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A simple OptionParser class to parse option flags from the command-line. Use it like so:

parser:  new OptionParser switches, helpBanner
options: parser.parse process.argv
exports.OptionParser: class OptionParser

Initialize with a list of valid options, in the form:

[short-flag, long-flag, description]

Along with an an optional banner for the usage help.

  constructor: (rules, banner) ->
    @banner:  banner
    @rules:   buildRules(rules)

Parse the list of arguments, populating an options object with all of the specified options, and returning it. options.arguments will be an array containing the remaning non-option arguments. This is a simpler API than many option parsers that allow you to attach callback actions for every flag. Instead, you're responsible for interpreting the options object.

  parse: (args) ->
    options: {arguments: []}
    args: normalizeArguments args
    while (arg: args.shift())
      isOption: !!(arg.match(LONG_FLAG) or arg.match(SHORT_FLAG))
      matchedRule: no
      for rule in @rules
        if rule.shortFlag is arg or rule.longFlag is arg
          options[rule.name]: if rule.hasArgument then args.shift() else true
          matchedRule: yes
      throw new Error "unrecognized option: $arg" if isOption and not matchedRule
      options.arguments.push arg unless isOption

Return the help text for this OptionParser, listing and describing all of the valid options, for --help and such.

  help: ->
    lines: ['Available options:']
    lines.unshift "$@banner\n" if @banner
    for rule in @rules
      spaces:   15 - rule.longFlag.length
      spaces:   if spaces > 0 then (' ' for i in [0..spaces]).join('') else ''
      letPart: if rule.shortFlag then rule.shortFlag + ', ' else '    '
      lines.push "  $letPart$rule.longFlag$spaces$rule.description"
    "\n${ lines.join('\n') }\n"



Regex matchers for option flags.

LONG_FLAG:  /^(--\w[\w\-]+)/
SHORT_FLAG: /^(-\w)/
MULTI_FLAG: /^-(\w{2,})/
OPTIONAL:   /\[(.+)\]/

Build and return the list of option rules. If the optional short-flag is unspecified, leave it out by padding with null.

buildRules: (rules) ->
  for tuple in rules
    tuple.unshift null if tuple.length < 3
    buildRule tuple...

Build a rule from a -o short flag, a --output [DIR] long flag, and the description of what the option does.

buildRule: (shortFlag, longFlag, description) ->
  match:      longFlag.match(OPTIONAL)
  longFlag:  longFlag.match(LONG_FLAG)[1]
    name:         longFlag.substr 2
    shortFlag:   shortFlag
    longFlag:    longFlag
    description:  description
    hasArgument: !!(match and match[1])

Normalize arguments by expanding merged flags into multiple flags. This allows you to have -wl be the same as --watch --lint.

normalizeArguments: (args) ->
  args: args.slice 0
  result: []
  for arg in args
    if match: arg.match MULTI_FLAG
      result.push '-' + l for l in match[1].split ''
      result.push arg