PreventStrings see
t.string :last_sync_failure, limit: 255 # rubocop:disable Migration/PreventStrings see
t.index :cool_widget_id, name: :index_cool_widget_registry_on_cool_widget_id, unique: true
t.index :retry_at
t.index :state
# To optimize performance of CoolWidgetRegistry.verification_failed_batch
t.index :verification_retry_at, name: :cool_widget_registry_failed_verification, order: "NULLS FIRST", where: "((state = 2) AND (verification_state = 3))"
# To optimize performance of CoolWidgetRegistry.needs_verification_count
t.index :verification_state, name: :cool_widget_registry_needs_verification, where: "((state = 2) AND (verification_state = ANY (ARRAY[0, 3])))"
# To optimize performance of CoolWidgetRegistry.verification_pending_batch
t.index :verified_at, name: :cool_widget_registry_pending_verification, order: "NULLS FIRST", where: "((state = 2) AND (verification_state = 0))"
def down
drop_table :cool_widget_registry
- [ ] If deviating from the above example, then be sure to order columns according to [our guidelines](
- [ ] Run Geo tracking database migrations:
bin/rake geo:db:migrate
- [ ] Be sure to commit the relevant changes in `ee/db/geo/schema.rb`
### Add verification state fields on the Geo primary site
The Geo primary site needs to checksum every replicable in order for secondaries to verify their own checksums. To do this, Geo requires fields on the Model. There are two ways to add the necessary verification state fields. If the table is large and wide, then it may be a good idea to add verification state fields to a separate table (Option 2). Consult a database expert if needed.
#### Add verification state fields to the model table (Option 1)
- [ ] Create the migration file in `db/migrate`:
bin/rails generate migration AddVerificationStateToCoolWidgets
- [ ] Replace the contents of the migration file with:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddVerificationStateToCoolWidgets < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def change
change_table(:cool_widgets) do |t|
t.integer :verification_state, default: 0, limit: 2, null: false
t.column :verification_started_at, :datetime_with_timezone
t.integer :verification_retry_count, limit: 2, null: false
t.column :verification_retry_at, :datetime_with_timezone
t.column :verified_at, :datetime_with_timezone
t.binary :verification_checksum, using: 'verification_checksum::bytea'
t.text :verification_failure # rubocop:disable Migration/AddLimitToTextColumns
- [ ] If deviating from the above example, then be sure to order columns according to [our guidelines](
- [ ] If `cool_widgets` is a high-traffic table, follow [the database documentation to use `with_lock_retries`](
- [ ] Adding a `text` column also [requires](../database/ setting a limit. Create the migration file in `db/migrate`:
bin/rails generate migration AddVerificationFailureLimitToCoolWidgets
- [ ] Replace the contents of the migration file with:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddVerificationFailureLimitToCoolWidgets < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
CONSTRAINT_NAME = 'cool_widget_verification_failure_text_limit'
def up
add_text_limit :cool_widget, :verification_failure, 255, constraint_name: CONSTRAINT_NAME
def down
remove_check_constraint(:cool_widget, CONSTRAINT_NAME)
- [ ] Add indexes on verification fields to ensure verification can be performed efficiently. Some or all of these indexes can be omitted if the table is guaranteed to be small. Ask a database expert if you are considering omitting indexes. Create the migration file in `db/migrate`:
bin/rails generate migration AddVerificationIndexesToCoolWidgets
- [ ] Replace the contents of the migration file with:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddVerificationIndexesToCoolWidgets < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widgets_on_verification_state"
PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widgets_pending_verification"
FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widgets_failed_verification"
NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widgets_needs_verification"
def up
add_concurrent_index :cool_widgets, :verification_state, name: VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME
add_concurrent_index :cool_widgets, :verified_at, where: "(verification_state = 0)", order: { verified_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
add_concurrent_index :cool_widgets, :verification_retry_at, where: "(verification_state = 3)", order: { verification_retry_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
add_concurrent_index :cool_widgets, :verification_state, where: "(verification_state = 0 OR verification_state = 3)", name: NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
def down
