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Object Storage

GitLab supports using an object storage service for holding numerous types of data. In a high availability setup, it's recommended over NFS and in general it's better in larger setups as object storage is typically much more performant, reliable, and scalable.


Object storage options that GitLab has tested, or is aware of customers using include:

Configuration guides

For configuring GitLab to use Object Storage refer to the following guides:

  1. Make sure the git user home directory is on local disk.
  2. Configure database lookup of SSH keys to eliminate the need for a shared authorized_keys file.
  3. Configure object storage for backups.
  4. Configure object storage for job artifacts including incremental logging.
  5. Configure object storage for LFS objects.
  6. Configure object storage for uploads.
  7. Configure object storage for merge request diffs.
  8. Configure object storage for Container Registry (optional feature).
  9. Configure object storage for Mattermost (optional feature).
  10. Configure object storage for packages (optional feature). (PREMIUM ONLY)
  11. Configure object storage for Dependency Proxy (optional feature). (PREMIUM ONLY)
  12. Configure object storage for Pseudonymizer (optional feature). (ULTIMATE ONLY)
  13. Configure object storage for autoscale Runner caching (optional - for improved performance).

Warnings, limitations, and known issues

Use separate buckets

Using separate buckets for each data type is the recommended approach for GitLab.

A limitation of our configuration is that each use of object storage is separately configured. We have an issue for improving this and easily using one bucket with separate folders is one improvement that this might bring.

There is at least one specific issue with using the same bucket: when GitLab is deployed with the Helm chart restore from backup will not properly function unless separate buckets are used.

One risk of using a single bucket would be that if your organisation decided to migrate GitLab to the Helm deployment in the future. GitLab would run, but the situation with backups might not be realised until the organisation had a critical requirement for the backups to work.

S3 API compatability issues

Not all S3 providers are fully compatible with the Fog library that GitLab uses. Symptoms include:

411 Length Required

GitLab Pages requires NFS

If you're working to scale out your GitLab implementation and one of your requirements is GitLab Pages this currently requires NFS. There is work in progress to remove this dependency. In the future, GitLab Pages may use object storage.

The dependency on disk storage also prevents Pages being deployed using the GitLab Helm chart.

Incremental logging is required for CI to use object storage

If you configure GitLab to use object storage for CI logs and artifacts, you must also enable incremental logging.

Proxy Download

A number of the use cases for object storage allow client traffic to be redirected to the object storage back end, like when Git clients request large files via LFS or when downloading CI artifacts and logs.

When the files are stored on local block storage or NFS, GitLab has to act as a proxy. This is not the default behaviour with object storage.

The proxy_download setting controls this behaviour: the default is generally false. Verify this in the documentation for each use case. Set it to true so that GitLab proxies the files.

When not proxying files, GitLab returns an HTTP 302 redirect with a pre-signed, time-limited object storage URL. This can result in some of the following problems:

  • If GitLab is using non-secure HTTP to access the object storage, clients may generate https->http downgrade errors and refuse to process the redirect. The solution to this is for GitLab to use HTTPS. LFS, for example, will generate this error:

    LFS: lfsapi/client: refusing insecure redirect, https->http
  • Clients will need to trust the certificate authority that issued the object storage certificate, or may return common TLS errors such as:

    x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
  • Clients will need network access to the object storage. Errors that might result if this access is not in place include:

    Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden

Getting a 403 Forbidden response is specifically called out on the package repository documentation as a side effect of how some build tools work.

ETag mismatch

Using the default GitLab settings, some object storage back-ends such as MinIO and Alibaba might generate ETag mismatch errors.

When using GitLab direct upload, the workaround for MinIO is to use the --compat parameter on the server.

We are working on a fix to GitLab component Workhorse, and also a workaround, in the mean time, to allow ETag verification to be disabled.