! Added Minitest::TestTask.

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//src/minitest/dev/": change = 13430]
This commit is contained in:
Ryan Davis 2022-06-07 20:01:15 -08:00
parent 2d64718cae
commit 73692f9202
4 changed files with 386 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ lib/minitest/pride.rb
lib/minitest/pride_plugin.rb lib/minitest/pride_plugin.rb
lib/minitest/spec.rb lib/minitest/spec.rb
lib/minitest/test.rb lib/minitest/test.rb
lib/minitest/unit.rb lib/minitest/unit.rb
test/minitest/metametameta.rb test/minitest/metametameta.rb
test/minitest/test_minitest_assertions.rb test/minitest/test_minitest_assertions.rb
@ -25,3 +26,4 @@ test/minitest/test_minitest_mock.rb
test/minitest/test_minitest_reporter.rb test/minitest/test_minitest_reporter.rb
test/minitest/test_minitest_spec.rb test/minitest/test_minitest_spec.rb
test/minitest/test_minitest_test.rb test/minitest/test_minitest_test.rb

View File

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ extract-method refactorings still apply.
* minitest/mock - a simple and clean mock/stub system. * minitest/mock - a simple and clean mock/stub system.
* minitest/benchmark - an awesome way to assert your algorithm's performance. * minitest/benchmark - an awesome way to assert your algorithm's performance.
* minitest/pride - show your pride in testing! * minitest/pride - show your pride in testing!
* minitest/test_task - a full-featured and clean rake task generator.
* Incredibly small and fast runner, but no bells and whistles. * Incredibly small and fast runner, but no bells and whistles.
* Written by squishy human beings. Software can never be perfect. We will all eventually die. * Written by squishy human beings. Software can never be perfect. We will all eventually die.
@ -264,9 +265,8 @@ new non-existing method:
=== Running Your Tests === Running Your Tests
Ideally, you'll use a rake task to run your tests, either piecemeal or Ideally, you'll use a rake task to run your tests (see below), either
all at once. Both rake and rails ship with rake tasks for running your piecemeal or all at once. BUT! You don't have to:
tests. BUT! You don't have to:
% ruby -Ilib:test test/minitest/test_minitest_test.rb % ruby -Ilib:test test/minitest/test_minitest_test.rb
Run options: --seed 37685 Run options: --seed 37685
@ -294,18 +294,45 @@ provided via plugins. To see them, simply run with +--help+:
-p, --pride Pride. Show your testing pride! -p, --pride Pride. Show your testing pride!
-a, --autotest Connect to autotest server. -a, --autotest Connect to autotest server.
=== Rake Tasks
You can set up a rake task to run all your tests by adding this to your Rakefile: You can set up a rake task to run all your tests by adding this to your Rakefile:
require "rake/testtask" require "minitest/test_task"
Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |t| Minitest::TestTask.create # named test, sensible defaults
# or more explicitly:
Minitest::TestTask.create(:test) do |t|
t.libs << "test" t.libs << "test"
t.libs << "lib" t.libs << "lib"
t.test_files = FileList["test/**/test_*.rb"] t.warning = false
t.test_globs = ["test/**/*_test.rb"]
end end
task :default => :test task :default => :test
Each of these will generate 4 tasks:
rake test :: Run the test suite.
rake test:cmd :: Print out the test command.
rake test:isolated :: Show which test files fail when run separately.
rake test:slow :: Show bottom 25 tests sorted by time.
=== Rake Task Variables
There are a bunch of variables you can supply to rake to modify the run.
MT_LIB_EXTRAS :: Extra libs to dynamically override/inject for custom runs.
N :: -n: Tests to run (string or /regexp/).
X :: -x: Tests to exclude (string or /regexp/).
A :: Any extra arguments. Honors shell quoting.
MT_CPU :: How many threads to use for parallel test runs
SEED :: -s --seed Sets random seed.
TESTOPTS :: Deprecated, same as A
FILTER :: Deprecated, same as A
== Writing Extensions == Writing Extensions
To define a plugin, add a file named minitest/XXX_plugin.rb to your To define a plugin, add a file named minitest/XXX_plugin.rb to your