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :cool_widgets, VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :cool_widgets, PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :cool_widgets, FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :cool_widgets, NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
- [ ] Run database migrations:
bin/rake db:migrate
- [ ] Be sure to commit the relevant changes in `db/structure.sql`
#### Add verification state fields to a separate table (Option 2)
- [ ] Create the migration file in `db/migrate`:
bin/rails generate migration CreateCoolWidgetStates
- [ ] Replace the contents of the migration file with:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class CreateCoolWidgetStates < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widget_states_on_verification_state"
PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widget_states_pending_verification"
FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widget_states_failed_verification"
NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widget_states_needs_verification"
def up
unless table_exists?(:cool_widget_states)
with_lock_retries do
create_table :cool_widget_states, id: false do |t|
t.references :cool_widget, primary_key: true, null: false, foreign_key: { on_delete: :cascade }
t.integer :verification_state, default: 0, limit: 2, null: false
t.column :verification_started_at, :datetime_with_timezone
t.datetime_with_timezone :verification_retry_at
t.datetime_with_timezone :verified_at
t.integer :verification_retry_count, limit: 2
t.binary :verification_checksum, using: 'verification_checksum::bytea'
t.text :verification_failure
t.index :verification_state, name: VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verified_at, where: "(verification_state = 0)", order: { verified_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verification_retry_at, where: "(verification_state = 3)", order: { verification_retry_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verification_state, where: "(verification_state = 0 OR verification_state = 3)", name: NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
add_text_limit :cool_widget_states, :verification_failure, 255
def down
drop_table :cool_widget_states
- [ ] If deviating from the above example, then be sure to order columns according to [our guidelines](
- [ ] Run database migrations:
bin/rake db:migrate
- [ ] Be sure to commit the relevant changes in `db/structure.sql`
That's all of the required database changes.
### Implement Geo support of Cool Widgets behind a feature flag
#### Step 1. Implement replication and verification
- [ ] Include `Gitlab::Geo::ReplicableModel` in the `CoolWidget` class, and specify the Replicator class `with_replicator Geo::CoolWidgetReplicator`.
At this point the `CoolWidget` class should look like this:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class CoolWidget < ApplicationRecord
include ::Gitlab::Geo::ReplicableModel
include ::Gitlab::Geo::VerificationState
with_replicator Geo::CoolWidgetReplicator
mount_uploader :file, CoolWidgetUploader
# Override the `all` default if not all records can be replicated. For an
# example of an existing Model that needs to do this, see
# `EE::MergeRequestDiff`.
# scope :available_replicables, -> { all }
# @param primary_key_in [Range, CoolWidget] arg to pass to primary_key_in scope
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation<CoolWidget>] everything that should be synced to this node, restricted by primary key
def self.replicables_for_current_secondary(primary_key_in)
# This issue template does not help you write this method.
# This method is called only on Geo secondary sites. It is called when
# we want to know which records to replicate. This is not easy to automate
# because for example:
# * The "selective sync" feature allows admins to choose which namespaces # to replicate, per secondary site. Most Models are scoped to a
# namespace, but the nature of the relationship to a namespace varies
# between Models.
# * The "selective sync" feature allows admins to choose which shards to
# replicate, per secondary site. Repositories are associated with
# shards. Most blob types are not, but Project Uploads are.
# * Remote stored replicables are not replicated, by default. But the
# setting `sync_object_storage` enables replication of remote stored
# replicables.
# Search the codebase for examples, and consult a Geo expert if needed.
- [ ] Implement `CoolWidget.replicables_for_current_secondary` above.
- [ ] Ensure `CoolWidget.replicables_for_current_secondary` is well-tested. Search the codebase for `replicables_for_current_secondary` to find examples of parameterized table specs. You may need to add more `FactoryBot` traits.
