
629 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
//! A specialized 2D grid implementation optimized for use in a terminal.
use std::cmp::{max, min};
use std::iter::TakeWhile;
use std::ops::{Bound, Deref, Index, IndexMut, Range, RangeBounds};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::ansi::{CharsetIndex, StandardCharset};
use crate::index::{Column, Line, Point};
use crate::term::cell::{Flags, ResetDiscriminant};
pub mod resize;
mod row;
mod storage;
mod tests;
pub use self::row::Row;
use self::storage::Storage;
pub trait GridCell: Sized {
/// Check if the cell contains any content.
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;
/// Perform an opinionated cell reset based on a template cell.
fn reset(&mut self, template: &Self);
fn flags(&self) -> &Flags;
fn flags_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Flags;
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Cursor<T> {
/// The location of this cursor.
pub point: Point,
/// Template cell when using this cursor.
pub template: T,
/// Currently configured graphic character sets.
pub charsets: Charsets,
/// Tracks if the next call to input will need to first handle wrapping.
/// This is true after the last column is set with the input function. Any function that
/// implicitly sets the line or column needs to set this to false to avoid wrapping twice.
/// Tracking `input_needs_wrap` makes it possible to not store a cursor position that exceeds
/// the number of columns, which would lead to index out of bounds when interacting with arrays
/// without sanitization.
pub input_needs_wrap: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Charsets([StandardCharset; 4]);
impl Index<CharsetIndex> for Charsets {
type Output = StandardCharset;
fn index(&self, index: CharsetIndex) -> &StandardCharset {
&self.0[index as usize]
impl IndexMut<CharsetIndex> for Charsets {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: CharsetIndex) -> &mut StandardCharset {
&mut self.0[index as usize]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Scroll {
/// Grid based terminal content storage.
/// ```notrust
/// ┌─────────────────────────┐ <-- max_scroll_limit + lines
/// │ │
/// │ │
/// ├─────────────────────────┤ <-- self.raw.inner.len()
/// │ │
/// │ │
/// ├─────────────────────────┤ <-- self.history_size() + lines
/// │ │
/// │ │
/// ├─────────────────────────┤v lines
/// │ │|
/// │ │|
/// ├─────────────────────────┤^ <-- display_offset
/// │ │
/// │ │
/// └─────────────────────────┘ <-- zero
/// ^
/// columns
/// ```
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Grid<T> {
/// Current cursor for writing data.
pub cursor: Cursor<T>,
/// Last saved cursor.
pub saved_cursor: Cursor<T>,
/// Lines in the grid. Each row holds a list of cells corresponding to the
/// columns in that row.
raw: Storage<T>,
/// Number of columns.
columns: usize,
/// Number of visible lines.
lines: usize,
/// Offset of displayed area.
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/// If the displayed region isn't at the bottom of the screen, it stays
/// stationary while more text is emitted. The scrolling implementation
/// updates this offset accordingly.
display_offset: usize,
/// Maximum number of lines in history.
max_scroll_limit: usize,
impl<T: GridCell + Default + PartialEq + Clone> Grid<T> {
pub fn new(lines: usize, columns: usize, max_scroll_limit: usize) -> Grid<T> {
Grid {
raw: Storage::with_capacity(lines, columns),
display_offset: 0,
saved_cursor: Cursor::default(),
cursor: Cursor::default(),
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
/// Update the size of the scrollback history.
pub fn update_history(&mut self, history_size: usize) {
let current_history_size = self.history_size();
if current_history_size > history_size {
self.raw.shrink_lines(current_history_size - history_size);
self.display_offset = min(self.display_offset, history_size);
self.max_scroll_limit = history_size;
pub fn scroll_display(&mut self, scroll: Scroll) {
self.display_offset = match scroll {
Scroll::Delta(count) => {
min(max((self.display_offset as i32) + count, 0) as usize, self.history_size())
Scroll::PageUp => min(self.display_offset + self.lines, self.history_size()),
Scroll::PageDown => self.display_offset.saturating_sub(self.lines),
Scroll::Top => self.history_size(),
Scroll::Bottom => 0,
fn increase_scroll_limit(&mut self, count: usize) {
let count = min(count, self.max_scroll_limit - self.history_size());
if count != 0 {
self.raw.initialize(count, self.columns);
2018-02-17 02:35:54 +00:00
fn decrease_scroll_limit(&mut self, count: usize) {
let count = min(count, self.history_size());
if count != 0 {
self.raw.shrink_lines(min(count, self.history_size()));
self.display_offset = min(self.display_offset, self.history_size());
2018-02-17 02:35:54 +00:00
pub fn scroll_down<D>(&mut self, region: &Range<Line>, positions: usize)
T: ResetDiscriminant<D>,
D: PartialEq,
// When rotating the entire region, just reset everything.
if region.end - region.start <= positions {
for i in (region.start.0..region.end.0).map(Line::from) {
// Which implementation we can use depends on the existence of a scrollback history.
