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# Hashie [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/intridea/hashie.png)](http://travis-ci.org/intridea/hashie) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/intridea/hashie.png)](https://gemnasium.com/intridea/hashie)
2009-09-03 01:32:57 +00:00
Hashie is a growing collection of tools that extend Hashes and make
them more useful.
2009-09-03 01:32:57 +00:00
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
## Installation
2011-07-02 22:10:15 +00:00
2010-03-05 17:51:58 +00:00
Hashie is available as a RubyGem:
2009-11-12 14:08:55 +00:00
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
$ gem install hashie
2009-11-12 14:08:55 +00:00
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
## Hash Extensions
2013-04-07 00:52:53 +00:00
The library is broken up into a number of atomically includeable Hash
extension modules as described below. This provides maximum flexibility
for users to mix and match functionality while maintaining feature parity
with earlier versions of Hashie.
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
2011-08-02 15:44:23 +00:00
Any of the extensions listed below can be mixed into a class by
`include`-ing `Hashie::Extensions::ExtensionName`.
### Coercion
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
Coercions allow you to set up "coercion rules" based either on the key
or the value type to massage data as it's being inserted into the Hash.
Key coercions might be used, for example, in lightweight data modeling
applications such as an API client:
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
class Tweet < Hash
include Hashie::Extensions::Coercion
coerce_key :user, User
2012-03-25 13:05:32 +00:00
user_hash = { name: "Bob" }
Tweet.new(user: user_hash)
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
# => automatically calls User.coerce(user_hash) or
# User.new(user_hash) if that isn't present.
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
Value coercions, on the other hand, will coerce values based on the type
of the value being inserted. This is useful if you are trying to build a
Hash-like class that is self-propagating.
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
class SpecialHash < Hash
include Hashie::Extensions::Coercion
coerce_value Hash, SpecialHash
2012-03-25 13:05:32 +00:00
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
def initialize(hash = {})
hash.each_pair do |k,v|
self[k] = v
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
2011-08-02 15:44:23 +00:00
### KeyConversion
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
The KeyConversion extension gives you the convenience methods of
`symbolize_keys` and `stringify_keys` along with their bang
counterparts. You can also include just stringify or just symbolize with
`Hashie::Extensions::StringifyKeys` or `Hashie::Extensions::SymbolizeKeys`.
2011-08-02 15:44:23 +00:00
### MergeInitializer
2011-08-02 21:03:21 +00:00
The MergeInitializer extension simply makes it possible to initialize a
Hash subclass with another Hash, giving you a quick short-hand.
2011-08-02 15:44:23 +00:00
### MethodAccess
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
The MethodAccess extension allows you to quickly build method-based
reading, writing, and querying into your Hash descendant. It can also be
included as individual modules, i.e. `Hashie::Extensions::MethodReader`,
`Hashie::Extensions::MethodWriter` and `Hashie::Extensions::MethodQuery`
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
class MyHash < Hash
include Hashie::Extensions::MethodAccess
2012-03-25 13:05:32 +00:00
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
h = MyHash.new
h.abc = 'def'
h.abc # => 'def'
h.abc? # => true
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
2011-08-02 21:03:21 +00:00
### IndifferentAccess
This extension can be mixed in to instantly give you indifferent access
to your Hash subclass. This works just like the params hash in Rails and
other frameworks where whether you provide symbols or strings to access
keys, you will get the same results.
A unique feature of Hashie's IndifferentAccess mixin is that it will
inject itself recursively into subhashes *without* reinitializing the
hash in question. This means you can safely merge together indifferent
and non-indifferent hashes arbitrarily deeply without worrying about
whether you'll be able to `hash[:other][:another]` properly.
