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GitLab 6.x-7.7 with JIRA v6.x

NOTE: This method is deprecated. GitLab versions 7.8 and up, contain various integration improvements and we strongly recommend upgrading. The official supported document on JIRA integration can be found under JIRA.

In gitlab.yml enable the JIRA issue tracker section by uncommenting these lines. This will make sure that all issues within GitLab are pointing to the JIRA issue tracker.

After you set this, you will be able to close issues in JIRA by a commit in GitLab.

Go to your project's Settings page and fill in the project name for the JIRA project:

Set the JIRA project name in GitLab to 'NEW'

You can also enable the JIRA service that will allow you to interact with JIRA issues. Go to the Settings > Services > JIRA and:

  1. Tick the active check box to enable the service
  2. Supply the URL to JIRA server, for example
  3. Supply the username of a user we created under Configuring JIRA section, for example gitlab
  4. Supply the password of the user
  5. Optional: supply the JIRA API version, default is version 2
  6. Optional: supply the JIRA issue transition ID (issue transition to closed). This is dependent on JIRA settings, default is 2
  7. Hit save

JIRA services page