lib/minitest/test_task.rb Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
require "shellwords"
require "rbconfig"
require "rake/tasklib"
module Minitest # :nodoc:
# Minitest::TestTask is a rake helper that generates several rake
# tasks under the main test task's name-space.
# task <name> :: the main test task
# task <name>:cmd :: prints the command to use
# task <name>:deps :: runs each test file by itself to find dependency errors
# task <name>:slow :: runs the tests and reports the slowest 25 tests.
# Examples:
# Minitest::TestTask.create
# The most basic and default setup.
# Minitest::TestTask.create :my_tests
# The most basic/default setup, but with a custom name
# Minitest::TestTask.create :unit do |t|
# t.test_globs = ["test/unit/**/*_test.rb"]
# t.warning = false
# end
# Customize the name and only run unit tests.
class TestTask < Rake::TaskLib
WINDOWS = RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /mswin|mingw/ # :nodoc:
# Create several test-oriented tasks under +name+. Takes an
# optional block to customize variables.
def self.create name = :test, &block
task = new name
task.instance_eval(&block) if block
# Extra arguments to pass to the tests. Defaults empty but gets
# populated by a number of enviroment variables:
# N (-n flag) :: a string or regexp of tests to run.
# X (-e flag) :: a string or regexp of tests to exclude.
# A (arg) :: quick way to inject an arbitrary argument (eg A=--help).
# See #process_env
attr_accessor :extra_args
# The code to load the framework. Defaults to requiring
# minitest/autorun...
# Why do I have this as an option?
attr_accessor :framework
# Extra library directories to include. Defaults to %w[lib test
# .]. Also uses $MT_LIB_EXTRAS allowing you to dynamically
# override/inject directories for custom runs.
attr_accessor :libs
# The name of the task and base name for the other tasks generated.
attr_accessor :name
# File globs to find test files. Defaults to something sensible to
# find test files under the test directory.
attr_accessor :test_globs
# Turn on ruby warnings (-w flag). Defaults to true.
attr_accessor :warning
# Optional: Additional ruby to run before the test framework is loaded.
attr_accessor :test_prelude
# Print out commands as they run. Defaults to Rake's +trace+ (-t
# flag) option.
attr_accessor :verbose
# Use TestTask.create instead.
def initialize name = :test # :nodoc:
self.extra_args = []
self.framework = %(require "minitest/autorun")
self.libs = %w[lib test .]
self.name = name
self.test_globs = ["test/**/test_*.rb",
self.test_prelude = nil
self.verbose = Rake.application.options.trace
self.warning = true
# Extract variables from the environment and convert them to
# command line arguments. See #extra_args.
# Environment Variables:
# MT_LIB_EXTRAS :: Extra libs to dynamically override/inject for custom runs.
# N :: Tests to run (string or /regexp/).
# X :: Tests to exclude (string or /regexp/).
# A :: Any extra arguments. Honors shell quoting.
# Deprecated:
# TESTOPTS :: For argument passing, use +A+.
# N :: For parallel testing, use +MT_CPU+.
# FILTER :: Same as +TESTOPTS+.
def process_env
warn "TESTOPTS is deprecated in Minitest::TestTask. Use A instead" if
warn "FILTER is deprecated in Minitest::TestTask. Use A instead" if
warn "N is deprecated in Minitest::TestTask. Use MT_CPU instead" if
ENV["N"] && ENV["N"].to_i > 0
lib_extras = (ENV["MT_LIB_EXTRAS"] || "").split File::PATH_SEPARATOR
self.libs[0,0] = lib_extras
extra_args << "-n" << ENV["N"] if ENV["N"]
extra_args << "-e" << ENV["X"] if ENV["X"]
