gitlab-org--gitlab-foss/.gitlab/issue_templates/Actionable Insight - Produc...

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Supporting evidence



  • 🕊️ [Dovetail project](Paste URL for Dovetail project here)
  • 🔍 [Research issue](Paste URL for research issue here)
  • 👣 [Follow-up issue or epic](Paste URL for follow-up issue or epic here)


  • Assign this issue to the appropriate Product Manager, Product Designer, or UX Researcher.
  • Add the appropriate Group (such as ~"group::source code") label to the issue. This helps identify and track actionable insights at the group level.
  • Link this issue back to the original research issue in the GitLab UX Research project and the Dovetail project.
  • Adjust confidentiality of this issue if applicable

/confidential /label ~"Actionable Insight::Product change" /label ~"SUS"