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2010-01-30 00:08:15 -05:00
2010-03-30 19:17:40 -04:00
var __slice = Array.prototype.slice;
// The CoffeeScript Lexer. Uses a series of token-matching regexes to attempt
// matches against the beginning of the source code. When a match is found,
// a token is produced, we consume the match, and start again. Tokens are in the
// form:
// [tag, value, line_number]
2010-02-28 21:39:07 -05:00
// Which is a format that can be fed directly into [Jison](http://github.com/zaach/jison).
// Set up the Lexer for both Node.js and the browser, depending on where we are.
if ((typeof process !== "undefined" && process !== null)) {
Rewriter = require('./rewriter').Rewriter;
helpers = require('./helpers').helpers;
} else {
this.exports = this;
2010-03-10 09:47:02 -05:00
Rewriter = this.Rewriter;
2010-03-16 23:18:54 -04:00
helpers = this.helpers;
// Import the helpers we need.
include = helpers.include;
count = helpers.count;
starts = helpers.starts;
compact = helpers.compact;
balanced_string = helpers.balanced_string;
// The Lexer Class
// ---------------
// The Lexer class reads a stream of CoffeeScript and divvys it up into tagged
// tokens. Some potential ambiguity in the grammar has been avoided by
// pushing some extra smarts into the Lexer.
exports.Lexer = (function() {
Lexer = function Lexer() { };
// **tokenize** is the Lexer's main method. Scan by attempting to match tokens
// one at a time, using a regular expression anchored at the start of the
// remaining code, or a custom recursive token-matching method
// (for interpolations). When the next token has been recorded, we move forward
// within the code past the token, and begin again.
// Each tokenizing method is responsible for incrementing `@i` by the number of
// characters it has consumed. `@i` can be thought of as our finger on the page
// of source.
// Before returning the token stream, run it through the [Rewriter](rewriter.html)
// unless explicitly asked not to.
2010-03-05 20:42:36 -05:00
Lexer.prototype.tokenize = function tokenize(code, options) {
var o;
code = code.replace(/(\r|\s+$)/g, '');
o = options || {};
this.code = code;
// The remainder of the source code.
this.i = 0;
// Current character position we're parsing.
this.line = o.line || 0;
// The current line.
this.indent = 0;
// The current indentation level.
this.indents = [];
// The stack of all current indentation levels.
this.tokens = [];
// Stream of parsed tokens in the form ['TYPE', value, line]
while (this.i < this.code.length) {
this.chunk = this.code.slice(this.i);
if (o.rewrite === false) {
2010-03-05 20:42:36 -05:00
return this.tokens;
2010-03-05 20:42:36 -05:00
return (new Rewriter()).rewrite(this.tokens);
// At every position, run through this list of attempted matches,
// short-circuiting if any of them succeed. Their order determines precedence:
// `@literal_token` is the fallback catch-all.
Lexer.prototype.extract_next_token = function extract_next_token() {
if (this.extension_token()) {
return null;
if (this.identifier_token()) {
return null;
if (this.number_token()) {
return null;
if (this.heredoc_token()) {
return null;
if (this.regex_token()) {
return null;
if (this.comment_token()) {
return null;
if (this.line_token()) {
return null;
if (this.whitespace_token()) {
return null;
if (this.js_token()) {
return null;
if (this.string_token()) {
return null;
return this.literal_token();
// Tokenizers
// ----------
// Language extensions get the highest priority, first chance to tag tokens
// as something else.
Lexer.prototype.extension_token = function extension_token() {
var _a, _b, _c, extension;
_b = Lexer.extensions;
for (_a = 0, _c = _b.length; _a < _c; _a++) {
extension = _b[_a];
if (extension.call(this)) {
return true;
return false;
// Matches identifying literals: variables, keywords, method names, etc.
// Check to ensure that JavaScript reserved words aren't being used as
// identifiers. Because CoffeeScript reserves a handful of keywords that are
// allowed in JavaScript, we're careful not to tag them as keywords when
// referenced as property names here, so you can still do `jQuery.is()` even
// though `is` means `===` otherwise.