- [ ] If you are using a separate table `cool_widget_states` to track verification state on the Geo primary site, then:
- [ ] Do not include `::Gitlab::Geo::VerificationState` on the `CoolWidget` class.
- [ ] Add the following lines to the `cool_widget_state.rb` model:
class CoolWidgetState < ApplicationRecord
self.primary_key = :cool_widget_id
include ::Gitlab::Geo::VerificationState
belongs_to :cool_widget, inverse_of: :cool_widget_state
- [ ] Add the following lines to the `cool_widget` model:
class CoolWidget < ApplicationRecord
has_one :cool_widget_state, inverse_of: :cool_widget
delegate :verification_retry_at, :verification_retry_at=,
:verified_at, :verified_at=,
:verification_checksum, :verification_checksum=,
:verification_failure, :verification_failure=,
:verification_retry_count, :verification_retry_count=,
to: :cool_widget_state
- [ ] Create `ee/app/replicators/geo/cool_widget_replicator.rb`. Implement the `#carrierwave_uploader` method which should return a `CarrierWave::Uploader`, and implement the class method `.model` to return the `CoolWidget` class:
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Geo
class CoolWidgetReplicator < Gitlab::Geo::Replicator
include ::Geo::BlobReplicatorStrategy
def self.model
def carrierwave_uploader
# The feature flag follows the format `geo_#{replicable_name}_replication`,
# so here it would be `geo_cool_widget_replication`
def self.replication_enabled_by_default?
override :verification_feature_flag_enabled?
def self.verification_feature_flag_enabled?
# We are adding verification at the same time as replication, so we
# don't need to toggle verification separately from replication. When
# the replication feature flag is off, then verification is also off
# (see `VerifiableReplicator.verification_enabled?`)
- [ ] Generate the feature flag definition file by running the feature flag command and following the command prompts:
bin/feature-flag --ee geo_cool_widget_replication --type development --group 'group::geo'
- [ ] Add this replicator class to the method `replicator_classes` in
- [ ] Create `ee/spec/replicators/geo/cool_widget_replicator_spec.rb` and perform the necessary setup to define the `model_record` variable for the shared examples:
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Geo::CoolWidgetReplicator do
let(:model_record) { build(:cool_widget) }
include_examples 'a blob replicator'
include_examples 'a verifiable replicator'
- [ ] Create `ee/app/models/geo/cool_widget_registry.rb`:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class Geo::CoolWidgetRegistry < Geo::BaseRegistry
include ::Geo::ReplicableRegistry
include ::Geo::VerifiableRegistry
MODEL_CLASS = ::CoolWidget
MODEL_FOREIGN_KEY = :cool_widget_id
belongs_to :cool_widget, class_name: 'CoolWidget'
- [ ] Update `REGISTRY_CLASSES` in `ee/app/workers/geo/secondary/registry_consistency_worker.rb`.
- [ ] Update `def model_class_factory_name` in `ee/spec/services/geo/registry_consistency_service_spec.rb`.
- [ ] Update `it 'creates missing registries for each registry class'` in `ee/spec/workers/geo/secondary/registry_consistency_worker_spec.rb`.
- [ ] Add `cool_widget_registry` to `ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections` in `config/initializers_before_autoloader/000_inflections.rb`.