// Since a scrollback history prevents us from rotating the entire buffer downwards, we
// instead have to rely on a slower, swap-based implementation.
if self.max_scroll_limit == 0 {
// Swap the lines fixed at the bottom to their target positions after rotation.
// Since we've made sure that the rotation will never rotate away the entire region, we
// know that the position of the fixed lines before the rotation must already be
// visible.
// We need to start from the top, to make sure the fixed lines aren't swapped with each
// other.
let screen_lines = self.screen_lines() as i32;
for i in (region.end.0..screen_lines).map(Line::from) {
self.raw.swap(i, i - positions as i32);
// Rotate the entire line buffer downward.
// Ensure all new lines are fully cleared.
for i in (0..positions).map(Line::from) {
// Swap the fixed lines at the top back into position.
for i in (0..region.start.0).map(Line::from) {
self.raw.swap(i, i + positions);
} else {
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
// Subregion rotation.
let range = (region.start + positions).0..region.end.0;
for line in range.rev().map(Line::from) {
self.raw.swap(line, line - positions);
let range = region.start.0..(region.start + positions).0;
for line in range.rev().map(Line::from) {
/// Move lines at the bottom toward the top.
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/// This is the performance-sensitive part of scrolling.
pub fn scroll_up<D>(&mut self, region: &Range<Line>, positions: usize)
T: ResetDiscriminant<D>,
D: PartialEq,
// When rotating the entire region with fixed lines at the top, just reset everything.
if region.end - region.start <= positions && region.start != 0 {
for i in (region.start.0..region.end.0).map(Line::from) {
2018-02-12 05:25:33 +00:00
// Update display offset when not pinned to active area.
if self.display_offset != 0 {
self.display_offset = min(self.display_offset + positions, self.max_scroll_limit);
// Create scrollback for the new lines.
// Swap the lines fixed at the top to their target positions after rotation.
// Since we've made sure that the rotation will never rotate away the entire region, we
// know that the position of the fixed lines before the rotation must already be
// visible.
// We need to start from the bottom, to make sure the fixed lines aren't swapped with each
// other.
for i in (0..region.start.0).rev().map(Line::from) {
self.raw.swap(i, i + positions);
// Rotate the entire line buffer upward.
self.raw.rotate(-(positions as isize));
// Ensure all new lines are fully cleared.
let screen_lines = self.screen_lines();
for i in ((screen_lines - positions)..screen_lines).map(Line::from) {
// Swap the fixed lines at the bottom back into position.
for i in (region.end.0..(screen_lines as i32)).rev().map(Line::from) {
self.raw.swap(i, i - positions);
pub fn clear_viewport<D>(&mut self)
T: ResetDiscriminant<D>,
D: PartialEq,
// Determine how many lines to scroll up by.
let end = Point::new(Line(self.lines as i32 - 1), Column(self.columns()));
let mut iter = self.iter_from(end);
while let Some(cell) = iter.prev() {
if !cell.is_empty() || cell.point.line < 0 {
debug_assert!(iter.point.line >= -1);
let positions = (iter.point.line.0 + 1) as usize;
let region = Line(0)..Line(self.lines as i32);
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// Reset display offset.
self.display_offset = 0;
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
// Clear the viewport.
self.scroll_up(&region, positions);
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// Reset rotated lines.
for line in (0..(self.lines - positions)).map(Line::from) {
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/// Completely reset the grid state.
pub fn reset<D>(&mut self)
T: ResetDiscriminant<D>,
D: PartialEq,
self.saved_cursor = Cursor::default();
self.cursor = Cursor::default();
self.display_offset = 0;
// Reset all visible lines.
let range = self.topmost_line().0..(self.screen_lines() as i32);
for line in {
impl<T> Grid<T> {
/// Reset a visible region within the grid.
pub fn reset_region<D, R: RangeBounds<Line>>(&mut self, bounds: R)
T: ResetDiscriminant<D> + GridCell + Clone + Default,
D: PartialEq,
let start = match bounds.start_bound() {
Bound::Included(line) => *line,
Bound::Excluded(line) => *line + 1,
Bound::Unbounded => Line(0),
let end = match bounds.end_bound() {
Bound::Included(line) => *line + 1,
Bound::Excluded(line) => *line,
Bound::Unbounded => Line(self.screen_lines() as i32),
debug_assert!(start < self.screen_lines() as i32);
debug_assert!(end <= self.screen_lines() as i32);
for line in (start.0..end.0).map(Line::from) {
pub fn clear_history(&mut self) {
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// Explicitly purge all lines from history.
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/// This is used only for initializing after loading ref-tests.
pub fn initialize_all(&mut self)
T: GridCell + Clone + Default,
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// Remove all cached lines to clear them of any content.