Lexer.prototype.identifier_token = function identifier_token() {
2010-03-21 22:05:49 -04:00
var accessed, id, tag;
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
if (!(id = this.match(IDENTIFIER, 1))) {
return false;
2010-03-21 22:05:49 -04:00
accessed = include(ACCESSORS, this.tag(0));
2010-03-21 22:05:49 -04:00
if (!accessed && include(KEYWORDS, id)) {
tag = id.toUpperCase();
if (include(RESERVED, id)) {
if (tag === 'WHEN' && include(LINE_BREAK, this.tag())) {
this.i += id.length;
if (!accessed) {
if (include(COFFEE_ALIASES, id)) {
tag = (id = CONVERSIONS[id]);
if (this.prev() && this.prev()[0] === 'ASSIGN' && include(HALF_ASSIGNMENTS, tag)) {
return this.tag_half_assignment(tag);
2010-03-21 21:46:06 -04:00
this.token(tag, id);
return true;
// Matches numbers, including decimals, hex, and exponential notation.
Lexer.prototype.number_token = function number_token() {
var number;
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
if (!(number = this.match(NUMBER, 1))) {
return false;
this.token('NUMBER', number);
this.i += number.length;
return true;
// Matches strings, including multi-line strings. Ensures that quotation marks
// are balanced within the string's contents, and within nested interpolations.
Lexer.prototype.string_token = function string_token() {
2010-03-08 21:55:06 -05:00
var string;
if (!(starts(this.chunk, '"') || starts(this.chunk, "'"))) {
return false;
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
if (!(string = this.balanced_token(['"', '"'], ['${', '}']) || this.balanced_token(["'", "'"]))) {
return false;
2010-03-08 21:55:06 -05:00
this.interpolate_string(string.replace(STRING_NEWLINES, " \\\n"));
this.line += count(string, "\n");
this.i += string.length;
return true;
// Matches heredocs, adjusting indentation to the correct level, as heredocs
// preserve whitespace, but ignore indentation to the left.
Lexer.prototype.heredoc_token = function heredoc_token() {
var doc, match, quote;
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
if (!(match = this.chunk.match(HEREDOC))) {
return false;
quote = match[1].substr(0, 1);
doc = this.sanitize_heredoc(match[2] || match[4], quote);
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
this.interpolate_string(("" + quote + doc + quote));
this.line += count(match[1], "\n");
this.i += match[1].length;
return true;
// Matches JavaScript interpolated directly into the source via backticks.
Lexer.prototype.js_token = function js_token() {
var script;
if (!(starts(this.chunk, '`'))) {
return false;
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
if (!(script = this.balanced_token(['`', '`']))) {
return false;
this.token('JS', script.replace(JS_CLEANER, ''));
this.i += script.length;
return true;
// Matches regular expression literals. Lexing regular expressions is difficult
// to distinguish from division, so we borrow some basic heuristics from
2010-03-08 22:48:14 -05:00
// JavaScript and Ruby, borrow slash balancing from `@balanced_token`, and
// borrow interpolation from `@interpolate_string`.
Lexer.prototype.regex_token = function regex_token() {
var flags, regex, str;
if (!(this.chunk.match(REGEX_START))) {
return false;
if (include(NOT_REGEX, this.tag())) {
return false;
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
if (!(regex = this.balanced_token(['/', '/']))) {
return false;
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
regex += (flags = this.chunk.substr(regex.length).match(REGEX_FLAGS));
if (regex.match(REGEX_INTERPOLATION)) {
str = regex.substring(1).split('/')[0];
str = str.replace(REGEX_ESCAPE, function(escaped) {
return '\\' + escaped;
this.tokens = this.tokens.concat([['(', '('], ['NEW', 'new'], ['IDENTIFIER', 'RegExp'], ['CALL_START', '(']]);
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
this.interpolate_string(("\"" + str + "\""), true);
this.tokens = this.tokens.concat([[',', ','], ['STRING', ("\"" + flags + "\"")], [')', ')'], [')', ')']]);
} else {
this.token('REGEX', regex);
this.i += regex.length;
return true;
// Matches a token in which which the passed delimiter pairs must be correctly
// balanced (ie. strings, JS literals).
Lexer.prototype.balanced_token = function balanced_token() {
var delimited;
delimited = __slice.call(arguments, 0, arguments.length - 0);
return balanced_string(this.chunk, delimited);
// Matches and conumes comments. We pass through comments into JavaScript,
// so they're treated as real tokens, like any other part of the language.
