
1.4 KiB


This Ruby extension implements the Keccak (draft version of SHA-3) cryptographic hash function. It is based on the reference C implementation, version 3.2. The exposed interface is almost identical to that of the digest standard library.


Keccak supports 5 hash lengths: 224-bit, 256-bit, 384-bit, 512-bit and variable length. Variable length is not supported by this Ruby extension. Unless the user specifies otherwise, this Ruby extension assumes 512-bit.

    require 'digest/keccak'

    # Generate 512-bit digest.
    Digest::Keccak.digest("foo")       # => "\025\227\204*..."
    Digest::Keccak.hexdigest("foo")    # => "1597842a..."

    # Generate 224-bit digest.
    Digest::Keccak.digest("foo", 224)       # => "\332\251M\247..."
    Digest::Keccak.hexdigest("foo", 224)    # => "daa94da7..."

    # Use this interface to feed data in chunks. 512-bit by default.
    digest = Digest::Keccak.new
    digest.digest       # => "\025\227\204*..."
    digest.hexdigest    # => "1597842a..."

    # You can pass a hash length to the constructor.
    digest = Digest::Keccak.new(224)

Running the test suite

Run the test suite as follows:

    make test

A part of the test suite is automatically generated from Keccak's reference test suite.