- [ ] Create `ee/spec/factories/geo/cool_widget_registry.rb`:
# frozen_string_literal: true
FactoryBot.define do
factory :geo_cool_widget_registry, class: 'Geo::CoolWidgetRegistry' do
state { Geo::CoolWidgetRegistry.state_value(:pending) }
trait :synced do
state { Geo::CoolWidgetRegistry.state_value(:synced) }
last_synced_at { 5.days.ago }
trait :failed do
state { Geo::CoolWidgetRegistry.state_value(:failed) }
last_synced_at { }
retry_count { 2 }
last_sync_failure { 'Random error' }
trait :started do
state { Geo::CoolWidgetRegistry.state_value(:started) }
last_synced_at { }
retry_count { 0 }
trait :verification_succeeded do
verification_checksum { 'e079a831cab27bcda7d81cd9b48296d0c3dd92ef' }
verification_state { Geo::CoolWidgetRegistry.verification_state_value(:verification_succeeded) }
verified_at { 5.days.ago }
- [ ] Create `ee/spec/models/geo/cool_widget_registry_spec.rb`:
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Geo::CoolWidgetRegistry, :geo, type: :model do
let_it_be(:registry) { create(:geo_cool_widget_registry) }
specify 'factory is valid' do
expect(registry).to be_valid
include_examples 'a Geo framework registry'
include_examples 'a Geo verifiable registry'
#### Step 2. Implement metrics gathering
Metrics are gathered by `Geo::MetricsUpdateWorker`, persisted in `GeoNodeStatus` for display in the UI, and sent to Prometheus:
- [ ] Add the following fields to Geo Node Status example responses in `doc/api/`:
- `cool_widgets_count`
- `cool_widgets_checksum_total_count`
- `cool_widgets_checksummed_count`
- `cool_widgets_checksum_failed_count`
- `cool_widgets_synced_count`
- `cool_widgets_failed_count`
- `cool_widgets_registry_count`
- `cool_widgets_verification_total_count`
- `cool_widgets_verified_count`
- `cool_widgets_verification_failed_count`
- `cool_widgets_synced_in_percentage`
- `cool_widgets_verified_in_percentage`
- [ ] Add the same fields to `GET /geo_nodes/status` example response in
- [ ] Add the following fields to the `Sidekiq metrics` table in `doc/administration/monitoring/prometheus/`:
- `geo_cool_widgets`
- `geo_cool_widgets_checksum_total`
- `geo_cool_widgets_checksummed`
- `geo_cool_widgets_checksum_failed`
- `geo_cool_widgets_synced`
- `geo_cool_widgets_failed`
- `geo_cool_widgets_registry`
- `geo_cool_widgets_verification_total`
- `geo_cool_widgets_verified`
- `geo_cool_widgets_verification_failed`
- [ ] Add the following to the parameterized table in the `context 'Replicator stats' do` block in `ee/spec/models/geo_node_status_spec.rb`:
Geo::CoolWidgetReplicator | :cool_widget | :geo_cool_widget_registry
- [ ] Add the following to `spec/factories/cool_widgets.rb`:
trait(:verification_succeeded) do
verification_checksum { 'abc' }
verification_state { CoolWidget.verification_state_value(:verification_succeeded) }
trait(:verification_failed) do
verification_failure { 'Could not calculate the checksum' }
verification_state { CoolWidget.verification_state_value(:verification_failed) }
- [ ] Make sure the factory also allows setting a `project` attribute. If the model does not have a direct relation to a project, you can use a `transient` attribute. Check out `spec/factories/merge_request_diffs.rb` for an example.
Cool Widget replication and verification metrics should now be available in the API, the `Admin > Geo > Nodes` view, and Prometheus.
#### Step 3. Implement the GraphQL API
The GraphQL API is used by `Admin > Geo > Replication Details` views, and is directly queryable by administrators.
- [ ] Add a new field to `GeoNodeType` in `ee/app/graphql/types/geo/geo_node_type.rb`:
field :cool_widget_registries, ::Types::Geo::CoolWidgetRegistryType.connection_type,
null: true,
resolver: ::Resolvers::Geo::CoolWidgetRegistriesResolver,
description: 'Find Cool Widget registries on this Geo node',
feature_flag: :geo_cool_widget_replication
- [ ] Add the new `cool_widget_registries` field name to the `expected_fields` array in `ee/spec/graphql/types/geo/geo_node_type_spec.rb`.