Lexer.prototype.comment_token = function comment_token() {
var comment, i, lines;
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
if (!(comment = this.match(COMMENT, 1))) {
return false;
this.line += (comment.match(MULTILINER) || []).length;
lines = compact(comment.replace(COMMENT_CLEANER, '').split(MULTILINER));
i = this.tokens.length - 1;
if (this.unfinished()) {
while (this.tokens[i] && !include(LINE_BREAK, this.tokens[i][0])) {
i -= 1;
this.tokens.splice(i + 1, 0, ['COMMENT', lines, this.line], ['TERMINATOR', '\n', this.line]);
this.i += comment.length;
return true;
// Matches newlines, indents, and outdents, and determines which is which.
// If we can detect that the current line is continued onto the the next line,
// then the newline is suppressed:
// elements
// .each( ... )
// .map( ... )
// Keeps track of the level of indentation, because a single outdent token
// can close multiple indents, so we need to know how far in we happen to be.
Lexer.prototype.line_token = function line_token() {
var diff, indent, next_character, no_newlines, prev, size;
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
if (!(indent = this.match(MULTI_DENT, 1))) {
return false;
this.line += indent.match(MULTILINER).length;
this.i += indent.length;
prev = this.prev(2);
size = indent.match(LAST_DENTS).reverse()[0].match(LAST_DENT)[1].length;
next_character = this.chunk.match(MULTI_DENT)[4];
no_newlines = next_character === '.' || this.unfinished();
if (size === this.indent) {
if (no_newlines) {
return this.suppress_newlines();
return this.newline_token(indent);
} else if (size > this.indent) {
if (no_newlines) {
return this.suppress_newlines();
diff = size - this.indent;
this.token('INDENT', diff);
} else {
this.outdent_token(this.indent - size, no_newlines);
this.indent = size;
return true;
// Record an outdent token or multiple tokens, if we happen to be moving back
// inwards past several recorded indents.
Lexer.prototype.outdent_token = function outdent_token(move_out, no_newlines) {
var last_indent;
while (move_out > 0 && this.indents.length) {
last_indent = this.indents.pop();
this.token('OUTDENT', last_indent);
move_out -= last_indent;
if (!(this.tag() === 'TERMINATOR' || no_newlines)) {
this.token('TERMINATOR', "\n");
return true;
// Matches and consumes non-meaningful whitespace. Tag the previous token
// as being "spaced", because there are some cases where it makes a difference.
Lexer.prototype.whitespace_token = function whitespace_token() {
var prev, space;
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
if (!(space = this.match(WHITESPACE, 1))) {
return false;
prev = this.prev();
if (prev) {
prev.spaced = true;
this.i += space.length;
return true;
// Generate a newline token. Consecutive newlines get merged together.
Lexer.prototype.newline_token = function newline_token(newlines) {
if (!(this.tag() === 'TERMINATOR')) {
this.token('TERMINATOR', "\n");
return true;
// Use a `\` at a line-ending to suppress the newline.
// The slash is removed here once its job is done.
Lexer.prototype.suppress_newlines = function suppress_newlines() {
if (this.value() === "\\") {
return true;
// We treat all other single characters as a token. Eg.: `( ) , . !`
2010-02-28 21:39:07 -05:00
// Multi-character operators are also literal tokens, so that Jison can assign
// the proper order of operations. There are some symbols that we tag specially
// here. `;` and newlines are both treated as a `TERMINATOR`, we distinguish
// parentheses that indicate a method call from regular parentheses, and so on.