### IgnoreUndeclared
This extension can be mixed in to silently ignore undeclared properties on
initialization instead of raising an error. This is useful when using a
Trash to capture a subset of a larger hash.
class Person < Trash
include Hashie::Extensions::IgnoreUndeclared
property :first_name
property :last_name
user_data = {
first_name: 'Freddy',
last_name: 'Nostrils',
email: 'freddy@example.com'
p = Person.new(user_data) # 'email' is silently ignored
p.first_name # => 'Freddy'
p.last_name # => 'Nostrils'
p.email # => NoMethodError
2012-03-25 13:05:32 +00:00
### DeepMerge
This extension allow you to easily include a recursive merging
system to any Hash descendant:
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
class MyHash < Hash
include Hashie::Extensions::DeepMerge
2012-03-25 13:05:32 +00:00
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
h1 = MyHash.new
h2 = MyHash.new
2012-03-25 13:05:32 +00:00
h1 = { x: { y: [4,5,6] }, z: [7,8,9] }
h2 = { x: { y: [7,8,9] }, z: "xyz" }
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
h1.deep_merge(h2) #=> { x: { y: [7, 8, 9] }, z: "xyz" }
h2.deep_merge(h1) #=> { x: { y: [4, 5, 6] }, z: [7, 8, 9] }
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
### DeepFetch
This extension can be mixed in to provide for safe and concise retrieval of
deeply nested hash values. In the event that the requested key does not exist
a block can be provided and its value will be returned.
Though this is a hash extension, it conveniently allows for arrays to be
present in the nested structure. This feature makes the extension particularly
useful for working with JSON API responses.
user = {
name: { first: 'Bob', last: 'Boberts' },
groups: [
{ name: 'Rubyists' },
{ name: 'Open source enthusiasts' }
user.extend Hashie::Extensions::DeepFetch
user.deep_fetch :name, :first #=> 'Bob'
user.deep_fetch :name, :middle #=> 'KeyError: Could not fetch middle'
# using a default block
user.deep_fetch :name, :middle { |key| 'default' } #=> 'default'
# a nested array
user.deep_fetch :groups, 1, :name #=> 'Open source enthusiasts'
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
## Mash
2009-11-12 14:08:55 +00:00
Mash is an extended Hash that gives simple pseudo-object functionality
that can be built from hashes and easily extended. It is designed to
2011-07-02 22:10:15 +00:00
be used in RESTful API libraries to provide easy object-like access
2009-11-12 14:08:55 +00:00
to JSON and XML parsed hashes.
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
### Example:
2011-07-02 22:10:15 +00:00
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
mash = Hashie::Mash.new
mash.name? # => false
mash.name # => nil
mash.name = "My Mash"
mash.name # => "My Mash"
mash.name? # => true
mash.inspect # => <Hashie::Mash name="My Mash">
mash = Mash.new
# use bang methods for multi-level assignment
mash.author!.name = "Michael Bleigh"
mash.author # => <Hashie::Mash name="Michael Bleigh">
mash = Mash.new
# use under-bang methods for multi-level testing
mash.author_.name? # => false
mash.inspect # => <Hashie::Mash>
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
**Note:** The `?` method will return false if a key has been set
to false or nil. In order to check if a key has been set at all, use the
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
`mash.key?('some_key')` method instead.
2011-07-02 22:10:15 +00:00
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
## Dash
2009-11-12 14:08:55 +00:00
Dash is an extended Hash that has a discrete set of defined properties
and only those properties may be set on the hash. Additionally, you
can set defaults for each property. You can also flag a property as
2012-02-13 09:11:59 +00:00
required. Required properties will raise an exception if unset.
2009-11-12 14:08:55 +00:00
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
### Example:
2009-11-12 14:08:55 +00:00
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
class Person < Hashie::Dash
property :name, required: true
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
property :email
property :occupation, default: 'Rubyist'
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
p = Person.new # => ArgumentError: The property 'name' is required for this Dash.
p = Person.new(name: "Bob")
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
p.name # => 'Bob'
p.name = nil # => ArgumentError: The property 'name' is required for this Dash.
p.email = 'abc@def.com'
p.occupation # => 'Rubyist'
p.email # => 'abc@def.com'
p[:awesome] # => NoMethodError
p[:occupation] # => 'Rubyist'
2011-07-02 22:10:15 +00:00
### Mash and Rails 4 Strong Parameters
Add the following initializer in config/initializers/mash.rb when using Mash with [Rails 4 Strong Parameters](http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/action_controller_overview.html#strong-parameters). This prevents Mash from responding to `:permitted?` and therefore triggering an ActiveModel `ForbiddenAttributesProtection` exception.
class Mash
include Hashie::Extensions::Mash::ActiveModel
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
## Trash
2010-08-10 15:07:54 +00:00
A Trash is a Dash that allows you to translate keys on initialization.