- [ ] Create `ee/app/graphql/resolvers/geo/cool_widget_registries_resolver.rb`:
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Resolvers
module Geo
class CoolWidgetRegistriesResolver < BaseResolver
type ::Types::Geo::GeoNodeType.connection_type, null: true
include RegistriesResolver
- [ ] Create `ee/spec/graphql/resolvers/geo/cool_widget_registries_resolver_spec.rb`:
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Resolvers::Geo::CoolWidgetRegistriesResolver do
it_behaves_like 'a Geo registries resolver', :geo_cool_widget_registry
- [ ] Create `ee/app/finders/geo/cool_widget_registry_finder.rb`:
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Geo
class CoolWidgetRegistryFinder
include FrameworkRegistryFinder
- [ ] Create `ee/spec/finders/geo/cool_widget_registry_finder_spec.rb`:
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Geo::CoolWidgetRegistryFinder do
it_behaves_like 'a framework registry finder', :geo_cool_widget_registry
- [ ] Create `ee/app/graphql/types/geo/cool_widget_registry_type.rb`:
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Types
module Geo
# rubocop:disable Graphql/AuthorizeTypes because it is included
class CoolWidgetRegistryType < BaseObject
include ::Types::Geo::RegistryType
graphql_name 'CoolWidgetRegistry'
description 'Represents the Geo replication and verification state of a cool_widget'
field :cool_widget_id, GraphQL::ID_TYPE, null: false, description: 'ID of the Cool Widget'
- [ ] Create `ee/spec/graphql/types/geo/cool_widget_registry_type_spec.rb`:
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe GitlabSchema.types['CoolWidgetRegistry'] do
it_behaves_like 'a Geo registry type'
it 'has the expected fields (other than those included in RegistryType)' do
expected_fields = %i[cool_widget_id]
expect(described_class).to have_graphql_fields(*expected_fields).at_least
- [ ] Add integration tests for providing CoolWidget registry data to the frontend via the GraphQL API, by duplicating and modifying the following shared examples in `ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/geo/registries_spec.rb`:
it_behaves_like 'gets registries for', {
field_name: 'coolWidgetRegistries',
registry_class_name: 'CoolWidgetRegistry',
registry_factory: :geo_cool_widget_registry,
registry_foreign_key_field_name: 'coolWidgetId'
- [ ] Update the GraphQL reference documentation:
bundle exec rake gitlab:graphql:compile_docs
Individual Cool Widget replication and verification data should now be available via the GraphQL API.
### Release Geo support of Cool Widgets
- [ ] In the rollout issue you created when creating the feature flag, modify the Roll Out Steps:
- [ ] Cross out any steps related to testing on production, because Geo is not running on production at the moment.
- [ ] Add a step to `Test replication and verification of Cool Widgets on a non-GDK-deployment. For example, using GitLab Environment Toolkit`.
- [ ] Add a step to `Ping the Geo PM and EM to coordinate testing`. For example, you might add steps to generate Cool Widgets, and then a Geo engineer may take it from there.
- [ ] In `ee/config/feature_flags/development/geo_cool_widget_replication.yml`, set `default_enabled: true`
- [ ] In `ee/app/replicators/geo/cool_widget_replicator.rb`, delete the `self.replication_enabled_by_default?` method:
module Geo
class CoolWidgetReplicator < Gitlab::Geo::Replicator
def self.replication_enabled_by_default?
- [ ] In `ee/app/graphql/types/geo/geo_node_type.rb`, remove the `feature_flag` option for the released type:
field :cool_widget_registries, ::Types::Geo::CoolWidgetRegistryType.connection_type,
null: true,
resolver: ::Resolvers::Geo::CoolWidgetRegistriesResolver,
description: 'Find Cool Widget registries on this Geo node',
feature_flag: :geo_cool_widget_replication # REMOVE THIS LINE
- [ ] Add a row for Cool Widgets to the `Data types` table in [Geo data types support](
- [ ] Add a row for Cool Widgets to the `Limitations on replication/verification` table in [Geo data types support]( If the row already exists, then update it to show that Replication and Verification is released in the current version.