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// Initialize everything with empty new lines.
self.raw.initialize(self.max_scroll_limit - self.history_size(), self.columns);
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/// This is used only for truncating before saving ref-tests.
pub fn truncate(&mut self) {
pub fn iter_from(&self, point: Point) -> GridIterator<'_, T> {
GridIterator { grid: self, point }
/// Iterator over all visible cells.
pub fn display_iter(&self) -> DisplayIter<'_, T> {
let start = Point::new(Line(-(self.display_offset as i32) - 1), self.last_column());
let end = Point::new(start.line + self.lines, Column(self.columns));
let iter = GridIterator { grid: self, point: start };
let take_while: DisplayIterTakeFun<'_, T> =
Box::new(move |indexed: &Indexed<&T>| indexed.point <= end);
pub fn display_offset(&self) -> usize {
pub fn cursor_cell(&mut self) -> &mut T {
let point = self.cursor.point;
&mut self[point.line][point.column]
impl<T: PartialEq> PartialEq for Grid<T> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
// Compare struct fields and check result of grid comparison.
&& self.columns.eq(&other.columns)
&& self.lines.eq(&other.lines)
&& self.display_offset.eq(&other.display_offset)
impl<T> Index<Line> for Grid<T> {
type Output = Row<T>;
fn index(&self, index: Line) -> &Row<T> {
impl<T> IndexMut<Line> for Grid<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: Line) -> &mut Row<T> {
2018-02-12 05:25:33 +00:00
&mut self.raw[index]
impl<T> Index<Point> for Grid<T> {
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, point: Point) -> &T {
impl<T> IndexMut<Point> for Grid<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, point: Point) -> &mut T {
&mut self[point.line][point.column]
2017-10-13 03:12:29 +00:00
/// Grid dimensions.
pub trait Dimensions {
/// Total number of lines in the buffer, this includes scrollback and visible lines.
fn total_lines(&self) -> usize;
/// Height of the viewport in lines.
fn screen_lines(&self) -> usize;
/// Width of the terminal in columns.
fn columns(&self) -> usize;
/// Index for the last column.
fn last_column(&self) -> Column {
Column(self.columns() - 1)
/// Line farthest up in the grid history.
fn topmost_line(&self) -> Line {
Line(-(self.history_size() as i32))
/// Line farthest down in the grid history.
fn bottommost_line(&self) -> Line {
Line(self.screen_lines() as i32 - 1)
2019-03-30 16:48:36 +00:00
/// Number of invisible lines part of the scrollback history.
fn history_size(&self) -> usize {
impl<G> Dimensions for Grid<G> {
fn total_lines(&self) -> usize {
fn screen_lines(&self) -> usize {
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fn columns(&self) -> usize {
impl Dimensions for (usize, usize) {
fn total_lines(&self) -> usize {
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fn screen_lines(&self) -> usize {
fn columns(&self) -> usize {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Indexed<T> {
pub point: Point,
pub cell: T,
impl<T> Deref for Indexed<T> {
type Target = T;
2019-03-30 16:48:36 +00:00
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
/// Grid cell iterator.
pub struct GridIterator<'a, T> {
/// Immutable grid reference.
grid: &'a Grid<T>,
/// Current position of the iterator within the grid.
point: Point,
impl<'a, T> GridIterator<'a, T> {
/// Current iteratior position.
pub fn point(&self) -> Point {
/// Cell at the current iteratior position.
pub fn cell(&self) -> &'a T {
2018-02-16 03:34:09 +00:00
impl<'a, T> Iterator for GridIterator<'a, T> {
type Item = Indexed<&'a T>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let last_column = self.grid.last_column();
// Stop once we've reached the end of the grid.
if self.point == Point::new(self.grid.bottommost_line(), last_column) {
return None;
match self.point {
Point { column, .. } if column == last_column => {
self.point.column = Column(0);
self.point.line += 1;
_ => self.point.column += Column(1),
Some(Indexed { cell: &self.grid[self.point], point: self.point })
/// Bidirectional iterator.
pub trait BidirectionalIterator: Iterator {
fn prev(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;
impl<'a, T> BidirectionalIterator for GridIterator<'a, T> {
fn prev(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let topmost_line = self.grid.topmost_line();
let last_column = self.grid.last_column();
// Stop once we've reached the end of the grid.
if self.point == Point::new(topmost_line, Column(0)) {
return None;
match self.point {
Point { column: Column(0), .. } => {
self.point.column = last_column;
self.point.line -= 1;
_ => self.point.column -= Column(1),
Some(Indexed { cell: &self.grid[self.point], point: self.point })
pub type DisplayIter<'a, T> = TakeWhile<GridIterator<'a, T>, DisplayIterTakeFun<'a, T>>;
type DisplayIterTakeFun<'a, T> = Box<dyn Fn(&Indexed<&'a T>) -> bool>;