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Internal API

The internal API is used by different GitLab components, it can not be used by other consumers. This documentation is intended for people working on the GitLab codebase.

This documentation does not yet include the internal API used by GitLab Pages.


These methods are all authenticated using a shared secret. This secret is stored in a file at the path configured in config/gitlab.yml by default this is in the root of the rails app named .gitlab_shell_secret

To authenticate using that token, clients read the contents of that file, and include the token Base64 encoded in a secret_token param or in the Gitlab-Shared-Secret header.

NOTE: Note: The internal API used by GitLab Pages uses a different kind of authentication.

Git Authentication

This is called by Gitaly and GitLab-shell to check access to a repository.

When called from GitLab-shell no changes are passed and the internal API replies with the information needed to pass the request on to Gitaly.

When called from Gitaly in a pre-receive hook the changes are passed and those are validated to determine if the push is allowed.

POST /internal/allowed
Attribute Type Required Description
key_id string no Id of the SSH-key used to connect to GitLab-shell
username string no Username from the certificate used to connect to GitLab-Shell
project string no (if gl_repository is passed) Path to the project
gl_repository string no (if project is passed) Path to the project
protocol string yes SSH when called from GitLab-shell, HTTP or SSH when called from Gitaly
action string yes Git command being run (git-upload-pack, git-receive-pack, git-upload-archive)
changes string yes <oldrev> <newrev> <refname> when called from Gitaly, The magic string _any when called from GitLab Shell
check_ip string no Ip address from which call to GitLab Shell was made

Example request:

curl --request POST --header "Gitlab-Shared-Secret: <Base64 encoded token>" --data "key_id=11&project=gnuwget/wget2&action=git-upload-pack&protocol=ssh" http://localhost:3001/api/v4/internal/allowed

Example response:

  "status": true,
  "gl_repository": "project-3",
  "gl_project_path": "gnuwget/wget2",
  "gl_id": "user-1",
  "gl_username": "root",
  "git_config_options": [],
  "gitaly": {
    "repository": {
      "storage_name": "default",
      "relative_path": "@hashed/4e/07/4e07408562bedb8b60ce05c1decfe3ad16b72230967de01f640b7e4729b49fce.git",
      "git_object_directory": "",
      "git_alternate_object_directories": [],
      "gl_repository": "project-3",
      "gl_project_path": "gnuwget/wget2"
    "address": "unix:/Users/bvl/repos/gitlab/gitaly.socket",
    "token": null
  "gl_console_messages": []

Known consumers

  • Gitaly
  • GitLab-shell

LFS Authentication

This is the endpoint that gets called from GitLab-shell to provide information for LFS clients when the repository is accessed over SSH.

Attribute Type Required Description
key_id string no Id of the SSH-key used to connect to GitLab-shell
username string no Username from the certificate used to connect to GitLab-Shell
project string no Path to the project

Example request:

curl --request POST --header "Gitlab-Shared-Secret: <Base64 encoded token>" --data "key_id=11&project=gnuwget/wget2" http://localhost:3001/api/v4/internal/lfs_authenticate
  "username": "root",
  "lfs_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7ImFjdG9yIjoicm9vdCJ9LCJqdGkiOiIyYWJhZDcxZC0xNDFlLTQ2NGUtOTZlMi1mODllYWRiMGVmZTYiLCJpYXQiOjE1NzAxMTc2NzYsIm5iZiI6MTU3MDExNzY3MSwiZXhwIjoxNTcwMTE5NDc2fQ.g7atlBw1QMY7QEBVPE0LZ8ZlKtaRzaMRmNn41r2YITM",
  "repository_http_path": "http://localhost:3001/gnuwget/wget2.git",
  "expires_in": 1800

Known consumers

  • GitLab-shell

Authorized Keys Check

This endpoint is called by the GitLab-shell authorized keys check. Which is called by OpenSSH for fast SSH key lookup.

Attribute Type Required Description
key string yes SSH key as passed by OpenSSH to GitLab-shell
GET /internal/authorized_keys

Example request:

curl --request GET --header "Gitlab-Shared-Secret: <Base64 encoded secret>""http://localhost:3001/api/v4/internal/authorized_keys?key=<key as passed by OpenSSH>"

Example response:

  "id": 11,
  "title": "",
  "key": "ssh-rsa ...",
  "created_at": "2019-06-27T15:29:02.219Z"

Known consumers

  • GitLab-shell

Get user for user id or key

This endpoint is used when a user performs ssh It discovers the user associated with an SSH key.

Attribute Type Required Description
key_id integer no The id of the SSH key used as found in the authorized-keys file or through the /authorized_keys check
username string no Username of the user being looked up, used by GitLab-shell when authenticating using a certificate
GET /internal/discover

Example request:

curl --request GET --header "Gitlab-Shared-Secret: <Base64 encoded secret>" "http://localhost:3001/api/v4/internal/discover?key_id=7"

Example response:

  "id": 7,
  "name": "Dede Eichmann",
  "username": "rubi"

Known consumers

  • GitLab-shell

Instance information

This get's some generic information about the instance. This is used by Geo nodes to get information about eachother

GET /internal/check

Example request:

curl --request GET --header "Gitlab-Shared-Secret: <Base64 encoded secret>" "http://localhost:3001/api/v4/internal/check"

Example response:

  "api_version": "v4",
  "gitlab_version": "12.3.0-pre",
  "gitlab_rev": "d69c988e6a6",
  "redis": true

Known consumers

  • GitLab Geo
  • GitLab-shell's bin/check

Get new 2FA recovery codes using an SSH key

This is called from GitLab-shell and allows users to get new 2FA recovery codes based on their SSH key

Attribute Type Required Description
key_id integer no The id of the SSH key used as found in the authorized-keys file or through the /authorized_keys check
user_id integer no Deprecated User_id for which to generate new recovery codes
GET /internal/two_factor_recovery_codes

Example request:

curl --request POST --header "Gitlab-Shared-Secret: <Base64 encoded secret>" --data "key_id=7" http://localhost:3001/api/v4/internal/two_factor_recovery_codes

Example response:

  "success": true,
  "recovery_codes": [

Known consumers

  • GitLab-shell

Incrementing counter on pre-receive

This is called from the Gitaly hooks increasing the reference counter for a push that might be accepted.

Attribute Type Required Description
gl_repository string yes repository identifier for the repository receiving the push
POST /internal/pre_receive

Example request:

curl --request POST --header "Gitlab-Shared-Secret: <Base64 encoded secret>" --data "gl_repository=project-7" http://localhost:3001/api/v4/internal/pre_receive

Example response:

  "reference_counter_increased": true


Called from Gitaly after a receiving a push. This triggers the PostReceive-worker in Sidekiq, processes the passed push options and builds the response including messages that need to be displayed to the user.

Attribute Type Required Description
identifier string yes user-[id] or key-[id] Identifying the user performing the push
gl_repository string yes identifier of the repository being pushed to
push_options string array no array of push options
changes string no refs to be updated in the push in the format oldrev newrev refname\n.
POST /internal/post_receive

Example Request:

curl --request POST --header "Gitlab-Shared-Secret: <Base64 encoded secret>" --data "gl_repository=project-7" --data "identifier=user-1" --data "changes=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 fd9e76b9136bdd9fe217061b497745792fe5a5ee gh-pages\n"  http://localhost:3001/api/v4/internal/post_receive

Example response:

  "messages": [
      "message": "Hello from post-receive",
      "type": "alert"
  "reference_counter_decreased": true