Lexer.prototype.literal_token = function literal_token() {
var match, prev_spaced, space, tag, value;
match = this.chunk.match(OPERATOR);
value = match && match[1];
2010-03-21 23:06:04 -04:00
space = match && match[2];
if (value && value.match(CODE)) {
value = value || this.chunk.substr(0, 1);
2010-03-21 23:06:04 -04:00
prev_spaced = this.prev() && this.prev().spaced;
tag = value;
if (value.match(ASSIGNMENT)) {
tag = 'ASSIGN';
if (include(JS_FORBIDDEN, this.value)) {
} else if (value === ';') {
2010-03-21 23:06:04 -04:00
} else if (value === '[' && this.tag() === '?' && !prev_spaced) {
this.soaked_index = true;
} else if (value === ']' && this.soaked_index) {
this.soaked_index = false;
2010-03-21 23:06:04 -04:00
} else if (include(CALLABLE, this.tag()) && !prev_spaced) {
2010-04-03 09:58:45 -04:00
if (value === '(') {
tag = 'CALL_START';
if (value === '[') {
tag = 'INDEX_START';
this.i += value.length;
2010-03-21 23:06:04 -04:00
if (space && prev_spaced && this.prev()[0] === 'ASSIGN' && include(HALF_ASSIGNMENTS, tag)) {
return this.tag_half_assignment(tag);
2010-03-21 23:06:04 -04:00
this.token(tag, value);
return true;
// Token Manipulators
// ------------------
2010-02-28 21:39:07 -05:00
// As we consume a new `IDENTIFIER`, look at the previous token to determine
// if it's a special kind of accessor.
Lexer.prototype.name_access_type = function name_access_type() {
if (this.value() === '::') {
this.tag(1, 'PROTOTYPE_ACCESS');
if (this.value() === '.' && !(this.value(2) === '.')) {
if (this.tag(2) === '?') {
this.tag(1, 'SOAK_ACCESS');
return this.tokens.splice(-2, 1);
} else {
return this.tag(1, 'PROPERTY_ACCESS');
// Sanitize a heredoc by escaping internal double quotes and erasing all
// external indentation on the left-hand side.
Lexer.prototype.sanitize_heredoc = function sanitize_heredoc(doc, quote) {
var indent;
indent = (doc.match(HEREDOC_INDENT) || ['']).sort()[0];
return doc.replace(new RegExp("^" + indent, 'gm'), '').replace(MULTILINER, "\\n").replace(new RegExp(quote, 'g'), '\\"');
// Tag a half assignment.
Lexer.prototype.tag_half_assignment = function tag_half_assignment(tag) {
var last;
last = this.tokens.pop();
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
this.tokens.push([("" + tag + "="), ("" + tag + "="), last[2]]);
return true;
// A source of ambiguity in our grammar used to be parameter lists in function
// definitions versus argument lists in function calls. Walk backwards, tagging
// parameters specially in order to make things easier for the parser.
Lexer.prototype.tag_parameters = function tag_parameters() {
var _a, i, tok;
if (this.tag() !== ')') {
return null;
i = 0;
while (true) {
i += 1;
tok = this.prev(i);
if (!tok) {
return null;
if ((_a = tok[0]) === 'IDENTIFIER') {
tok[0] = 'PARAM';
} else if (_a === ')') {
tok[0] = 'PARAM_END';
} else if (_a === '(') {
tok[0] = 'PARAM_START';
return tok[0];
return true;
// Close up all remaining open blocks at the end of the file.
Lexer.prototype.close_indentation = function close_indentation() {
return this.outdent_token(this.indent);
// The error for when you try to use a forbidden word in JavaScript as
// an identifier.
Lexer.prototype.identifier_error = function identifier_error(word) {
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
throw new Error(("SyntaxError: Reserved word \"" + word + "\" on line " + (this.line + 1)));
// The error for when you try to assign to a reserved word in JavaScript,
// like "function" or "default".
Lexer.prototype.assignment_error = function assignment_error() {
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
throw new Error(("SyntaxError: Reserved word \"" + (this.value()) + "\" on line " + (this.line + 1) + " can't be assigned"));
2010-03-05 20:42:36 -05:00
// Expand variables and expressions inside double-quoted strings using
// [ECMA Harmony's interpolation syntax](http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:string_interpolation)
// for substitution of bare variables as well as arbitrary expressions.
2010-03-05 20:42:36 -05:00
// "Hello $name."
// "Hello ${name.capitalize()}."
// If it encounters an interpolation, this method will recursively create a
// new Lexer, tokenize the interpolated contents, and merge them into the
// token stream.