extra_args.concat Shellwords.split(ENV["TESTOPTS"]) if ENV["TESTOPTS"]
extra_args.concat Shellwords.split(ENV["FILTER"]) if ENV["FILTER"]
extra_args.concat Shellwords.split(ENV["A"]) if ENV["A"]
ENV.delete "N" if ENV["N"]
def define # :nodoc:
default_tasks = []
desc "Run the test suite. Use N, X, A, and TESTOPTS to add flags/args."
task name do
ruby make_test_cmd, verbose:verbose
desc "Print out the test command. Good for profiling and other tools."
task "#{name}:cmd" do
puts "ruby #{make_test_cmd}"
desc "Show which test files fail when run in isolation."
task "#{name}:isolated" do
tests = Dir[*self.test_globs].uniq
# 3 seems to be the magic number... (tho not by that much)
bad, good, n = {}, [], (ENV.delete("K") || 3).to_i
file = ENV.delete("F")
times = {}
tt0 = Time.now
n.threads_do tests.sort do |path|
t0 = Time.now
output = `#{Gem.ruby} #{make_test_cmd path} 2>&1`
t1 = Time.now - t0
times[path] = t1
if $?.success?
$stderr.print "."
good << path
$stderr.print "x"
bad[path] = output
puts "done"
puts "Ran in %.2f seconds" % [ Time.now - tt0 ]
if file then
require "json"
File.open file, "w" do |io|
io.puts JSON.pretty_generate times
unless good.empty?
puts "# Good tests:"
good.sort.each do |path|
puts "%.2fs: %s" % [times[path], path]
unless bad.empty?
puts "# Bad tests:"
bad.keys.sort.each do |path|
puts "%.2fs: %s" % [times[path], path]
puts "# Bad Test Output:"
bad.sort.each do |path, output|
puts "# #{path}:"
puts output
exit 1
task "#{name}:deps" => "#{name}:isolated" # now just an alias
desc "Show bottom 25 tests wrt time."
task "#{name}:slow" do
sh ["rake #{name} TESTOPTS=-v",
"egrep '#test_.* s = .'",
"sort -n -k2 -t=",
"tail -25"].join " | "
default_tasks << name
desc "Run the default task(s)."
task :default => default_tasks
# Generate the test command-line.
def make_test_cmd globs = test_globs
tests = []
tests.concat Dir[*globs].sort.shuffle # TODO: SEED -> srand first?
tests.map! { |f| %(require "#{f}") }
runner = []
runner << test_prelude if test_prelude
runner << framework
runner.concat tests
runner = runner.join "; "
args = []
args << "-I#{libs.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)}" unless libs.empty?
args << "-w" if warning
args << '-e'
args << "'#{runner}'"
args << '--'
args << extra_args.map(&:shellescape)
args.join " "
class Work < Queue
def initialize jobs = []
jobs.each do |job|
self << job
class Integer
def threads_do(jobs) # :nodoc:
require "thread"
q = Work.new jobs
self.times.map {
Thread.new do
while job = q.pop # go until quit value
yield job

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
require "minitest/autorun"
require "hoe"
require "minitest/test_task"
Hoe.load_plugins # make sure Hoe::Test is loaded
class TestHoeTest < Minitest::Test
PATH = "test/minitest/test_minitest_test_task.rb"
mt_path = %w[lib test .].join File::PATH_SEPARATOR
MT_EXPECTED = %W[-I#{mt_path} -w
-e '%srequire "#{PATH}"'
--].join(" ") + " "
def test_make_test_cmd_for_minitest
skip "Using TESTOPTS... skipping" if ENV["TESTOPTS"]
require "minitest/test_task"
framework = %(require "minitest/autorun"; )
@tester = Minitest::TestTask.create :test do |t|
t.test_globs = [PATH]
assert_equal MT_EXPECTED % [framework].join("; "), @tester.make_test_cmd
def test_make_test_cmd_for_minitest_prelude
skip "Using TESTOPTS... skipping" if ENV["TESTOPTS"]
require "minitest/test_task"
prelude = %(require "other/file")
framework = %(require "minitest/autorun"; )
@tester = Minitest::TestTask.create :test do |t|
t.test_prelude = prelude
t.test_globs = [PATH]
assert_equal MT_EXPECTED % [prelude, framework].join("; "), @tester.make_test_cmd