It is used like so:
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
class Person < Hashie::Trash
property :first_name, from: :firstName
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2011-07-02 22:10:15 +00:00
2010-08-10 15:07:54 +00:00
This will automatically translate the <tt>firstName</tt> key to <tt>first_name</tt>
when it is initialized using a hash such as through:
2011-07-02 22:10:15 +00:00
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
Person.new(firstName: 'Bob')
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
2011-07-02 22:10:15 +00:00
2012-04-17 11:12:05 +00:00
Trash also supports translations using lambda, this could be useful when dealing with
external API's. You can use it in this way:
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
class Result < Hashie::Trash
property :id, transform_with: lambda { |v| v.to_i }
property :created_at, from: :creation_date, with: lambda { |v| Time.parse(v) }
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2012-04-17 11:12:05 +00:00
this will produce the following
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
result = Result.new(id: '123', creation_date: '2012-03-30 17:23:28')
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
result.id.class # => Fixnum
result.created_at.class # => Time
2012-04-17 11:12:05 +00:00
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
## Clash
2010-03-05 17:51:58 +00:00
Clash is a Chainable Lazy Hash that allows you to easily construct
complex hashes using method notation chaining. This will allow you
to use a more action-oriented approach to building options hashes.
Essentially, a Clash is a generalized way to provide much of the same
kind of "chainability" that libraries like Arel or Rails 2.x's named_scopes
2014-04-06 13:17:27 +00:00
### Example:
2010-03-05 17:51:58 +00:00
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
c = Hashie::Clash.new
c.where(abc: 'def').order(:created_at)
c # => { where: { abc: 'def' }, order: :created_at }
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
# You can also use bang notation to chain into sub-hashes,
# jumping back up the chain with _end!
c = Hashie::Clash.new
c # => { where: { abc: 'def', ghi: 123 }, order: :created_at }
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
# Multiple hashes are merged automatically
c = Hashie::Clash.new
c.where(abc: 'def').where(hgi: 123)
c # => { where: { abc: 'def', hgi: 123 } }
2013-12-02 21:34:53 +00:00
2009-11-12 14:08:55 +00:00
2014-04-06 13:17:27 +00:00
## Rash
Rash is a Hash whose keys can be Regexps or Ranges, which will map many input keys to a value.
A good use case for the Rash is an URL router for a web framework, where URLs need to be mapped to actions; the Rash's keys match URL patterns, while the values call the action which handles the URL.
If the Rash's value is a `proc`, the `proc` will be automatically called with the regexp's MatchData (matched groups) as a block argument.
### Example:
# Mapping names to appropriate greetings
greeting = Hashie::Rash.new( /^Mr./ => "Hello sir!", /^Mrs./ => "Evening, madame." )
greeting["Mr. Steve Austin"] #=> "Hello sir!"
greeting["Mrs. Steve Austin"] #=> "Evening, madame."
# Mapping statements to saucy retorts
mapper = Hashie::Rash.new(
/I like (.+)/ => proc { |m| "Who DOESN'T like #{m[1]}?!" },
/Get off my (.+)!/ => proc { |m| "Forget your #{m[1]}, old man!" }
mapper["I like traffic lights"] #=> "Who DOESN'T like traffic lights?!"
mapper["Get off my lawn!"] #=> "Forget your lawn, old man!"
### Auto-optimized
**Note:** The Rash is automatically optimized every 500 accesses
(which means that it sorts the list of Regexps, putting the most frequently matched ones at the beginning).
If this value is too low or too high for your needs, you can tune it by setting: `rash.optimize_every = n`.
2013-02-14 20:49:59 +00:00
## Contributing
2011-07-02 22:10:15 +00:00
2013-02-14 20:49:59 +00:00
2009-09-03 01:32:57 +00:00
2011-08-02 05:34:29 +00:00
## Copyright
2009-09-03 01:32:57 +00:00
2014-03-30 23:04:00 +00:00
Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Intridea, Inc. (http://intridea.com/) and [contributors](https://github.com/intridea/hashie/graphs/contributors).
MIT License. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.