2010-03-08 21:55:06 -05:00
Lexer.prototype.interpolate_string = function interpolate_string(str, escape_quotes) {
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, escaped, expr, group, i, inner, interp, interpolated, lexer, match, nested, pi, quote, tag, token, tokens, value;
if (str.length < 3 || !starts(str, '"')) {
2010-03-05 20:42:36 -05:00
return this.token('STRING', str);
} else {
2010-03-05 20:42:36 -05:00
lexer = new Lexer();
tokens = [];
2010-03-05 20:42:36 -05:00
quote = str.substring(0, 1);
_a = [1, 1];
i = _a[0];
pi = _a[1];
while (i < str.length - 1) {
if (starts(str, '\\', i)) {
i += 1;
} else if ((match = str.substring(i).match(INTERPOLATION))) {
_b = match;
group = _b[0];
interp = _b[1];
if (starts(interp, '@')) {
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
interp = ("this." + (interp.substring(1)));
if (pi < i) {
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
tokens.push(['STRING', ("" + quote + (str.substring(pi, i)) + quote)]);
tokens.push(['IDENTIFIER', interp]);
i += group.length - 1;
pi = i + 1;
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
} else if ((expr = balanced_string(str.substring(i), [['${', '}']]))) {
if (pi < i) {
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
tokens.push(['STRING', ("" + quote + (str.substring(pi, i)) + quote)]);
inner = expr.substring(2, expr.length - 1);
if (inner.length) {
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
nested = lexer.tokenize(("(" + inner + ")"), {
rewrite: false,
line: this.line
tokens.push(['TOKENS', nested]);
} else {
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
tokens.push(['STRING', ("" + quote + quote)]);
i += expr.length - 1;
pi = i + 1;
i += 1;
if (pi < i && pi < str.length - 1) {
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
tokens.push(['STRING', ("" + quote + (str.substring(pi, i)) + quote)]);
if (!(tokens[0][0] === 'STRING')) {
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
tokens.unshift(['STRING', '""']);
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
interpolated = tokens.length > 1;
if (interpolated) {
this.token('(', '(');
2010-03-08 21:55:06 -05:00
_c = tokens;
for (i = 0, _d = _c.length; i < _d; i++) {
token = _c[i];
_e = token;
tag = _e[0];
value = _e[1];
if (tag === 'TOKENS') {
this.tokens = this.tokens.concat(value);
} else if (tag === 'STRING' && escape_quotes) {
escaped = value.substring(1, value.length - 1).replace(/"/g, '\\"');
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
this.token(tag, ("\"" + escaped + "\""));
2010-03-08 21:55:06 -05:00
} else {
this.token(tag, value);
if (i < tokens.length - 1) {
this.token('+', '+');
2010-04-04 16:59:44 +10:00
if (interpolated) {
this.token(')', ')');
return tokens;
// Helpers
// -------
// Add a token to the results, taking note of the line number.
Lexer.prototype.token = function token(tag, value) {
return this.tokens.push([tag, value, this.line]);
// Peek at a tag in the current token stream.
Lexer.prototype.tag = function tag(index, new_tag) {
var tok;
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
if (!(tok = this.prev(index))) {
return null;
if ((typeof new_tag !== "undefined" && new_tag !== null)) {
tok[0] = new_tag;
return tok[0];
return tok[0];
// Peek at a value in the current token stream.
Lexer.prototype.value = function value(index, val) {
var tok;
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
if (!(tok = this.prev(index))) {
return null;
if ((typeof val !== "undefined" && val !== null)) {
tok[1] = val;
return tok[1];
return tok[1];
// Peek at a previous token, entire.
Lexer.prototype.prev = function prev(index) {
return this.tokens[this.tokens.length - (index || 1)];
// Attempt to match a string against the current chunk, returning the indexed
// match if successful, and `false` otherwise.
Lexer.prototype.match = function match(regex, index) {
var m;
2010-03-23 00:18:50 -04:00
if (!(m = this.chunk.match(regex))) {
return false;
if (m) {
return m[index];
} else {
return false;
// Are we in the midst of an unfinished expression?
Lexer.prototype.unfinished = function unfinished() {
var prev;
prev = this.prev(2);
return this.value() && this.value().match && this.value().match(NO_NEWLINE) && prev && (prev[0] !== '.') && !this.value().match(CODE);
// Lexer Properties
// ----------------
// There are no exensions to the core lexer by default.
Lexer.extensions = [];
return Lexer;
// Constants
// ---------
// Keywords that CoffeeScript shares in common with JavaScript.
2010-03-29 06:06:16 +13:00
JS_KEYWORDS = ["if", "else", "true", "false", "new", "return", "try", "catch", "finally", "throw", "break", "continue", "for", "in", "while", "delete", "instanceof", "typeof", "switch", "super", "extends", "class", "this", "null"];
// CoffeeScript-only keywords, which we're more relaxed about allowing. They can't
// be used standalone, but you can reference them as an attached property.
2010-03-21 21:46:06 -04:00
COFFEE_ALIASES = ["and", "or", "is", "isnt", "not"];
COFFEE_KEYWORDS = COFFEE_ALIASES.concat(["then", "unless", "yes", "no", "on", "off", "of", "by", "where", "when"]);
// The combined list of keywords is the superset that gets passed verbatim to
// the parser.
// The list of keywords that are reserved by JavaScript, but not used, or are
// used by CoffeeScript internally. We throw an error when these are encountered,
// to avoid having a JavaScript error at runtime.
2010-03-30 19:17:40 -04:00
RESERVED = ["case", "default", "do", "function", "var", "void", "with", "const", "let", "debugger", "enum", "export", "import", "native"];
// The superset of both JavaScript keywords and reserved words, none of which may
// be used as identifiers or properties.
// Token matching regexes.
IDENTIFIER = /^([a-zA-Z\$_](\w|\$)*)/;
NUMBER = /^(\b((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]+)|([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?(e[+\-]?[0-9]+)?)))\b/i;
HEREDOC = /^("{6}|'{6}|"{3}\n?([\s\S]*?)\n?([ \t]*)"{3}|'{3}\n?([\s\S]*?)\n?([ \t]*)'{3})/;
INTERPOLATION = /^\$([a-zA-Z_@]\w*(\.\w+)*)/;
2010-03-21 23:06:04 -04:00
OPERATOR = /^([+\*&|\/\-%=<>:!?]+)([ \t]*)/;
WHITESPACE = /^([ \t]+)/;
COMMENT = /^(((\n?[ \t]*)?#[^\n]*)+)/;
CODE = /^((-|=)>)/;
MULTI_DENT = /^((\n([ \t]*))+)(\.)?/;
LAST_DENTS = /\n([ \t]*)/g;
LAST_DENT = /\n([ \t]*)/;
ASSIGNMENT = /^(:|=)$/;
// Regex-matching-regexes.
REGEX_START = /^\/[^\/ ]/;
REGEX_INTERPOLATION = /([^\\]\$[a-zA-Z_@]|[^\\]\$\{.*[^\\]\})/;
REGEX_FLAGS = /^[imgy]{0,4}/;
REGEX_ESCAPE = /\\[^\$]/g;
// Token cleaning regexes.
JS_CLEANER = /(^`|`$)/g;
STRING_NEWLINES = /\n[ \t]*/g;
COMMENT_CLEANER = /(^[ \t]*#|\n[ \t]*$)/mg;
NO_NEWLINE = /^([+\*&|\/\-%=<>:!.\\][<>=&|]*|and|or|is|isnt|not|delete|typeof|instanceof)$/;
HEREDOC_INDENT = /^[ \t]+/mg;
// Tokens which a regular expression will never immediately follow, but which
// a division operator might.
// See: http://www.mozilla.org/js/language/js20-2002-04/rationale/syntax.html#regular-expressions
// Our list is shorter, due to sans-parentheses method calls.
NOT_REGEX = ['NUMBER', 'REGEX', '++', '--', 'FALSE', 'NULL', 'TRUE'];
// Tokens which could legitimately be invoked or indexed. A opening
// parentheses or bracket following these tokens will be recorded as the start
// of a function invocation or indexing operation.
2010-04-03 13:58:21 +13:00
CALLABLE = ['IDENTIFIER', 'SUPER', ')', ']', '}', 'STRING', '@', 'THIS'];
// Tokens that indicate an access -- keywords immediately following will be
// treated as identifiers.
// Tokens that, when immediately preceding a `WHEN`, indicate that the `WHEN`
// occurs at the start of a line. We disambiguate these from trailing whens to
// avoid an ambiguity in the grammar.
2010-03-21 23:06:04 -04:00
// Half-assignments...
HALF_ASSIGNMENTS = ['-', '+', '/', '*', '%', '||', '&&', '?'];
2010-03-21 21:46:06 -04:00
// Conversions from CoffeeScript operators into JavaScript ones.
'and': '&&',
'or': '||',
'is': '==',
'isnt': '!=',
'not': '!'